Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Tyrannical Papal Positivism

It is a tyrannical idea of papal positivism that insists one must gain Papal approval to either worship right or think straight.

Tradition has already approved of these Sacred Rites but let's just for a second imagine (surely impossible) that a Pope were to be elected who was opposed to Sacred Tradition and insisted that all must celebrate the Lil' Licit Liturgy (Licit because it possesses the bare minimum required to be licit) and not The Real Mass in its many ineffable, good, true, and beautiful forms.

But that would be an absurdity for our Pope is not a Tsar.

Hey, just a minute there, big talker. Who made you an authority on these matters?

Good point.  ABS has never taken a degree in any of these matters but this is just a crummy blog by one who has this in his profile:

ABS is an elderly crank who does not know one-half of what he thinks he knows but he supplies for his ignorance with steely confidence and puissant conviction.

But it is just a matter of common sense, isn't it?

It has always been Catholic praxis to allow men to worship as did their Fathers and Grandfathers and so any insistence that one could no longer worship as did their Fathers and Grandfathers is automatically suspect as a revolutionary command and which evil is opposed to Tradition.