Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Luther love for Lent

The issues that brought about the separation between the Church of Rome and the Reformation were above all indulgences and how sinners are justified

O, so when Luther wrote to Erasmus that he didn't really care much about the polemics of indulgences and the papacy etc?


ABS would never have thought that when he was born into the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church in 1948 that some day he would witness a relentless striving to turn Luther into a hero worthy of imitation because, he instinctively knew, that to make an enemy a hero necessitates attacking the Church of the past.

And of course, that is what the crummy preaching of ecumenism is always all about, praising our enemies as misunderstood saints and condemning the Church of the past as too intensely focused on ritual and candles and incense and churches and vestments and legalism all at the expense of experiences and all of those criticisms are always done by men wearing one form or another of religious garb and those crummy pro-protestant polemics are being delivered in a consecrated Catholic Church.

Yeah, hypocrites are hypocritical aren't they?

But, what can they do when they clearly repudiate the Church of the past because they consider their own selves enlightened spirits compared to those bad old days.

Men like the papal preacher are the poisoned fruit of a cursed fig tree.