Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Holocaust (6)

The One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church is mystically and sempiternally standing before some Caiaphas in whatever age it finds itself and the verdict is always the same - guilty.

What is novel is that now we enter a plea of guilty even before the trial begins because we no longer act on what we have always believed and we surrender to the demands of the Messias-Deniers, who, by dint of an existential irony, are also Holocaust-Deniers.

That is, the faithless Jews do not accept that Jesus Christ is the Messias/Saviour nor do they accept that His Holocaust on Calvary is a Salvific Self Sacrifice that fulfilled and perfected all of the Old Testament Holocausts Types pointing to it so as to help the once chosen people accept the freely-offered Salvation and so when the Messias-Deniers accuse others of being Holocaust-Deniers they are actualising a 
mysterium iniquitatis psychological projection about which they remain entirely unaware.

Pray for the conversion of the Jews.

THE Holocaust is the Pluperfect Sacrifice of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, on Calvary where His fiery charity stood in place of the fires of The O.T. holocausts and the Holocaust on Calvary is the perfect fulfillment of the Old Testament holocausts which prepared the way for faithful Jews to accept Jesus as the Messias.

St. Francis de Sales (Doctor of the Church)

The sorrow of the Son at that time was a piercing sword, which passes through the heart of the Mother, because that Mother’s heart was glued, joined, and united to her Son, with so perfect a union that nothing could wound the one without inflicting a lively torture upon the other. Now this maternal bosom, being thus wounded with love, not only did not seek a cure for its wound, but loves her wound more than all cure, dearly keeping the shafts of sorrow she had received, on account of the love which had shot them into her heart, and continually desiring to die of them, since her Son died of them, who as say all the Holy Scriptures, and all Doctors, died amidst the flames of his charity, a perfect holocaust for all the sins of the world.

Here is a beautiful, good, and true explanation of The Holocaust and in reading it one must be prepared to be whiplashed from anger to hatred for the revolutionaries who eviscerated this beautiful, awesome, and fearful Holocaust and replaced it with a man-centered rite.
