Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

The Protestant Revolution

In the Sixteenth Century, there was a sudden and deadly outbreak of deracinated, demented, and damnable darnel in the form of the protestant revolutionaries.

Revolutionising within the form of Catholicism, they did to their Churches what the phylloxera louse did to vineyards.

For over FIFTEEN CENTURIES, Christians Worshipped as Malachias prophesied and Christ Commanded.

Christian Worship is about the action of Jesus. Working through the Priesthood He established, Jesus, as both Priest and Victim, offers Himself as the Pluperfect Sacrifice/ The Holy Holocaust of the New Covenant as an act of Propitiation.

Jesus also offers Himself to us in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the Pluperfect meal of the New Covenant. That is how Jesus communicates His Divine life to us and that is how we advance on the road of Sanctification. God became man so man could become God, as the great Saint memorably summarised the truth.

We Christians, as members of the Royal Priesthood, gathered/gather with the Ordained Priest at the altar and joined/join with Him in offering ourselves, our prayers, works, joys and sufferings and that offering was/is joined to the Pluperfect Sacrifice of Jesus, and thus made acceptable, and the innumerable angels, gathered about the Altar, take that Pluperfect and acceptable offering to the Altar in Heaven.

Once the protestant revolutionaries had completely denuded the vineyard and chased Jesus out of the Sanctuary, there was no need of a priest. He was treated as a pest; an annoyance; an unacceptable accretion who, in the sick and twisted ideology of the Protestant Heresiarchs, was superfluous.

So, emptied of the actions of Jesus, the protestant revolutionaries filled their churches with a hymn sandwich - the work of man; a sermon sandwiched between hymns. It is solely the work of man. And only man.

Where once the odor of Sanctity permeated the Sanctuary, there is now but bloody rags, the work of man having supplanted the actions of Jesus, and worship was killed, Jesus dethroned, and man, ascending into the sides of the North like Satan, substituted a service for the Eucharist/Divine Liturgy/Mass.

Bereft of the actions of Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour, the services of man are worse than a poor substitute. They reflect the triumph of Satan who used the16th Century Satanic Mini-me's to chase Christ out of the protestant churches.

The ego-maniacal revolutionaries had to have Jesus decrease so their oral traditions could increase.

The sad truth is that hundreds of millions of well-intentioned Christian protestants have never had the truth preached to them in words that will prick their ears and make them sit-up and take notice.

The hour is late. Time is running out.

Protestants must return to the Church so they can reclaim their rightful heritage, Worship God as Jesus Himself Commanded us to do at the Last Supper/First Mass, and to enter the Ark of Salvation, outside of which is but satanic shark-infested water where one’s soul is imperiled and drowned.