Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

The Amulet (2)

In the previously-mentioned article in Look magazine, Joseph Roddy wrote:

 "When conservatives got to know about these secret conferences at the topthey begato point to the American Jews as the new power behind the Church." 

These conservatives were right in suspecting an immense world infiltration of Jews, Masons. Communists, disloyal religious who entered seminaries, novitiates, and all Catholic organizations with the assignment and orders to surreptitiously and discretely attain the leading positions from which they were to launch the internal revolution that had been planned in the dark dens of the Jewish-Masonic-Communist conspiracy.

 Facts? Evidence?

 There are more than enough, provided one is not obstinate in accepting them.

To begin with, we have the well-known case of Fr. Tondi, S.J ., who, while an active member of the Italian Communist Party in his youth, was chosen by the party leaders to actively infiltrate the Society of Jesus. This crypto Communist so successfully passed all the tests in his Jesuitic formation and was so clever in his studiesthat at the end of his third probation (the finishing touch the Society gives its workers), the superiors appointed him to a position of utmost responsibility, that of Prefect of Studies of the Gregorian Pontifical University, the most important philosophical and theological center of the Jesuits and possibly of the whole ChurchIn his position, this hidden Communist faithfully followed the secret guidelines given by his real hierarch to launch and successfully develop the ideological revolution that later on corrupted the theological and philosophical thought of that most important university. Finally, this Jesuit's connections with the high leaders of Italian and international Communism were disclosed.

In anothepart of his article, Joseph Roddy wrote the following revealing words:

An advertising firm, close enough to the Vatican to be able to get the Roman addresses of the twenty-two cardinals and bishops coming from abroad to attend the Council, delivered each of them copy of a 900-page book, The Plot
Against the Church (/I Complotto Contra La Chiesa). Among this book's slanderous pages (here were some traces of truth)The affirmation contained in the book, that the Church had been infiltrated by Jews, was an efficacious intrigue of the anti-Semites; but it is an undeniable fact that many Jews, ordained as priests, were in Romworking out a declaration in favor afthe Jews. Among them were FrBaum and Msgr. John Oesterreicher, both of whom were members of Cardinal Bea's secretariat. Cardinal Bea himself, according to the Cairo newspaper, Al Gomhuria, was Jew named Bejar.

The facts being evident, international Jewry and its spokesman Roddy, could not deny the apparent fact of infiltration, although, as is natural, they take good care not to give us all the names of the infiltrators.

Sometime ago, Bea, Baum, and Oesterreicher (a few names to which we could add others of crypto-Jews, crypto-Masons, and crypto-Communists cunningly infiltrated into the Church), began to prepare the current subversion
and were able to surreptitiously reach top positions so as to make themselves more effective. Using their personal skills, those chosen for this transcendental job had to have excellent capabilities and the influence of members of the hierarchy, who were no doubt impressed by the apparent zeal of the infiltrators, as well as by convenient flattery and gifts. Given great natural abilities, the chosen ones could not help inspiring confidence and gaining progressive promotions. In intrigue, hypocrisy, and skill, the infiltrator Jews are surpassed only by the devil. In addition, to conduct this intrigue, the Jewish mafia could rely on worthy non-JewishCatholic individuals, such as FrTimothy Fitzharris O'Boyle, S.J., who installed and protected them at the Bible Institute under the tutelage of the Most Eminent Cardinal Bea, who, as a member of the illustrious Society of Jesus, served as an information center for those engaged in the massive infiltration of the Church.

Malachi Martin was a Jewish Agent


another personage mentioned by Roddy was CIA operative, Fr Morlion

A young seminarian by the name of Joseph Ratzinger came of age during the American occupation of Germany. He attended the seminary from 1947 to 1950 in Munich, or Ground Zero of the American efforts to culturally re-engineer Europe. Joseph Ratzinger, like millions of other German Catholics who listened to American broadcasts and enjoyed American movies, was the target of the American psychological warfare and societal re-engineering efforts after World War II during the period known as the Cold War. His thinking was reshaped to accept America as the ideal, and one of the best tools the Americans used to do that was the doctrinal weapon of mass destruction known as The American Proposition (TAP) that was developed and disseminated by Henry Luce and John Courtney Murray, SJ during the Cold War, and injected into the Church’s veins by the likes of Felix Morlion, OP.

(more to follow)