Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Palliate the progressives and the pretend people

The world has come to a point where it must perish or be reborn. Everything in between the two is crushed by the destruction or rejected with disdain by the reconstruction."  

Louis Veuillot: L'illusion Liberale .

Then continual surrender to evil by the "conservatives" continues.

American history teaches that it is neither the radical nor the regressive who are ultimately vindicated in their response to cultural disruption, but rather those cautious conservatives who assign themselves the difficult task of thoughtfully working through the new and unexpected in the cause of preserving a social order as peaceful and free as the one that came prior.

The Four Sins crying to Heaven for vengeance are all subjects of positive law in this putative peaceful social order.

There are four sins crying to Heaven for
vengeance and all four sins are the public policy of this Evil Empire, America, and all four sins are the favored objects of positive law in this Evil Empire, America.

Willful Murder  (Abortion, Unjust Wars, Drones, Assassinations)

The Sin of Sodom (So-called Gay marriage, the acceptance of sodomy as permissible and praise worthy)

Oppression of the Poor (Usury, which is state-sponsored theft of labor).

Defrauding Laborers of their Wages (Mass immigration which undermines the wage scale, closing manufacturing in America and relocating it overseas to be done by slaves)

Whenever one reads these societal suicide suggestions one does well to recall the words of the Calvinist Cassandra, Robert Lewis Dabney, for a very long time ago he told the truth about Conservatism: