Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Sign of Advent

ABS knows he will not hear this at the local Lil' Licit Liturgy (L3) tomorrow but he is 100% certain he will be asked to buy a sticker for his car after L3 because non-catholics.

Let's face it, it was the pro-tess-tants * who first began to sell car stickers reading Keep Christ in Christmas ** and so, of course, the local Knights of Columbus will be rushing the season by sales pitching this peculiar out-of-season sign at the faithful.

Well, what is a faithful Catholic to do?  He will just have to go online and search for a magnetic sign company and design his own sticker that makes liturgical sense.

* Oncet, ABS and The Bride were touring Turino, Italy and the female guide was speaking about the religious wars fought in and around and for control of Turino and she spoke about the threat Catholics faced from those over the mountains, the pro-tess-tants as she pronounced it, and ABS LOVED hearing that and it has always stayed in his mind.

** After one anthropocentric Lil' Licit Liturgy (There is no other kind), ABS took the time to speak with a K of C member and he explained that for a Catholic, Keep Christ in Christmas is a deficient pro-tess-tant theological concept truncated to the point of absurdity and that that K of C ought not be be in the business of propagandising in behalf of pro-tess-tants but, rather, should be selling Keep Christ and the Mass in Christmas stickers and he responded to this idea with a look that made it seem ABS had just brained him with a 20 pound frozen cod loin.

So ABS found a magnetic sign company online and designed his own sign;

In this execerable epoch of epicene ecclesiastical ecumenism, a man has to act on his own.