Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

No. Not Ordinary Time

Like our Calendars have always done, The new Calendar of The Catholic Church (The Liturgical Calendar) begins with Advent, the New Year's Day, if you will, of the Catholic Church, and progresses through Christmas and then "Ordinary Time" until Lent and the Sacred Triduum and then Ordinary Time until Pentecost and then back to "Ordinary Time" until the next Advent.

Thanks be to God that our Holy Father has officially restored the Old Calendar and the Traditional Mass (Summorum Pontificum) which were never suppressed following the Second Vatican Council - although few knew the facts.

In any event, this time of year in The Liturgical Calendar is anything but "Ordinary;" it is an extraordinary time and ought still be called "Time After Pentecost," in both the New and the Traditional Calendar as it is that time after the descent of The Holy Ghost at Pentecost in which The Third Person of the Blessed Trinity begins to animate and illuminate The Church, to teach it all truth, and to fill the hearts of the Faithful with Grace so as to vivify and quicken the diverse talents of each individual Christian within the Unity of Holy Mother Church.

The only thing that is ordinary about this time is the new theology and orientation of the reformers who thought their particular and peculiar proclivities truly were normative and had to be imposed upon us for our own good.


But, no thanks.

I will stick with Dom Gueranger and Tradition and y'all can have your ordinary time. I have drafted a couplet which, I think, summarises the difference twixt the  Traditional Mass and The New Mass:

The N.O. Priest eyeballs us and loudly speaks the Consecration to us;

The E.F. Priest faces God and speaks the ineffable in traditional sussurus.

And that one seemingly small difference summarises the galactic distance existing twixt the organic growth within Tradition that gave us the Immemorial Mass and the artificial reform that gave us the New Mass which never Legislated any of the actions of the Priest we have become accustomed to.

Liturgical anomie
will be the death of me