Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

The LGBT "community"

Catholic Dictionary 

COMMUNITY. A group of persons who share the same beliefs, live together under authority, and co-operate in pursuing common interests for the benefit of others besides their own members. The degree of common belief, living, and activity determines the intensity of the community and its distinctive identity as a human society. (Etym. Latin communitas, community, common possession; association; congregation, parish; generality.)

Online Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from Old French comunité "community, commonness, everybody" (Modern French communauté), from Latin communitatem (nominative communitas) "community, society, fellowship, friendly intercourse; courtesy, condescension, affability," from communis "common, public, general, shared by all or many," (see common (adj.)). Latin communitatem "was merely a noun of quality ... meaning 'fellowship, community of relations or feelings,' but in med.L. it was, like universitas, used concretely in the sense of 'a body of fellows or fellow-townsmen' " [OED]. 

An Old English word for "community" was gemænscipe "community, fellowship, union, common ownership," from mæne "common, public, general," probably composed from the same PIE roots as communis. Community service as a criminal sentence is recorded from 1972, American English. Community college is recorded from 1959.


Most men have heard about the Jihadist in Orlando, Florida who actualised the teachings of Mahomet, the perfect man in Islam.

Although ABS most certainly does not support the actions of The Mahometan Saint, he must be accorded due respect for he is a most faithful follower of Mahomet who taught (h/t Robert Spencer):

The Hadiths: 
“If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done.” (Abu Dawud 38:4447) And: “Stone the upper and the lower, stone them both.” (Ibn Majah 3:20:2562)

and most men are generally aware that there are ten or eleven Mahometan countries that routinely kill active sodomites but, we are told, the real problem is gun control and that to combat (as it were) Mahometan Jihadism, we must let more Mahometans immigrate into America.

Of course, that is logically insane but we are an insanely liberal country.

Now, some rebarbative redneck reactionaries might sarcastically observe that if a man can not go into a nightclub and pick-up a stranger and bend over so that some dude can drive his diseased dong far up inside his anus or some other dude can not get on his knees and pucker-up for some stranger's pecker and cause the stranger to spray his semen inside his mouth and if these things can not be done in safety in public then the terrorists have won.

ABS thinks all of this is evil insanity - Sodomite Communities, Jihadists faithfully following the teachings of that psychotic Jew-killing pedophile (is that too churlish?), America continuing not only to allow Mahometans to immigrate here but to actively seek them out and promote their immigration while bombing them to hell and invading Iraq and establishing Sharia Law there (also Afghanistan) ...it is all insane.

But, you just watch, the worst thing of all, the thing for which ABS will come under fire, is his description of what happens in the sodomite communities because in the insane asylum that is America, what you say may be a sin while what sodomites do is glorious liberty.