Bullets Barnhardt and BenedictXVI

The results of a new poll on whether or not Barnhart is right in her personal opinion that Bergoglio ain’t Pope but Benedict XVI is illustrates the diabolical confusion modernity has cultivated.

The four cardinals who submitted The Dubia to POPE Francis includes Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke who was what Catholics might call the Ecclesiastical version of the Chief Justice of the Catholic Church’s Supreme Court, The Apostolic Signatura.

Cardinal Burke has a degree in Canon Law, he has had a long and distinguished career as a practitioner of Canon Law, including acting as the Prefect of The Supreme Tribunal of The Apostolic Signatura and he knows that Bergoglio is Pope whereas the woman who has her own disciples saying he ain’t Pope has never studied Canon Law, never practiced Canon Law and has never been responsible for applying Canon Law to any situation but she used to trade Cattle Futures, hectored Christians they were not real christians unless they stopped paying income taxes, and pontificated that any Catholic opposed to Usury is anti semitic so, of course, she is now considered a reliable source to settle consequential matters of made-up putative Canon Law controversies.

Here is what the Four Dubia Cardinals had to say about the claims made by Ann Barnhardt and her disciples (D.O.A. Disciples of Ann):

We wish to begin by renewing our absolute dedication and our unconditional love for the Chair of Peter and for Your august person, in whom we recognize the Successor of Peter and the Vicar of Jesus: the “sweet Christ on earth,” as Saint Catherine of Siena was fond of saying. We do not share in the slightest the position of those who consider the See of Peter vacant, nor of those who want to attribute to others the indivisible responsibility of the Petrine munus

If one takes the Four Cardinals who submitted The Dubia to Pope Francis and added to that four the other Cardinals and Bishops and Priests of the Catholic Church then one would realise that the vast vast vast majority of Catholics – well over 99% – accept that Bergoglio is Pope where as a teensy tiny number of Catholics claim he isn’t Pope.

What does the Bible teach us Catholics to do if there is a controversy amongst our own selves ?

Well, the Bible teaches us to being the controversy/dispute to the Church and let it adjudicate it.

Well, the tiny few who do not accept that Bergoglio is Pope can not do that because they know the Catholic Church has accepted that Bergoglio is Pope since his election and acceptance of the Papacy.

Further, it is of Tradition (and old Canonists can be cited on this) that when the Church accepts so and so is Pope, he is Pope.

Well, one can just go back to the posts of Ms. Barnhardt when Bergoglio was elected and discover that she too accepted him as Pope and called him Pope and, irony or irony, she was part of the virtually unanimous number of Catholics accepting him as Pope which means he is Pope; perhaps she was like John Kerry in that she was for him before she was against him.

The idea that the personal opinion of Canon Law by a laywoman about who is and isn’t Pope is worthy of anything at all is a sign of the diabolical confusion of modernity.