ABE Ministry and ABS endorse a Professor for POTUS

But, ABS, he is dead -DED- dead. 

True enough, but consider the nominees he will never select for the SCOTUS who, he would assure us, were beholden to the Rule of Law and Judeo-Christian Values and who, upon his senate confirmation, would take to the bench and vote to legalise bestiality; think of him not being POTUS after we have been attacked, again, by Mahometans and yet still have a Mahometan Secret Service Agent as one of his guards and still being opposed to profiling; think of him not having manual or oral sex with a white house intern;  think of the many wars he can not start or the high number of executive orders he can not issue; think of the long and excessively expensive vacations he will never take; consider, if you will, the number of times he will not go to, say, Australia, with his entire family to visit his first cousin who was a second cousin to a third rate aborigine in some fourth rate outback tree hollow; think and marvel at the idea he will never deliver a state of the union address; smile at the comforting thought of never learning that he likes to take naps and play video games after lunch; luxuriate in the certitude you will not be called by him a racist, a hater, or a bible-hugging gun nut; imagine him never going to Israel and claiming it is our friend, to say nothing about the high crimes and misdemeanors he will not commit while not in office.

Other than the Professor, ABS sees no man worthy of a vote and as for the idea of a female POTUS (No, close, but Jeb Bush does not count) ABS has always thought the 19th amendment was a fatal error.

ABS might consider voting for an entrepreneur who was selling solar powered coffins for those who live in the Northeast who are alarmed at the thought of being buried in that cold earth up there but those men are few and far between.