Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

The Amulet. (1) Perplexing novelty or revolutionary symbol?

The spiritual father of Our Pope and Our Cross examined by...

Rev. Joaquin Saenz y Arriaga:

Going back to Bogota (Early 1960s International Eucharistic Conference) , Paul VI's words to the Israelite community which went to greet him are indeed enigmatic:

We pray to God that He may bless our efforts toward fruitful cooperation for the sake of all mankind, so that there may come the day when all peoples will invoke the Lord with the same voice and serve Him under a single yoke.

What fruitful cooperation is the Pontiff talking about? Though Paul VI seems to link it to "the sake of all mankind," his wish seems to indicate to us an "ecumenical" union, for he longs for the day when "all peoples will invoke theLord with the same voice and serve Him under a single yoke." 

This is a wish Pope Montini has expressed several times as the only way through which
mankind can attain harmony, unity, peace, and welfare. The barriers of races,social classes, nationalism, and religions that today separate us, have to be torn down in order to set up that world government which he proposed to the world in his speech at the United Nations. This is also the goal of the materialistiMessianism toward which all local and international activities of the Jewish mafia are moving. This goal seems to be the ultimate end to be affected through the fruitful cooperation of Paul VI and the Jewish international agencies.

"All peoples will invoke the Lord with the same voice ... " addressing a Jewish community. He knows there is an abyss between religious
Judaism and Catholicism, for the Jews deny the two fundamental Mysteries and dogmas of our religion, namely the mystery of the most Holy Trinity and the mystery of the Incarnation. 

However, he also failed to mention Christ, the Son
of the Living God addressing a Jewish community. He knows there is an abyss between religious Judaism and Catholicism, for the Jews deny the two fundamental Mysteries and
dogmas of our religion, namely the mystery of the most Holy Trinity and the mystery of the Incarnation. However, he also failed to mention Christ, the Son of the Living God.

Chapter XXI

In his Counter-Reformation, the illustrious Abbe Georges de Nantes published an article which caused great impact all over Europe. It appeared in the November, 1970 issue under the title, "The Amulet of the Pope." May I quote from this article:

In Paris Match magazine, August 29,1970, in an article by Robert Serrou"The Next Pope Will Be a Frenchman," is an illustration of a large photograph of the Pope and Cardinal Villot. I looked upon those two hermetic countenances
in which the Church's destiny was concealed. But, what is that which we discover on Paul VI's chest over his pectoral cross? 

It is a curious jewel that I don't seem to remember ever being worn by any Pope. The object must be made out of gold, square, decorated with twelve precious stones set in four rows of three each. It hangs, in a very peculiar way, from a gold cord which ties around his neck and is next to the Cross of Christ. They seem tied to each other. I am almost afraid to find out, but without a doubt, this appears to be the object described in chapter 28 of the book of Exodus. There we read about the ephod and breastplate of judgment which Aaron, the Jewish high priest, and his successors must have carried as a ritual ornament. Over the 12 stones were inscribed the names of the 12 tribes of Israel as a "memorial before the Lord forever." (Ex. 28:29). Paul VI was wearing the insignia of the Jewish high priestCaiphas, the breastplate of judgment, around his neck and over his heart.

Who knows when and why and from whom he received this amulet? Is the Pope trying to imply that he is a direct descendant of the Levitical high priest? Is the Pontiff of the Catholic Church turning to the God of Israel? Or could he be preparing for the restoration of the Jewish religion as the religion of pure monotheism, of the most Holy Book, of the universal Covenant?

A Jewish sabbatical cult has developed this year in the Katholikentag, the annual German Catholic festival, and, in Brussels, Cardinal Suenens has announced a forthcoming Council of Reconciliation to be held in Jerusalem. We
should also remember that the B'nai B'rith and the Freemasons dream of the construction of a "Temple of Understanding" in the Holy City similar to the oneexisting in New York. A model of this future temple was given to the Pope sometime ago as a symbol of ecumenism. Everything is falling into place!

Who can tell us about this "pectoral" and other obscure signs? Do we have the right to know if the Pope, by wearing the breastplate of judgment of Caiphas, the Levitical high priest, is pretending to assume an old Jewish ritual without fear of Israel? Or is he going to try to conduct the Christian churches into "universal Judaism" and restore the Levitical priesthood to Jerusalem? What the amulet is telling us is ambiguous.

Up to now, the crucifix has never had to share its position with any other ritualistic symbol. Could it be that now, all of a sudden, the Pope has less regard for the crucifix? Could it be that it will soon be the last time that the cock crows in the Vatican? What do we know? We, the Catholic flock of Catholic sheep, know nothing of the long-range plans of our Shepherd, the Pope .. Georges de Nantes

The service the renowned Abbe of Nantes has rendered the Church in revealing what was being whispered within Church circles, amidst great scandal and astonishment, about the ritual pendant belonging to the Levitical high priest and appearing in almost all photographs of Paul VI after his trip to the Holy Land is doubtless an extraordinary one. We are unable to forecast or estimate its importance, but perhaps we have here the key to understand the current subversion in the Church of Christ, what Pope Montini himself called the "auto-demolition" of Christianity.

In Rome, on page 603 of the November 18, 1970 issue of /I Borghese, a widely circulated magazine, a sensational article was published under thfollowing impressive headlines: "The Bronze Gate; Paul VI: Pope or 'High
Priest'?" We quote from that article:

The moral effect at the Vatican has been enormous, almost shocking. Rumors had been circulating for a long time in Vatican circles without anyone daring to expose the fact. It was only recently that Abbe Georges de Nantes disseminated the news that the sovereign Pontiff of the Apostolic Roman Catholic Church occasionally wears the insignia of the Hebrew high priest, Caiphas, along with his pectoral cross on his mozzetta. The echo of this news behind the Bronze Gate has been resounding.

Nevertheless, there can be no doubt: the shape, color and embellishment of this badge corresponds to the description given in the Bible. No Pope in the preceding two thousand years had even worn a jewel like this, minutely described in chapter 28 of Exodus, one of the books of the Bible. John Baptist Montini most
certainly wears it. Why? No one dares divulge the obscure motives for this decision of his, but everybody agrees about the possibility of intentional ambiguity on the part of the Pontiff.

 This object, made of pure gold, is square, enhanced by twelve precious stones arranged in four rows of three each, and hangs from the neck by means of a golden cord made of interlaced rings ending in a tassel. All twelve precious stones have different colors.

This is the ephod of the Hebrew high priest, known as the breastplate of judgment. Aaron and his issue had to wear it as a ritual ornament, and its precious stones represent Israel's twelve tribes. The description of this peculiar thing is to be found in Exodus ... exactly as it can be seen today in many photographs of Paul VI .... 

[Editor's Note: The ephod appears to have been a
linen garment worn under the amulet spoken of by the author. The amulet is called the "breastpiece of decision" in Exodus 28:29 in the Saint Joseph Edition of The New American Bible (New York: Catholic Book Publishing, 1970. Imprimatur: Patrick Cardinal O'Soyle, Archbishop of Washington.)~ the jeweled amulet is called the "rational of judgment" in the Douay-Rheims version of theBible (Rockford, Illinois: TAN Books and Publishers, from the 1899 edition.Imprimatur: James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop ofBaltimore.)~ in the RevisedStandard Version of The Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1965.), it is called the "breastpiece of judgment." Still another name, the "burse," is assigned to it in the Knox Bible (New York:Sheed and Ward, 1950. Imprimatur: Bernardus Cardinal Griffin.). The reader is urged to read the 28th chapter of the book of Exodus for a better explanation of the items spoken about in this section.]

How long is it since this unbelievable union of the pectoral cross and the badge of the Hebrew high priest took place? To answer this question, we have examined hundreds of photographs. In this way we are able to affirm that th first appearance of this strange amulet on the chest of the Roman Pope dates from at least 1964, some months after his visit to Palestine. It seems logical to deduce that this ritual ornament was given to him on that occasion, since Paul VI visited Israel also.

This is no isolated case or hallucination. The emblem of the Levitical high priest is clearly visible, especially when Paul VI wears his mozzetta, a red mantelet embroidered with white ermine. On such occasions the pectoral cross often cannot be seen in pictures, for the Pope's clasped hands may conceal it, but Aaron's device always appears, for it is connected by means of a large golden piece of cord. Only on one occasion did the strange emblem hang on the white robes of Paul VI without his mozzetta. This was when the Roman Pontiff paid visit to India and the cameramen surprised him as he was being followed and surrounded by Hindu children.

In various photographs taken during Paul VI's visits to the holy places Christendom and at the various sanctuaries, the breastplate of judgment is always visible. The jeweled breastpiece was conspicuous on many occasions,
among them these: at Fumone, when the Pope visited the tomb of Pope Celestin V, the "great refugee~" at Saint Sabina on the Aventino on Ash Wednesdaywhen the litanies of the saints were sung as amended by the Bugninian liturgy, which now begins with a Stmcle Abraham . . . ; at the Piazza de Spagna, during the homage paid to the Immaculate Virgin; at Saint Agnes; and at Saint Mary of Trastevere. The Pope's wearing of this breastpiece is something at least strange, if not suspicious, and raises doubt requiring an answer different from the ambiguous silence we are accustomed to receive.

Is this, then, a Masonic deed or an obscure design? Someone must explain what this all means . .. . Indeed, it is disconcerting that beside or in place of the pectoral cross of Peter's successor (who still is Christ's Vicar, notwithstanding the contentions of the new theologians), on the chest of the Roman Pontiff, there appears a non-Christian emblem which, for its very richness, is opposite to the principles of the Church of the Poor.

We do not know what explanation could be given to Paul VI's wearing of this ritual device of the Levitical high priest. The first explanation suggested benevolently by Abbe de Nantes is not quite convincing and cannot be accepted.

Between Judaism, the religion of the promise, and Catholicism, the religion of the fulfillment of that promise, there is no real continuity, for present Judaism contumaciously denies that the divine promises of the coming Messiah have been fulfilled in Christ Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Mary. Present religious Judaism rejects the two fundamental dogmas of our religion: the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity and the mystery of the Incarnation. How could anyone attempt to unite the Jewish religion with genuine Christianity, which is based on these fundamental dogmas? 

The promise and the preparation lost their reasons to exist when Christ came, and all of religious Judaism lost its legitimacy when Jesus Christ founded His Church, the new Israel, not the Israel
according to the flesh, but the Israel according to the spirit.

Now then, the breastpiece was a prominent Jewish emblem. It symbolically represented the twelve tribes of carnal Israel at the ritual celebrations. Nothing, then, justifies the wearing of this ritual object by a Pope, the visible head of the new people of God, the children of the New Covenant.

Even the fact that no previous Pope during the 2,000-year history of the Church has ever worn this ritualistic object of religious Judaism, seems to demonstrate that there is an absolute incompatibility between the profession of our Catholic Faith and the wearing of the ephod or "breastplate of judgment,thoroughly described in the Exodus as characteristic and exclusive of the Levitical high priest.

Since Paul VI wore it publicly, we have the right, and moveover, a grave obligation of conscience to investigate why the Pontiff did so. With good reason Abbe Georges de Nantes was afraid of understanding the only consistent
explanation which, on the one hand, may be perfectly consistent and harmonic with other inexplicable deeds of Pope Montini, with his paradoxical Pontificate as a whole, and with all the subversion and auto-demolition inside the Church.

John Baptist Montini wears the breastpiece because in his heart, rather than a Pope, he is a Levitical high priest. Consciously or unconsciously, only God knows, he seems to be associated with international Judaism, its mighty leaders, and its destructive tools of Communism and Masonry. On the other hand, in his
genealogical line of ancestors we find actual roots of Jewish origin, just as in the cases of other cardinals, monsignors, and theologians who have masterminded this dreadful revolution in God's Church. Indeed I denounce Judaism as the active and most efficient force that, with its immense resources, has prepared this tragedy and harmed not only the Church and souls, but nations and peoples, sowing confusion, nonconformity, and class struggle, as well as civil and international wars which have bathed the whole world in blood and pain.

It is only too painful to conclude the above, but there is an unavoidable dilemma for us: either we save the Church, or we obstinately continue defending two Popes and a Council guilty of demolishing the unity of the Church.

(Several more posts will follow in the Amulet series as we try and figure-out what'h'hell has happened to the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church that ABS was born into in 1948 for that Church has ceased to exist and it is no use trying to tell ABS it exists - outside of the Caves of Covadonga; the SSPX, FSSP, and the other Traditional Orders - the caves so hated by the revolutionaries and pedestrian prelates but in which caves, one prays, young Pelayos are being formed who will go to war with the revolutionaries who are so solidly in control of the Hierarchy that even putative faithful Cardinals quail at confronting heresy from on high.

Will the Neo-Pelayos will the war eventually? It is ineluctable for that, it can not be denied, is the Will of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.