Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

The Pietyphobic Pope

"I ask myself about this. For example, I always try to understand what is behind those individuals who are too young to have lived the pre-Conciliar liturgy, and who want it nonetheless. I have at times found myself in front of people who are too rigid, an attitude of rigidity. And I ask myself: how come so much rigidity? You dig, you dig, this rigidity always hides something: insecurity, at times perhaps something else... [sic] The rigidity is defensive. True love is not rigid."

Has any Pope ever been so puissant in his rigid opposition to everything that came before him?

The Special Snowflake of The Holy See 
is Pietyphobic * as anyone can see:

The boorish bullying of a pious Altar Boy by The Special Snowflake of The Holy See tells anyone possessing even a modicum of Sensus Catholicus who he is and what it is - piety - that irks him.

We at ABE Ministry labored roughly ten seconds before creating this necessary neologism.