Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Trump's Military Parade Fix

Our humble POTUS, Mr. Trump, is desirous of having a military parade in Washington and he does not mean the army of lesbians, leftists, and lunatics who assemble there regularly wearing vagina costumes.

Of course this desire for a military parade is being mocked or criticised as the insane lust of a dictator of a Third World Nation but that makes no sense because the Kenyan Mahometan is no longer our dictator.

We at ABE Ministry (Against Basically Everything) have taken the proposal seriously and we think we have arrived at a sensible solution.

The POTUS should declare victory in Afghanistan  and bring the roughly 16,000 troops home and have them parade around the swamp as victors in our longest war ever- 18 years - and as they pass in review of Mr. Trump, he can say,  This war was bigly; huge, believe me. This is the greatest war ever and it was won because I am President.

And then our Vice President, the perpetually appearing cowed and fearful, Mike Pence, can declare that the troops will never have to pay taxes because America sent them into a war zone without really having any idea what the plan was other than making the word safe for democracy and letting Afghani women drive even though there are no cars and most women ride around on goats.

This proposal by ABE Ministry makes total sense and we are confident that the Afghani Army - including all of the crusty commanders who are, right this minute, prolly sodomising their favorite catamite - can bring order to that lovely piece of real estate; the place where empires go to die.