Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Oops. ABS forgot to hate Lincoln on his Holy Day of Feb 12.

In the nation as a whole what moves toward fruition is a train of events set in motion by the duplicitous rhetoric concerning the Negro that helped make Abraham Lincoln into our first “sectional” president. Central to this appeal is a claim to a kind of moral superiority that costs absolutely nothing in the way of conduct. Lincoln, in insisting that the Negro was included in the promise of the Declaration of Independence and that the Declaration bound his countrymen to fulfill a pledge hidden in that document, seemed clearly to point toward a radical transformation of American society. Carried within his rejection of Negro slavery as a continuing feature of the American regime, his assertion that the equality clause of the Declaration of Independence was “the father of all moral principle among us,” were certain muted corollaries. By promising that the peculiar institution would be made to disappear if candidates for national office adopted the proper “moral attitude” on that subject, Lincoln recited as a litany the general terms of his regard for universal human rights. But at the same time he added certain modifications to this high doctrine: modifications required by those of his countrymen to whom he hoped to appeal, by the rigid racism of the Northern electorate, and by “what his own feelings would admit.” The most important of these reservations was that none of his doctrine should apply significantly to the Negro in the North. Or, after freedom, to what he could expect in the South. It was a very broad, very general, and very abstract principle to which he made reference. By it he could divide the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the chaff, the patriot from the conspirator. But for the Negro it provided nothing more than a technical freedom, best to be enjoyed far away. Or the valuable opportunity to “root, hog, or die.” For the sake of such vapid distinctions he urged his countrymen to wade through seas of blood.


Y'all are prolly a little late to the Lincoln Hate Coalition but that is no reason not to volunteer to join-up.

Check on the archive of Mr. Di Lorenzo for there is plenty of there to feed one's hatred of that despicable tyrant:
