Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

"World's Most Powerful Prime Minister" title awarded to huge woman from tiny country

Norway may be a tiny country but according to The United Nation's Power Rankings, Norway, the land of elves, lunatics, and suicidal drunks, has the world's strongest Prime Minister one, Erna Solberg, shown here crushing the hand of some unfortunate ambassador as she welcomes him to Norway and asks him if he is ready for din din.

ABE Ministry* can report with its usual sense of reliability and restraint that the massive broad can dead lift 350 pounds and, as the Universal Commission on Women (UCOW) notes; She doesn't sweat much for a fat girl.

ABE Ministry has long held the belief that, excepting a Christian Catholic Queen, it can not accept as legitimate any female head of a country although we were tempted to make an exception for Yulia Tymoshenko of The Ukraine because

* Against Basically Everything