Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

The Holocaust (2)

“From the rising of the sun even to the going down, my name is great among the Gentiles, and in every place there is Sacrifice, and there 
is offered to my name a clean oblation: for my name is great among the Gentiles, saith the Lord of hosts."- Malac. i.11.

            The Sacrifice of the Mass is essentially the same as the Sacrifice of the Cross. It is the most pleasing offering we could make to God during an entire eternity. It is, of all things here below, that which procures most joy to the Church Triumphant—most help to the Church Suffering—most profit to the Church Militant.

            The Sacrifice of the Mass is a holocaust most perfect, since we render to God an infinite honor in offering to him our Divine Lord... 

Page 152 and following at the link below. Be sure to read more than just a few pages for it will contain a true surprise, an explanation as to how and why the Holocaust of the Mass is a burnt offering....





I think that it is the double communion rite of the 
Extraordinary Form of the Mass that makes it 
abundantly clear that the Sacrifice of the Mass isn't completed until the priest himself consumes the holocaust. 

So, is The Good Father about to consume the corpses of Jews, the victims of the  war crimes the Nazis committed against the Messias-Deniers, or is the Holocaust he is about to consume Jesus Christ and His Pluperfect Salvific Sacrifice on Calvary now Sacramentally confected at the altar?

Cochem; " sacrifice of the mass"

In addition to the all-prevailing cry which the 
blood of Christ sends up to Heaven, there is 
something else peculiar to it, whereby the anger of
God is appeased, namely, the sweet odor which
ascends from that bloodwhen it is shed upon the 
altar. Referring to the Jewish burnt-sacrifices, 
God says: " The morning holocaust you shall 
always offer every day of the seven days for 
the food of the fire, and for a most sweet odor
to the Lord, which shall rise from the 
holocaust, and from the libations of each."
 (Numbers xxviii. 23, 24.) 

Now if the odor arising from the burnt flesh 
of animals and the effusion of their blood was
 agreeable to Almighty God, what will not the
 most sweet odor of Christ's precious blood effect, 
when offered upon the altar as a holocaust 
worthy of His divine majesty! When the priest 
offers the chalice, he says: "We offer unto Thee, O
 Lord, the chalice of salvation, beseeching Thy 
clemency, that in the sight of Thy divine 
majesty it may ascend with the odor of sweetness 
for our salvation, and for that of the whole world. 
Amen." The priest makes use of these words because the wine contained in the chalice will be changed into the  precious blood of Christ. St. Paul says: "Christ hath  loved us, and hath delivered Himself for us, an oblation, and a sacrifice to God for an odor of  sweetness. " (Eph. v.

2.) When this precious holocaust was offered upon the cross, with shedding of blood, at the cost of great pain, so delicious was the fragrance that ascended to heaven that it counteracted the evil odor that arose from the many and grievous sins of mankind.  

For the death of Christ, the shedding of His blood, 
was more pleasing to God than the iniquities of the world were displeasing to Him. And when this 
divine Victim is sacrificed and His blood shed
 mystically upon our altars, a sweet and agreeable
odor daily ascends thence unto the Lord. Thus, if 
with a contrite heart thou dost offer the precious
blood of Christ to God in holy Mass, not only dost 
thou dispel the stench of thy sins by the perfume of 
His blood, but thou dost more to please God than 
thou hast done to displease Him by thy misdeeds.

After the Consecration at Mass, who is upon our
altars? Is it the unknown number of the corpses of the Messias-Deniers resulting from the war crimes committed by the Nazis against The Messias-Deniers or is it Jesus Christ?

What is the precious Holocaust offered on The Cross on Calvary? Was it an anticipation of the war crimes of the Nazis committed against the Messias-Deniers  or is it the  Pluperfect Salvific Sacrifice of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ?

Kick the colonisers out of your head and liberate 
your heart, mind, and soul dear reader.

You know what The Holocaust is and you know it
does not have one thing to do with what those who 
control discourse demand you say it is.

You would not let anyone convince you that 2 + 2 = 666 so do not let anyone convince you that The
Holocaust is anything other that what it is - The 
Pluperfect Salvific Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on
Calvary, and that same self-sacrifice is re-presented in time every single time the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is actualised.