Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Why does the rest of the world hate us? (2)

Since the election of Trump, America is being made great again in all areas of life. For instance, most states are forcing the International House of Pancakes * to close and those crummy restaurants are being replaced by cookie shops because we are making American cookies great again.

* We have always been cookie-lovers **and it was only due to the Commie Internationalists that restaurants like The International House of Pancakes were established as both a spy center and a way to turn waitresses into commie symps; come on, as if Americans were keenly interested in going inside one of those clip joints and ordering a Panama Canal Pancake ***

** Our First President, George Washington, appropriately enough a traitor, ruint his teeth because he ate so many cookies.

*** You can bet any amount of worthless dollars you have that IHOP would not give away Panama Canal Pancakes the way Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal.

Don't you hate Jimmah?  ABS does too.