Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Holocaust (8)

There can be no doubt that the problems between Christians and Jews are as far from being solved as they are wearisomely protracted throughout time.

However, there is not one thing in this series on Holocaust that  can be construed to conclude that Amateur Brain Surgeon is one who denies the murderous war crimes the Nazis inflicted upon the Jews and ABS thinks the actual number of victims is, essentially, immaterial as it is without doubt that the Nazis intended to kill as many Jews as they could and intended to kill virtually all of them, to the extent that they were able to, had they not been stopped.

Conversely, there can be no doubt that the Jews, qua Jews, have been vehemently opposed to the Catholic Church established by Jesus Christ and especially so since the creation of Rabbinical Judaism in 70 A.D.

Most men are aware of the false Jewish accusation that The Catholic Church had a teaching of contempt * against Jews but how many of those same men understand that false accusation is being generated by the unacknowledged guilt of the Messias-Deniers and is a psychological projection in which those accusing innocent others of the worst sins are the sins that they themselves  commit and have committed for nearly two thousand years; that is, since Rabbinical Judaism formed after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. - and which destruction was punishment for their crime of Deicide - the Jews have continued to, collectively, reject the freely offered Salvation of Jesus Christ while they have labored diligently and persistently to undermine, weaken, and, ultimately, to destroy the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church?

Amateur Brain Surgeon thinks that little of substantial consequence - other than the ecumenical anthropocentric atmospherics of the 21st century - has changed; that is, the Jews remain the enemy of The Catholic Church owing to their continued Messias-Denial.

1 Thess: 4 For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own countrymen, even as they have from the Jews: 15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and they please not God, and are adversaries to all men;

When some pro-lifers produced a movie claiming that abortion was a holocaust, a prominent Messias-Denier went ballistic...

ADL National Director and a Holocaust survivor Abraham H. Foxman harshly criticized the film.
"This film is a perverse attempt to make a case against abortion in America through the cynical abuse of the memory of those killed in the Holocaust," he said. "It is, quite frankly, one of the most offensive and outrageous abuses of the memory of the Holocaust we have seen in years."
Anti-abortion group Personhood U.S.A. claims it e-mailed the video to 600,000 Mississippi voters in an attempt to convince them to support pro-life amendments in state-legislature.

The film was created as part of a campaign led by "Living Waters", which aims to change peoples' minds about abortion, and have them accept Jesus as their savior.

Foxman expressed fury at the comparisons drawn in the video, and at the conduct of the filmmakers. "Not only does the film try to assert a moral equivalency between the Holocaust and abortion, but it also brings Jews and Jewish history into the discussion and then calls on its viewers to repent and accept Jesus as their savior," he said.


So, the audacious arrogance, which is the subtext of this insanity, is that The Jews, in a cynical abuse of the memory of the Pluperfect Salvic Sacrifice on the Cross by Jesus Christ,  stole the multimillenial years definition of Holocaust and replaced it with an anthropocentric one and now the Messias-Deniers fight tooth and nail against anyone who tries to use it to refer to anything else that is not their suffering.

And we are supposed to stand for this rank racism?

Worse, far from suggesting a moral equivalency between the Pluperfect Salvific Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary and the atrocities committed against  Jews, the Messias-Deniers are essentially claiming that what happened to them is WORSE than what happened to Jesus.

Lord have Mercy...have you ever stopped to consider such monumental insanity?

It is depraved and diabolical and ABS will never offer even one pinch of intellectual, emotional, spiritual, or rhetorical incense to the worship of their false Idolatry.

*  The accusation is never accompanied by proof for the proof does not exist. The One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Catholic Church has never had and such teaching. Period.