Fag in thy rink

is one anagram of Kathy Griffin

Solzhenitsyn chose to live amongst us because of who we used to be

The great man moved into a small town less that ten miles from where ABS was living at the time and none of us - not one - ever told an inquisitive  flatlander where he lived.

ABS would not even bring the beautiful strawberry blonde to rubber neck at his place. ABS knew the rare quality of this great man and he knew he did not want to be disturbed and yet ABS did indeed feel pride he chose to live amongst us and leaving alone a man who wanted to be left alone was a virtue bred into the bones of any man blessed to have been born in the Piemonte region of Vermont.

And that was one big factor in his decision to grace our state with his presence.


The state was once a beautiful and safe place to live because, as Vermonters, a substantial portion of its population shared a common race, culture, language, and, at least publicly, all defended and promoted Christian morality.

Any time that ABS was away from the state and returned, he could feel a palpable sense of safety and surety when he returned to those gorgeous mountains and solid people and he felt as though the mountains we're alive and holding him in their hands and protecting him from a world rapidly growing mad and he knew those solid people would welcome him back home.

And then the flatlanders moved into Vermont and away from the hell holes they had created in their cities and they brought with them their social pathologies and infected the naive natives with their mendacious, mephitic, and malevolent liberalism, accomplishing politically, philosophically, spiritually, and morally, in the residents of those small towns, what Typhoid Mary physically accomplished in strangers as she traveled about.

And all it took, essentially, was seizing control of the media and the academy in Vermont and using them to infect the taciturn and conservative folks with the vices of the left and any good Christian man who opposed them was subjected to Dynamic Silence and had their reputations assassinated.


Vermont remains one of the most beautiful dead places still in existence and it pains one to understand that Solzhenitsyn would not be welcome there any more.



We had The British Invasion but no French Invasion. Why?

Hey, Amateur Brain Surgeon, during the 1960s America had the British Invasion but there was no French Invasion, why was that?

It was largely because of this:

Many men, anticipating this scintillating and provocative post, have asked ABS - Hey, Amateur Brain Surgeon, it is well known that you have high level contacts all over Europe and so can you confirm the rumor that this young lady, whom, it cannot be denied, wriggles like a tiny shiny lure at the end of a fisherman's hook, is the illegitimate love child of Newton Minnow, former Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, and the infamous dancer at The Moulin Rouge, the lubricious, Madame Angelique de la Poisson?

Sirs, ABS begs your pardon but he is not about to descend from the lofty standard maintained by this crummy blog since its inception only to besmirch the beauty of this blog by addressing such mundane and carnal rumors.



It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

Supreme ain't what it used to be

h/t Msgr Brunero Gherardini



ON NOVEMBER 21, 1964

22. Just as in the Gospel, the Lord so disposing, St. Peter and the other apostles constitute one apostolic college, so in a similar way the Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter, and the bishops, the successors of the apostles, are joined together. Indeed, the very ancient practice whereby bishops duly established in all parts of the world were in communion with one another and with the Bishop of Rome in a bond of unity, charity and peace,(23*) and also the councils assembled together,(24*) in which more profound issues were settled in common, (25*) the opinion of the many having been prudently considered,(26*) both of these factors are already an indication of the collegiate character and aspect of the Episcopal order; and the ecumenical councils held in the course of centuries are also manifest proof of that same character. And it is intimated also in the practice, introduced in ancient times, of summoning several bishops to take part in the elevation of the newly elected to the ministry of the high priesthood. Hence, one is constituted a member of the Episcopal body in virtue of sacramental consecration and hierarchical communion with the head and members of the body.

But the college or body of bishops has no authority unless it is understood together with the Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter as its head. The pope's power of primacy over all, both pastors and faithful, remains whole and intact. In virtue of his office, that is Vicar of Christ and pastor of the whole Church, the Roman Pontiff has full, supreme and universal power over the Church. And he is always free to exercise this power. The order of bishops, which succeeds to the college of apostles and gives this apostolic body continued existence, is also the subject of supreme and full power over the universal Church,

Back in the day, in the Peimonte area of Vermont where ABS was born, the old timers would have said about this claim - We need this like a frog needs sideburns.

How'n'hell can an Ecumenical Council identify two different subjects as both being Supreme?

It realistically can't for such a claim is contradictory as two subjects can not both be supreme and, as such, this novel doctrine violates the principle of Non-Contradiction *

Only one subject can be supreme, unless we are talking about Diana Ross and the dolls

Was some of the Second Vatican Council a happening?


Our marvelous media

Miseducating the masses since the 1950s

Absimilation in Manchester, England

Absimilation strikes….

For all the media's glee about him being British born, Masood actually illustrates a thesis I've been arguing for years: that it's not the first generation of immigrants you need to worry about so much as the second and subsequent generations.

As I have argued, some assimilate, some ab-similate; some immigrant lines become more like us while some go the opposite way, becoming more alienated — they ab-similate. Ab-similation is especially probable when there is a deep difference in race or religion, with blacks and Muslims being the most likely to ab-similate.

You said what?

You said what your Holiness?

I said, " The commandments are not a litany of prohibitions."

Dear Brothers and Sisters,...

. The commandments are not a litany of prohibitions – you must not do this, you must not do that, you must not do the other; on the contrary, they are a great “Yes!”: a yes to God, to Love, to life. Dear friends, our lives are fulfilled in God alone, because only he is the Living One!

What are the ten Commandments? 
The ten Commandments are: 

1. I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before Me. 
2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. 
3. Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath day. 
4. Honor thy father and mother. 
5. Thou shalt not kill. 
6. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 
7. Thou shalt not steal. 
8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 
9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. 
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods. 

Don is breaking

Trump’s election illustrated just how much a sizable portion of the American electorate hate both official parties – both of which are ultimately subservient to the Deep State.

The Deep State was shocked at the election of Trump for they had never before even allowed to stand for election any man who could actually threaten its power.
So, Trump was a total shock but The Deep State has rallied and is now in control and Trump is on his way out owing to who he is and how he operates. The truth about Trump is that his most intense personality traits– he is vain, venal, and vengeful- are also his most vulnerable, and easily exploited, weaknesses.
Mr. Trump was shockingly elected but not unexpectedly denied the right to rule by the Deep State; the best he could have done was to reign without ruling – doing the Deep State’s bidding – but he is unconstitutionally (pun intended) incapable of acting that way.
The Deep State is impossible to defeat ultimately although Trump illustrated an outsider could win an election but the Deep State controls everything in America- both parties, media, academy, Hollywood – and the men who created America were foolhardy enough to continue the radical rupture between religion and the State begun in Europe and so the rich and powerful, by design, gained the whip hand here while the various religions have forever fought each other permanently or existed in a cold war state.
The Never Trumpers never accepted his victory and the Trump loyalists will not admit he has been defeated despite all the objective signs he has been defeated. *
C’est la vie.
America has ceased to exist owing to the 1965 immigration changes – the govt elected a new people – and the best that can be hoped for is a relatively peaceful break-up into regional confederations of states but it is difficult to see such great changes without first a bloody internecine war conducted along identitarian lines.
For a preview of what is coming to America, look back at what happened in Yugoslavia where the identitarian (religion is an identity) wars were so deadly and remember the formula - 
Diversity + Proximity = war.
The real Don of New Yawk...

* Yes, even while acknowledging that Alan Dershowitz is prolly correct that Trump is being investigated even though he has broken no law.

O, and if the hypocritical Evil Party wanted to excoriate anyone for cooperating with a foreign country during an election, they'd have to stop traveling to Israel during elections - and, maybe, even not invite Benjamin Netanyahu **, to blab and bellyache in front of the Congress even though he prolly is a member of the American Deep State.

** http://www.washingtonreport.me/1996-october/spook-terrorist-or-criminal-america-s-mysterious-files-on-netanyahu.html

Who will break the teeth of the Sodomite Serpent controlling the Church?

Well, not Pope Francis


But, let's go back a bit in time...

After the USCCB established their sexual abuse guidelines that went into effect in the early 2000s, after that went into effect, mind you,we Catholics elected as the USCCB President ,Cardinal George, and as USCCB Vice President, Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson, Arizona,  both of whom protected priests who were known predatory homosexual perverts and all that was known prior to their election.



Some reform movement, eh?

During those demented days, ABS was living in the Diocese of Portland, Maine (Entire state is one diocese) when the St Sebastian's website was exposed by the Roman Catholic Faithful and ABS saw the website in all of his demonic perversity.


Page 21

And when ABS moved from Portland, Maine into the Palm Beach County Florida Diocese, he was here during the reign of two consecutive actively Homosexual Bishops who had preyed on innocent adolescent males and both walked-away without so much as one day in the slammer while their victims and their families will suffer until the day they die.

It was so damn bad, and so damn perverse, that the last homosexual Bishop, O'Connell, actually faxed his priests during the evening and asked them to arrive at the cathedral in the morning for an announcement and then surprised them and the world by confessing his homosexual activity and then had the gall to thank his priests for publicly gathering to show their support for him. 

ABS is good friends with one of the priests who received the fax and he was even angrier than aghast at the blatant mendacious manipulation by this malign prelate.

And then the  Bishop ducked out of there and one of the gang of eight, Bishop O'Malley, succeeded him and did a fantastic job of helping to heal the wounds of the faithful (although not much the actual victims of the abuse).

And, of course, it is well known that Pope Benedict XVI desired to rid the Church of this filth but because he abdicated, we hear no more about the Homosexual network so firmly entrenched in Rome.


But Bishops always skate and their flocks are fleeced of their hard earned cash while the bishops responsible for this perversity are allowed to slither away and they end-up working in another field within the sheep gate.

Now, there are two conclusions to be drawn here:

1. If you learn ABS has moved into a particular Diocese, you can expect all hell to break loose even if he has aught to do with it

2. The Church has yet to seriously confront the filth and the confrontation must begin at the top and it must begin with the removal of the filth rather than to continue to protect and promote the filth.

Invisibilium within the prelature is that man whose puissant possession of Tradition is such that it could be applied as a force against our Inertia Into Indifferentism of be the source of the masculine and holy vengeance necessary to break the teeth of the Sodomite Serpent so firmly in control of the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church

From Louie, Louie to War with Russia. In deep doo doo with the Deep State

On this day in 1964 The FBI issued its definitive  ruling on the popular song, Louie, Louie and the over 100 page report concluded, "Nah, it ain't an obscenity."

Louie Louie (The Song)

In 1963, a rock group named the Kingsmen recorded the song “Louie, Louie.” The popularity of the song and difficulty in discerning the lyrics led some people to suspect the song was obscene. The FBI was asked to investigate whether or not those involved with the song violated laws against the interstate transportation of obscene material. The limited investigation lasted from February to May 1964 and discovered no evidence of obscenity.

It took the FBI 119 pages to prove its point about a pop song, so, just imagine how many thousands of pages its final a report nobody will read on the putative  Russia- Trump election collusion will be.


Many Americans expect the FBI/Deep State to, reluctantly, and eventually, to admit - We got nothing - on the putative collision twixt Trump and Russia but that simply means we need a special prosecutor while we do what is necessary to ensure peace:

The Papacy and the Octopus

Watching this Papacy trying to do orthodoxy is what one imagines it would be like watching an octopus trying to dead lift 400 lbs.

C'est la vie.

Franciscus can not do one thing to ABS' understanding of and possession of the Faith once delivered.

Jihadists are Mahometan Saints

Far from there being any hijacking of Islam by terrorists – as our willfully ignorant politicians claim – their actions must be seen for what they are and they must be accorded a modicum of respect owing to Mahometan reality.
The plan and simple truth of the matter is that Jihadists are Saints within Islam for it is they who most faithfully actualise the putative commands of Allah as recorded in the crummy Koran and it is they, the Jihadists, who imitate the putatively perfect man, Mahomet.

The Jihadists are the true and faithful servants of the malign and mendacious Mahomet whereas our politicians are servants of Satan.

For some fun, let's look back in fondness of the malign mad man many in the west still revere with some quotes from his lil' green book:


Ayatollah Khomeini took power in Iran in 1979 and on, appropriately enough, April 1st, he proclaimed that day as the first day of God’s government
He became the Imam of Iran and in that capacity he rendered this religious decision having to do with animals:

A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on. However he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village, however selling the meat to the next door village should be fine

Perversion in Iran's Theocracy

A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate vaginally, but sodomising the child is acceptable. If a man does penetrate and damage the child then, he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl will not count as one of his four permanent wives and the man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister... It is better for a girl to marry at such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband's house, rather than her father's home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven. ["Tahrirolvasyleh", fourth edition, Qom, Iran, 1990]

If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed as quickly as possible and burned.

Wine and all intoxicating beverages are impure, but opium and hashish are not. 

If a man sodomises the son, brother, or father of his wife after their marriage, the marriage remains valid.

During sexual intercourse, if the penis enters a woman's vagina or a man's anus, fully or only as far as the circumcision ring, both partners become impure, even if they have not reached puberty; they must consequently perform ablutions.

A woman who has contracted a continuing marriage does not have the right to go out of the house without her husband's permission; she must remain at his disposal for the fulfilment of any one of his desires, and may not refuse herself to him except for a religiously valid reason. If she is totally submissive to him, the husband must provide her with her food, clothing, and lodging, whether or not he has the means to do so. A woman who refuses herself to her husband is guilty, and may not demand from him food, clothing, lodging, or any later sexual relations; however, she retains the right to be paid damages if she is repudiated.

If a father (or paternal grandfather) marries off his daughter (or granddaughter) in her absence without knowing for a certainty that she is alive, the marriage becomes null and void as soon as it is established that she was dead at the time of the marriage.

It is not illegal for an adult male to 'thigh' or enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs, and to kiss her. ["The Little Green Book"]

If a man commits adultery with an unmarried woman, and subsequently marries her, the child born of that marriage will be a bastard unless the parents can be sure it was conceived after they were married. A child born of an adulterous father is legitimate.

Ali [son in law of Mohammed], having cut off the hands of two thieves, treated their wounds and offered them his hospitality, and this affected them so much that they became utterly devoted to him; or again when he heard that the marauding army of Muawiyah had abused a woman of one of the tribes, he was so upset and moved to pity he declared: "If a man died after such an occurrence, no one could blame him." And yet, despite a nature as sensitive as that, Ali bared his sword and hacked the perpetrators to pieces. This is the meaning of justice.


Mick Jagger gathers no Mosque

My pretend fake friend, Mick Jagger gathers no Mosque, has his own social compact theory that is worthy of notice.
My social compact with the government is that our national leaders can continue to lead us directly to Hell but they must provide me wth some laughs on the way there.
Trump is doing that.

Here is Jagger's new song referring to his social compact theory:

Ruff Sex

‘Go to hell’ with all the aborted babies: School principal screams at pro-life teens
DOWNINGTOWN, Pa, May 1, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – An administrator was captured last week on video yelling an obscenity at two teenagers carrying pro-life signs on the sidewalk outside a “science-based” high school.
A day after a video of the incident was posted on YouTube, the school district placed assistant principal Zachary Ruff on administrative leave and issued an apology.
Ruff confronted Connor Haynes, 16, and sister Lauren, 19, outside STEM Academy. He stepped within inches of the boy to say, “Alright, alright, listen, sonny I am as gay as the day is long and twice as sunny. I don’t give a f**k what you think Jesus tells me about what I should or should not be doing.”

Corky Clerics. Modernist Magic vs The Real Mass

To be pitied are those Presiders who are victims of the New Theology and a Seminary Training that forces them to be vain and to exude personality and who, as a result, find confining the liberty in the New Mass of Pope Paul VI and who, at times, appear delighted by that liberty and who at times appear mystified by that liberty and confused about what to do in a Mass that has so many options.

The poor presiders, who had merely longed to serve God but who were psychically abused by The New Theology and the new Seminary Training but especially, the Lil' Licit Liturgy, these quirky Corky Clerics, often fill-in with commentary those parts of the Mass that ought be silent, solemn, and dignified, and so the poor Presider retreats into a rational didactism and begins to describe what he is doing rather than simply letting Jesus act through him and quietly letting the Holy Ghost actualise the Sacramental Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.

ABS often thinks of the modern Presider in the Lil' Licit Liturgy as an Alter Corky rather than an Alter Christus.

In that psych-thriller, Magic, Anthony Hopkins plays a man, Corky, dissolving into psychosis and descending into madness to such a point that he externalises his inner voices and displaces them onto a wicked puppet, Fats, which ends up controlling him; that is, Corky's own voices are controlling him. 

Here is the scene in Magic where Anthony Hopkins does a great job pretending he is insane:

Now, try to imagine how hard it would be for a Chatty Cleric-Corky to try and offer Lil' Licit Liturgy without commentary or adding words. He couldn't because the Mass of Paul VI, a Liturgical Fats, would control him via liberty.

 Yes, there is a kind of mystery in the new liberty, but the putative liberty is a paradox; for one is only really liberated by truth and order and solemnity whereas one is shackled by the liberty of endless options which renders a Presider speech-burdened; that gives a Priest Performance anxiety; that makes a Priest the center of the Lil' Licit Liturgy.

The liberty of The Lil' Licit Liturgy drives Priests to a state of near psychosis, and so they stand there before us, nervously laughing or telling jokes, trying to make eye contact with one and all; adding or subtracting words from the Mass Texts that will help him to dissipate the anxiety the Liberty The New Mass generates; Yikes, everybody is staring at me, I've got to say something; I've got to smile and make everybody feel comfortable; I can't just stand here quietly; I know, I'll congratulate the Choir for their singing while the Gifts are being brought up front.

And so rather than the Congregation being taken out of their daily lives by the words and actions of The Real Mass, the Lil' Licit Liturgy brings Calvary down to their secular, worldly, level and they find themselves metaphysically standing around The Cross cutting-up, smiling, and telling jokes as though Calvary were a fit place for a party and a picnic.

After his training in the New Theology; after his Seminary Training; after his experience of facing the people at The Lil' Licit Liturgy, after the routine of him at Mass increasing while Jesus has been decreasing, the sole way to liberate our poor Priest; the sole way to restore the sacred sanity of our typical Chatty Cleric-Corky, is to set him free in Tradition; The Tradition of Immemorial Orthopraxis and Immemorial Custom:

Usus Antiquior Solemn High Mass -- Consecration

THIS is The Mass that liberates The Priest and The Laity from the voices in all of our heads; the Voice of the World; the Voice of the Devil; the Voice of our Flesh.

This is The Mass that solemnly, profoundly, quietly, ineffably, and mystically transports us out of our secular world and brings us back to the Salvific actions of Jesus being Sacramentally re-presented to us; right here; right now. And this is the place and this is the time to forbid smiles and jokes and extraneous commentary - as they have always been forbidden in Tradition in all places and at all times.

Say a Prayer for poor Cleric-Corky. The New Theology, The Reformed Seminaries, and The Lil' Licit Liturgy have made him insane.