Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Olympics News

EXCLUSIVE: The trade in dog meat South Korea doesn't want Olympics tourists to see is exposed at market where they are slaughtered, chopped up and served in bubbling red broth for just $8 a bowl

  • Dogs and even puppies are sold openly for food in Moran market, Seongnam, outside of Seoul, South Korea, Dailymail.com reveals - showing claims it would be closed last May are false 

  • The dogs are kept in freezing, dark cages until they are slaughtered, their fur burned off and their carcasses are put on display

  • Up to 80,000 dogs are sold and slaughtered at the market a each year to be made into an $8 soup, which folklore claims boosts eaters' sex drive 
