Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Two deadly realities currently killing the Catholic Church

The first deadly reality the One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church refuses to confront and correct is its own official catechetical teaching that, objectively, Jesus sinned twice.

Jesus will not richly rain Graces down upon His Church until this execrable and evil objective reality is corrected and apologised for.


The second deadly reality the One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church refuses to confront and correct is sodomy.

There are far too many sodomites in positions of power in the Church and the Hierarchy will not remove them from power.


Who is talking about these sodomites who have scandalised our Faith and who have committed uncountable sexual crimes against innocent adolescent males and whose crimes were covered-up by sodomite Bishops who, owing to their mephitic perversity, were easily blackmailed into silence and complicity and so these queer clergy were simply plucked from a pasture where they had been allowed to seduce and pollute the bodies and souls of innocent young  male sheep and dropped into another pasture where these clerical queers could have easy access to more innocent sheep and whose families, especially their Fathers, would have caused all manner of hell to break loose had they known what their Shepherds were doing to them and their families - exposing their innocent male children to queer clergy without any warnings.

And how many billions of dollars from the laity have been used to pay for the crimes of these evil perverts and yet not one, not one, of the sodomite bishops ever spent a day in jail.

Well, Catholic laity, whatever became of the investigation into this Sodomy Lobby in Rome and around the world and what was the outcome of the investigation?

Nada, insofar as Amateur Brain Surgeon can see.

It is impossible to imagine a larger evil elephant within the Sanctuary of the One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Chruch.

Who will break the teeth of the Sodomite Serpent which has caused the One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church to cower in the corner collectively as a slithering sissy apologising for being mean in the past to these sodomitic sex criminals and why'n'hell is the first and last word about sodomy solely from the crummy new Catechism rather than from, say, a Doctor of the Church, Saint Peter Damien?

We Catholics need a real man as a Pope, one who is the Vicar of the Risen and Triumphant Jesus Christ, King of Heaven and Earth, who rules in Power and Glory, and who will expel and excommunicate any Priest or Prelate who has been involved in these execrable evils.

The last thing we need is a Pope who will act as though he is the Vicar of Jesus, an itinerant meek and mild preacher Pre-Passion, Death, and Resurrection Christ who was nice to everyone.

Jesus established HIS One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church for two reasons



and the existence of these two deadly realities are nearly insurmountable barriers to most men attaining unto those two ends.