Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Friday Quiz

Who said this?

We need to have a conversation about race. This is the conversation. I want to see a cop shoot a white unarmed teenager in the back.

A. Lil' Kim

B. Toni Morrison

C.  Nicki Minaj

For each correct answer, Amateur Brain Surgeon will take two sips of cabernet.

For each incorrect answer, Amateur Brain Surgeon will take five sips of cabernet.

We at ABE Ministry consider this a win-win situation; vote early, vote often.

B. Toni Morrison, Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize winner.

Isn't it irksome...

when on vacation you are constrained to assist at the Lil' Licit Liturgy inside some strange library-looking Parish Community Gathering Space in the local Franchise of Dead Dioceses Inc. America and while you are trying to prepare your own self for Mass (Well, the Lil' Licit Liturgy is a Happy Meal for women and children, let's not kid our own selves) you hear a high-pitched giggle from the celebrant who, you just know, received a Rembert Weakland Scholarship and studied Sodomy and Liturgy at Itchycoo Park Seminary.

And then your own self realises that, for today at least, your way of the Cross passes through enemy territory ruled by epicene effeminate ecclesiastics who are, nonetheless, recipients of Holy Orders and, thus, Hebrews 7:17 For he testifieth: *Thou art a priest for ever, according to the order of Melchisedech.

Take it away, gals...

Amateur Brain Surgeon is in enemy-occupied territory and, for today at least, he is just gonna have to roll with it..

Wellington, Florida

Amateur Brain Surgeon is blessed to live in this town and so we at ABE Ministry decided to post a few photos of the town where, after Daily Mass, ABS goes for a 15 mile bike ride and in the course of his ride, ABS passes through this sub-division...

where, instead of the usual two car garage many of the wealthy have, in this community the members have a garage and a hanger, and sometimes a helicopter and a plane is in their driveway.

There all manner of planes here, from the spanking new to favored old school ones...

and every once in a while, ABS has fortunate timing and he gets to pull his bike over, drink some water, and watch a plane take off

Today, as Amateur Brain Surgeon peddled away after the take off, his memory punched up D 9 on the jukebox in his mind.... 

Adam. The greatest and most intelligent man ever created

OK, so, ABS guesses that Adam, whom Pope Saint John Paul II taught was created male and female, became solely male after God used his rib to create the female Eve and, thus, ABS imagines, the new Adam is one half the man/woman he was in his original creation after the woman was removed from him; sure, that seems as though Adam had two creations but what the hell does ABS know?

We at ABE Ministry are too perplexed to try and figure-out what that all means and so ABS will just post some teachings about Adam from a different Saint, Saint Thomas Aquinas from a great source; one that puts the theology of that great Saint into words more easily apprehended by the common man.

Written for those aspiring-to-middle-brow status (that is, for men like ABS), here is a copy and paste from the great Companion to the Summa. 

We at ABE Ministry thought it necessary to reproduce it here especially insight of some of the captious and calamitous claims made in the text of the Theology of the Body that ABS took a look at yesterday.

Without further ado, Adam as he really was.

O, and doesn't the truth about Adam turn on its head the entirety of the macro-evolution lie in which the first human was sort of like a glorified monkey and modern man has ascended to his modern secular humanist perfection; that is, that the accent of man is a proven fact?


That is just so insane on its face. The fact is, everything has descended since Adam. Just look around....

The modern world of mud
With the advent of a thoroughly materialistic modern philosophy, the happy memory of an original state of perfection of man was doomed. What perfection man can claim must find its source in a purely material universe that certainly did not produce effects above the material. Man was an integral part of a completely material world, to be explained, examined and evaluated as any other part of that universe. Thus man is pictured as a product of an evolving process within that material universe, a purely material product whose original state was at worst a primeval slime, at best a brute animality; his present position is not due to a degeneration or a fall, but to centuries of a steady climb that has left him qualitatively the same as his animal ancestors.
Sin, faith, justice, morality had no part to play in the origins of man, as they have no serious part to play in his present life. The change (for the better) that has taken place in man explains itself; for it was the very process of change that brought about the improvement. Man is the result of a blind necessity, of the interaction of natural forces that need no explanation. No credit can be given him for his present or past condition; no hope can be held out for his personal future. He is caught in a relentless tide of progress without a goal and without a beginning; in that progress he is an unimportant phase.
Principles for the investigation of the original state of man
St. Thomas was familiar with the ancestors of the renaissance philosophers; he knew materialism in its earliest forms; the dreams and memories of the pagans were packed away on the shelves of his memory. But when he came to treat of the original state of man, he resorted to none of these; rather he was content to go to the factual account in the Book of Genesis, examine it, analyst draw out its implications, fill in its blank spots with reasonable hypotheses to give us a full picture of man in his first home.
The integrity of nature
Before plunging into the story itself, St. Thomas lays down some fundamental principles that give his whole treatment a unity which makes its rational character stand out strikingly. The first principle he insists on is that nothing that was natural to man was lost by man’s sin. When we speak of fallen nature or of the wounds suffered by nature through the sin of Adam, we do not mean that human nature suffered a bad smash-up and was condemned to hobble through the ages a hopeless cripple. True enough, human nature was injured, but in the same sense that a man is injured when he is left naked by the roadside. Objectively, he is in the same condition as a man who has never had any clothes, though he certainly feels a great deal worse. So human nature now is in the same condition it would have been had Adam never received any extraordinary gifts; but it has been stripped of those gifts which Adam did receive. This is not a gratuitous assumption. There are sins enough in the world to give us material for a thorough check on the fact that sin, in itself, does nothing to destroy the integrity of human nature.
Cause and essential notion of superiority of the original state
By way of a second principle, St. Thomas points out that the cause of the original perfection of man was his original justice. That is, man was created in sanctifying grace with his soul completely subject to God; this subjection extended right on down so that man’s sensible appetite was subject to his reason, and the physical world was subject to man. These two, original justice and original perfection, went hand in hand in Adam. They were, however, quite capable of separation, for one was within the order of nature, though not of human nature, while the other was above all nature. So, in the Blessed Virgin Mary, there was the same supernatural perfection and perfect justice as in Adam, with the same complete subjection of her soul to God; but without the accompanying extraordinary gifts of Adam’s original perfection.
The individual in the Garden of Eden
The extraordinary gifts that went to make up the original perfection of Adam were not supernatural but preternatural; that is, they were not entirely above the powers of all created nature but they did not belong to man by the principles of his nature. The immortality given to Adam, for example, was quite different from the immortality to be enjoyed after the general resurrection; this latter is something intrinsic, flowing from the body’s participation in the spiritual qualities of the soul. While that of Adam was an extrinsic thing, supplied to the first man from an outside source. His immunity from suffering, or impassibility, was not that incapacity for injury which the blessed in heaven will enjoy because of the penetration of the body by the spiritual qualities of the soul; it was rather an escape from harm through prudence and providential care, an extrinsic rather than an intrinsic gift. Man’s dominion over the created world followed the lines of his dominion over himself: as his sense appetite obeyed his reason, so did the animals obey his command; but, as he had no power of command over his vegetative powers, so neither could he command the vegetative and physical powers of the world, but he could use their help without impediment.
In other words, while the individual man in the Garden of Eden had considerable advantages over the individual man or woman of today, he was not in any way essentially different.
His intellectual equipment and progress: That of Adam
Adam started off the human race on its long life; as its proper starting point, he represented that race in its perfection. Just as he began with physical perfection — without the bother of being born, growing up, developing his muscles and so on — so he also started off with an intellectual perfection. In fact, this latter perfection was quite necessary in view of his position as head of the race and, consequently, as teacher of all who should come after him.
As the first human teacher, Adam brought an equipment to his task that has never been equalled since by any member of that noble profession. He did not see God directly, seeing the divine essence, for that is quite super natural and, once had, cannot be lost; that is, if Adam knew God in this way, he could not have sinned. Rather, he knew God as we know Him, but more perfectly. After all, he had none of the worries about bread and butter clothing and housing, not to speaks of the family’s future, that distracts the mind of man today. Moreover, the clarity of his insight was not the least bit clouded by passion. From the effects of God, particularly from the act of the human intellect and the nature of the human soul, Adam’s mind rose quickly and easily to a knowledge of God. His knowledge of the angels was had in the same way. But it is important to notice that Adam knew these things and all others as we know them, through intelligible species.
As for his knowledge of other things, well, Adam had to teach and govern the human family and, obviously, he could not teach what he did not know. His natural knowledge extended to all those, things that men are intended to know, that is, all those things implicitly contained in the first natural principles of knowledge. St. Thomas inclined to the belief that this knowledge — an extraordinary gift not to the individual Adam but to Adam as head of the human race — was an explicit, complete and perfect knowledge. Not that Adam knew every singular thing: that this stone would fall into this river at such a time, and so on. Nor did he know future free things, like the thoughts of men. His supernatural knowledge (his knowledge of the mysteries of faith) was limited to those things necessary for the correct government and guidance of human life in that original state of existence.
We do not have a full grasp of the intellectual stature of Adam unless we look beyond the rich deposit of knowledge given him to the use he could make of it. Many a deeply learned man is the answer to a swindler’s fondest hopes; many an expert in one line is a simpleton in another. We make our mistakes through haste, prejudice, passion, insufficient evidence, in a word, because our reason is not in complete command of the situation. Adam’s reason was in absolute command, command of his own kingdom and of the world; he was incapable of mistakes in judgment and reasoning. He was, then, a deeply learned, very wise and exceedingly clever man.
That of his children
If we were born in paradise, eve would have had all the advantages of reason in full command; but we could not have looked forward to such equipment as was given to Adam as head of the race. There would still have been school days, and plenty of them. We would have acquired our knowledge through the senses, we would have had to discover things for ourselves, be taught by others and so, bit by bit, pick up full knowledge. It would have been a much easier job, it is true, than it is today: or nothing, either in ourselves or in the outside world, would have interfered with the process of learning — no day dreaming, no laziness, no heat, cold, hunger, thirst or stomach-ache.
His will, his justice and his peace
For all his cleverness, Adam might have been a very unpleasant person, even a holy terror in the Garden of Eden, if he were not also a very holy man. As he was created, his will was good. Moreover, there would have been no point to God’s delaying the gift of supernatural life, keeping Adam cooling his heels as he dawdled about the meaningless tasks of a purely natural life; Adam was created in sanctifying grace and, as he was destined to glory as the angels were, there was no reason why he should not have started off earning his reward immediately. In fact, this sanctifying grace and consequent total subjection to God were the foundation of the whole perfection of Adam’s state.
With sanctifying grace, he had all the virtues, though, indeed, those that implied some imperfection never flowered into action until after he had sinned. How could he be penitent who had committed no sin; or what field was there for mercy in a place that knew no misery? The virtues that did bloom into acts produced acts that, considered in themselves, were much more worthy of merit than ours are; for the perfection of his nature removed all obstacles to grace and all possible imperfection in his works, whereas with us there is the constant pull of the sensible world, the difficulty of attention, the flabbiness of our will. Still, because our acts are sometimes so difficult to place, the very doing of them indicates a much greater willingness, even eagerness, than if they were produced with an ease that made close attention entirely unnecessary.
It might seem difficult to understand how a man as intellectually and morally perfect as Adam could have sinned if we did not know that the sublime perfection of the angels was not proof against sin, and if we could scrape up any sufficient cause of our own sins other than our own free will. The sin of Adam will be treated at length in the second volume of this work under its proper title of original sin. Here it is enough to notice that we are in no position to sneer at Adam. If we had been born in paradise we too would have been born in sanctifying grace, for that original justice of Adam’s was a gift to the whole human species, it was not a personal thing for Adam alone; and grace was the foundation of original justice. We, too, would have had the fullness of virtue, as Adam had; and, like him, we could have lost it if we made up our minds to lose it. Heaven would not have been guaranteed, nor would hell have been an impossibility for us; such complete security comes only from the vision of God which is the end, not the beginning, of human life. Indeed, the odds are that some of us would have sinned even if Adam had never offended God; and our sin would have had the same tragic consequences for our children that Adam’s had for his. We would have lost the extraordinary gifts for ourselves; of course we could not give to our children what we ourselves no longer possessed.
His physical nature: His passions
During their short stay in the Garden, Adam and Eve got on very well together. Of course they had human passions; they were human, after all, and passion is an integral part of human nature. That they were buoyant with hope, alight with desire, urged on by love was entirely a matter of their own free will, for these passions were under the complete control of reason. It must be admitted, though, that only some of the passions of the milder or concupiscible appetite — love, desire, hope and joy — had any place in Eden; the other passions — anger, despair, hate, fear and all the rest — presuppose evil and there was no evil in paradise. The battle between flesh and spirit, then, did not get started until the reign of peace that was a part of paradise had come to an end. There were no gluttons or drunkards in Eden, no one cowered in fear or boiled with anger, men were not beside themselves with passion, their intellects clouded, their lives swayed by the sensitive appetite. This was not the way men were started off on their earthly life by God.

Extreme Unction and the modern priest

The Sacrament of Extreme Unction
"Is any man sick among you?  Let him bring in the priests of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer of faith shall save the sick man:  and the Lord shall raise him up:  and if he be in sins, they shall be forgiven him."  (James 5:14-15)

  1. What is the Sacrament of Extreme Unction?

  2.    Extreme Unction is the Sacrament which gives health and strength to the soul and sometimes to the body to persons who are in danger of death.
    The words "Extreme Unction" mean "last anointing."  In Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders, the body is anointed with holy oil.  In the Sacrament of Extreme Unction the body is anointed for the last time.  Hence the name.

  3. How is Extreme Unction given?

  4.    After praying over the sick person, the priest anoints (makes the Sign of the Cross with the Holy Oil) on the person's eyes, ears, nostrils, lips, hands, and feet.

  5. What does the priest say while anointing the sick person?

  6.    He says:  "Through this holy anointing, and by His most tender mercy, may the Lord pardon you what sins you have committed by sight (hearing, speech, and so on)."

  7. What does Extreme Unction do for your soul?

  8.    The Sacrament of Extreme Unction --
    1. Gives you more Sanctifying Grace;
    2. Helps you to bear your sufferings;
    3. Strengthens you against the temptations of the devil;
    4. Sometimes gives back your health;
    5. Takes away temporal punishment due to sin;
    6. Prepares you for immediate entry into Heaven.

  9. Does Extreme Unction take away sin?

  10.    Extreme Unction takes away --
    1. All your venial sins
    2. even your mortal sins if you are unable to confess them but are truly sorry for them.

  11. Who can give Extreme Unction?

  12.    Only a Catholic priest.

  13. Who can receive Extreme Unction?

  14.    Any Catholic in danger of death from sickness, old age or accident not only can, but should receive Extreme Unction.
    However, it may not be given to infants or to anyone who has never had the use of reason.

  15. When should you receive Extreme Unction?

  16.    Whenever the sickness or accident is so serious that it could cause death.
    Examples:  Pneumonia, heart attack, a serious car accident.

  17. How often can you receive Extreme Unction?

  18.    Only once in the same danger of death.
    However, if a new danger arises, you can receive it again.

  19. What should be done in case of sudden death?

  20.    Send for a priest right away, because Extreme Unction may be given even after a person is apparently dead.
    Even when a person displays all the usual manifestations of death, the soul may still not have departed from the body.  Therefore, the Church allows Extreme Unction to be administered for a item after "death" has occurred.

  21. Why is it wrong to wait until the sick person is unconscious before sending for the priest?

  22.    Because the sick person must be conscious in order to benefit the most from the Sacrament.

  23. What kind of sin is it to deprive a sick person of Extreme Unction?

  24.    A mortal sin.
    It often happens that a convert is the only Catholic in a family.  If this is your case, therefore, you should tell your relatives to send for the priest if you are ever in danger of death.

  25. What should be done before the priest comes to anoint the sick person?

  26.    Spread a white cloth on a table beside the bed.  Then put a crucifix, two blessed candles, a bottle of holy water, a glass of drinking water, a spoon and some cotton on the table.
    A member of the family, carrying a lighted candle, should meet the priest at the door and lead him to the sickroom.  No one should talk to the priest, for he probably has the Holy Eucharist with him.  Everyone should kneel down when he enters.  If you do not have the above items, call the priest anyway.

  27. What does the priest do when he enters the sickroom?

  28.    First, he says some prayers, sprinkles the sick person with holy water and hears his Confession.  Then he gives him Holy Communion and Extreme Unction, and finally, the Last Blessing.
    All of these together are called the Last Sacraments or Last Rites of the Church.  (Everyone else leaves the room while the priest hears the sick person's Confession.)

  1. Do not worry that a sick person will be frightened by the priest, because Catholics should always be glad to see the priest in order to receive the comforts that only the Sacraments can bring.

  2. If you are going to be a patient in a non-Catholic hospital, tell your parish priest which one you are going to and how long you expect to be there.  Also, tell the doctors and nurses that you are Catholic and that they should send for a priest if you become critical or serious.

  3. Catholics should be buried in Catholic cemeteries.  Tell your relatives to see your parish priest about your funeral.  Or, make the arrangements yourself ahead of time.

  4. Catholics are forbidden to have their bodies cremated, except in case of a serious public necessity.  The Catholic burial service is denied those who give orders to have their bodies cremated.

ABS assists at Daily Mass (Lil' Licit Liturgy) in a Parish within two miles of his house; Saint Rita's in Wellington, Fl.

The Pastor of the Church is Fr. Don Munro and it was he whom an acquaintance  (through the Bride) called the other day and received a shocking response.

The woman had called St. Rita's on behalf of her mother who is dying. Her mother has been a communicant at St. Rita's for over 20 years and the woman told the person who answered the phone that her mother was dying and that she had requested a priest from St. Rita's come to her and administer Last Rites.

The person who answered the phone told the caller We don't go that far.

Shocked, the woman said, This is an emergency, let me talk to a priest...

And the person said, This is Fr Munro.

Shocked, she immediately hung-up and has vowed never to go to Mass there again.

The caller's mother is dying at Good Samaritan Hospital, 17 miles from St Rita's.


Prolly the proximate cause of the response is the ever-increasing acceptance of universal salvation (Thanks, HUvB) in the modern mind of laity and priests but my heart broke for her.

Lord have mercy...

Friday Quiz

Who said this;

A man only has room for one oath at a time. I took an oath to the Confederate States of America.  

A. Nathan Bedford Forrest

B.  Jefferson Davis

C.  John Wayne

For each correct answer, Amateur Brain Surgeon will take two sips of cabernet.

For each incorrect answer, Amateur Brain Surgeon will take five sips of cabernet.

We at ABE Ministry consider this a win-win situation; vote early, vote often.

C. John Wayne

Monkey Jarvis and his son. Monkey Jr.

When ABS was young and still living in the Piemonte region of Vermont (Springfield) our town had one taxi and it was owned by a man whose simian appearance caused the townsfolk to give him the nickanme of, Monkey Jarvis.

But that is mean...

Yeah, but it is also the way of life in a small town in a rural state; and even though everyone knew him as, Monkey Jarvis, nobody called him that to his face and everybody - elderly, teens, children - was polite when in his company.

So, years ago The Bride found a big Monkey Jarvis table in a store in Florida and, recently, ABS's Daughter found a Monkey Jarvis Jr. table in Maine and she bought it for him.

Is it possible that, somewhere, there exists a 
tiny Monkey Jarvis III Table?

One can dream...

The Academy descends into darkness

Get a load of these two tubby negroes who won a debate.  AME Ministry would not hire these nescient negroes as janitors but we are willing to wager that these tubs are on a scholarship.


Make sure to click on the first internal link (blue ) above. This is a true report of an actual competition and it illustrates the unfathomable dark depths into which the Academy has descended.

What we have in this recent report is a modern example of life initiating art:

On March 24, 2014 at the Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA) Championships at Indiana University, two Towson University students, Ameena Ruffin and Korey Johnson, became the first African-American women to win a national college debate tournament, for which the resolution asked whether the U.S. president’s war powers should be restricted. Rather than address the resolution straight on, Ruffin and Johnson, along with other teams of African-Americans, attacked its premise. The more pressing issue, they argued, is how the U.S. government is at war with poor black communities...

In the final round, Ruffin and Johnson squared off against Rashid Campbell and George Lee from the University of Oklahoma, two highly accomplished African-American debaters with distinctive dreadlocks and dashikis. Over four hours, the two teams engaged in a heated discussion of concepts like “nigga authenticity” and performed hip-hop and spoken-word poetry in the traditional timed format. At one point during Lee’s rebuttal, the clock ran out but he refused to yield the floor. “Fuck the time!” he yelled. His partner Campbell, who won the top speaker award at the National Debate Tournament two weeks later, had been unfairly targeted by the police at the debate venue just days before, and cited this experience as evidence for his case against the government’s treatment of poor African-Americans.


ABE Ministry predicts that before the decade has ended a male member from some Negro University will be arguing against This house supports the death penalty when suddenly he will reach into his dashiki, whip out an albino hamster, declare its guilt, white is evil, and then beat it to death with his dong as he screams, Death to Whitey!!!

Of course the crowd of mostly whites will wildly applaud and hail this brave demonstration of negro wisdom in opposition to the death penalty and they will demand he be given a Pecker Plaque describing the effective use of art as a deadly debate device.

ABE Ministry contacted former Univ. California Santa Cruz (Holy Cross) Professor of the History of Consciousness (no, really), Director of Feminist Studies Department (natch) , and twice V.P. candidate for the Communist Party USA (that figures) ticket for a comment about the historic debate and she graciously consented:

Whitey Sucks !!!!

Hitler's Uncle

Amateur Brain Surgeon was at Oktoberfest when he wandered into this tent and espied Hitler's Uncle.

Are you Hitler's Uncle?

Ya, ya. Did you know Dolphie?

Well, ABS knew of him.

Ya...he had very bad juju. You should have heard the people talk when we went walked into the local butcher shop; the whispers...

Pretty bad, huh?

Ack, you don't know the half of it.

It was in this very same tent that ABS saw twin lederhosen-wearing midgets doing the Chicken Dance but The Bride wouldn't let him take any photos...

Mortal sins for men

We at ABE * Ministry have drafted a list of mortal sins for men and this list can serve as an examination of conscience prior to one's next Confession.

ABE Ministry was constrained to develop this new list of 40 mortal sins because the old traditional ones are not taken seriously anymore; at most, they are considered mistakes or faults which are superfluous/ unnecessary to confess since the conclusion of the BCE ** Vatican Two because, as the new theologians tell us, our sins are forgiven even before we confess them.

Without any further introduction/explanation, here is the new list of mortal sins that men can commit.

1. Thinking Injuns are morally superior to all other men

2. Has watched the men's olympic ice skating competition

3. Thinking anyone can be a Mexican

4. Thinking there exists such a being as an attractive 40 y.o. Greek woman.

5. Thinking spoken German is sexy

6. Thinking alcoholism is a disease

7. Thinking Tom and Jerry is funnier than Bugs Bunny

8. Purchased a book recommended by Oprah.

9. Watched Oprah.

10. Skipped; especially as a teen or adult.

11. Wore a Nehru jacket.

12. Stole rental bowling shoes

13. Bought a Barry Manilow album

14. Laughed at a Nancy cartoon panel

15. Believes in macro evolution

16. Denies Pluto is a planet

17. Carried a Superhero lunchbox.

18. Pridefully details to other men his healthy food choices

19.  Drinks for reasons of health

20. Continues to vote in national elections

21. Thinks science is objective

22. Rooted for Dexter to be caught

23. Thinks football is too violent

24. Has a desire to be the sort of a Catholic Jews approve of

25. Fears being called anti-semitic more than his death with mortal sins unconfessed 

26. Has received Communion in the hand.

27. Approves of altar girls

28. Has received Communion from a Deacon or EMHC

29. Really does like Eagle's Wings

30. Put a dime in his penny loafers claiming that proved he was descended from European royalty.

31.  Appreciated the Black Panthers

34.  Listened to Pete Seeger

35. Considered Billy Graham a preacher

36. Does not let Jehovah Witnesses into his house to evangelise them 

37. Goes to Mass on Saturday to get it out of the way

38.  Answered yes to his wife's question, Does this make my ass look big?

39. Admitted to a cop that he had more than two beers

40. Never drove over 100 mph.

*  Against Basically Everything

** Bestest  Council Ever

The most beautiful game is a white man enterprise

Paul Azinger points out that the golf swing is roughly 1 1/2 seconds of time consumed and so if a man shoots 70 he has consumed roughy 1 1/2 minutes of actual golf time in a championship round that takes roughly five hours to play and so an entire tournament (four rounds, 72 holes) takes roughly six minutes of actual golf action - hitting/putting - in a tournament that takes roughly twenty hours to play.

That mental strain  - keeping composure and adhering to a specific plan while all of that time is slowly passing by and the thoughts of a win are trying to creep in as the pressure slowly increases - is why the last nine holes of a major are always so TENSE and why only the mentally intelligent/tough triumph

The game is almost entirely mental which is why there have been so few blacks who have been even moderately successful - and Tiger ain't black, he is a mulatto.

The greatest players ever - Jack Nicklaus, Ben Hogan, Bobby Jones, Tom Watson (above photo) Phil Mickelson, Arnold Palmer, Gary Player, Gene Sarazen, Walter Hagen etc etc are/were all intelligent white men whereas John Daly is the outlier here.

You'll never hear it said on ESPN but it is the truth.

 What you will hear on ESPN is the class argument - that golf is a rich white man's sport and so it isn't fair to everyone, especially blacks - but are rich white men idiots or are they intelligent?

Sure, one can luck into a fortune but most fortunes have been made through intellect and industry and it is the intellect that is the most crucial factor in the most beautiful game.

And idiot can stuff a basketball or run a football or tackle a runner (NCAA Student athletes) but it takes intelligence and self control to win a major golf tournament and Golf is to sports what NASA is to space - it is a white man's enterprise.

2012 American and European Ryder Cup Team Members


Friday Quiz

Identify the politician who said this : I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.

A.  Robert Kennedy

B.  Lyndon Baines Johnson

C.  Robert Byrd

For each correct answer, Amateur Brain Surgeon will take two sips of cabernet.

For each incorrect answer, Amateur Brain Surgeon will take five sips of cabernet.

We at ABE Ministry consider this a win-win situation; vote early, vote often.

B. Lyndon Baines Johnson

Traditional vs Modern thoughts abut death

Preparation for death

My journey toward eternity, dear Lord, is encompassed round about by powerful enemies of my soul. I live in fear and trembling, especially at the thought of the hour of death, on which my eternity will depend, and of the fearful struggle that the devil will then have to wage against me, knowing that little time is left for him to accomplish my eternal ruin. I desire, therefore, O Lord, to prepare myself for it from this hour, by offering Thee this day, in view of my last hour, those protestations of faith and love for Thee, which are so effectual in repressing and bringing to naught all the crafty and wicked arts of the enemy and which I resolve to oppose to him at that moment of such grave consequence, even though he should dare alone to attack with his deceits the peace and tranquillity of my spirit.

I, (name) , in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity, the blessed Virgin Mary, my holy Guardian Angel and the entire heavenly host, protest that I wish to live and die under the standard of the Holy Cross. I firmly believe all that our Holy Mother, the Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church, believes and teaches. It is my steadfast intention to die in this holy faith, in which all the holy Martyrs, Confessors and Virgins of Christ have died, as well as all those who have saved their souls. If the devil should tempt me to despair because of the multitude and grievousness of my sins, I protest that from this day forth I firmly hope in the infinite mercy of God, who will not suffer Himself to be overcome by my sins, and in the Precious Blood of Jesus which has washed them all away.

If the devil should assail me with temptations to presumption by reason of the small amount of good which by the help of God I may have been able to accomplish, I confess from this day forth that I deserve Hell a thousand times by my sins and I entrust myself wholly to the infinite goodness of God, through Whose grace alone I am what I am.

Finally, if the evil spirit should suggest to me that the pains inflicted upon me by our Lord in that last hour of my life are too heavy to bear, I protest now that all will be as nothing in comparison with the punishments I have deserved throughout life. I thank God that He should deign to give me by these sufferings an opportunity in this life to discharge my debt to Him, which I should have to pay hereafter in the pains of Purgatory.

In the bitterness of my soul I call to remembrance all my years; I see my iniquities, I confess them and detest them. Ashamed and sorrowful I turn to Thee, my God, my Creator and my Redeemer. Forgive me, O Lord, by the multitude of Thy mercies; forgive Thy servant whom Thou hast redeemed by Thy Precious Blood.

My God, I turn to Thee, I call upon Thee, I trust in Thee; to Thine infinite goodness I commit the entire reckoning of my life. I have sinned exceedingly; enter not into judgment with Thy servant, who surrenders to Thee and confesses his guilt. Of myself I cannot make satisfaction unto Thee for my countless sins: I have not wherewith to pay Thee, and my debt is infinite. But Thy Son hath shed His Blood for me, and greater than all mine iniquity is Thy mercy.

O Jesus, be my Saviour! At the hour of my fearful crossing to eternity put to flight the enemy of my soul; grant me grace to overcome every difficulty, Thou who alone doest mighty wonders.

Lord, according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies I shall enter into Thy dwelling place. Trusting in Thy pity, I commend my spirit into Thy hands!

May the Blessed Virgin Mary and my Guardian Angel accompany my soul into the heavenly country. Amen. 

Modern man's thoughts about death are summarised in the modern heresy of universal salvation.

If you have had to go to any funeral in the last fifty years, you are likely to have heard the priest, deacon, preacher, minister, family friend etc say something similar to this:  We are all going to miss old Joe; God called him home long before we would have wanted God to call him home but Joe has been called home and he is in a much better place now...

Not only do all dogs go to Heaven, all men supposedly do also and about Heaven what does modern man think?

Most think it will be a continuation of his life here only it will be the best part of his life on earth extended into infinity and so for some men, Heaven will be a series of gorgeous fishing lakes or an impossibly beautiful golf course or beautiful mountains one can ski forever or an endless series of classical concerts by the greatest orchestra one could imagine and all of those activities will be eternally performed by man in his full bloom of health.

That is, modern man is a materialist little different than what he thought the injuns were all about and so modern man's eschatology is, ultimately, the materialist idea he used to attribute to injuns.