Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

It was about Fiddy Five years ago that V2 began leaking the ideological fuel powering it

It was in October of 1962 that CSAD  Committee (The Committee on Confusing Signals and Duality) began to routinely violate the non-contradiction principle when discussing The Liturgy:

There are reasons which militate in favor of Latin, inasmuch as its adoption has not only traditional values but it also has a true unifying effect. Furthermore, because of its logical precision, because of its concrete phraseology of legal terms, it is particularly suited for theology and dogma.
It also has considerable psychological and ascetical values since it tends to make one speak in a logical and rational manner and prevents abandonment to sentimentalities and romantic evasions. It tends to give its user discipline of expression and of life.
On the other hand there are important reasons which recommend the use of the vernacular in liturgical functions. First and foremost of these is the vernacular’s capacity to make liturgical rites accessible to the community of the faithful and favor, therefore, their active participation in the liturgy.
The use of the vernacular reveals, moreover, the universality of Christendom, capable even in its unchangeability of assuming the values and traditions of the individual peoples, of all latitudes and all times, of the present and of the future.

The Council opened in 1962 and almost immediately The Otherhanders seized Tradition by the neck and choked it to death.

Yes, Christianity is unchangeable and can be kept that way by the use of the vernacular because, for instance, the vernacular, hook-up, has always had the same meaning since The V2 rocket was being prepped for launching.

Back then as today hook-up meant, say, having your TV hooked-up to cable and its meaning has remained the same ever since.