Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

AmCatholics imitate, they don't initiate.

The Knights of Columbus have aped the evangelical proddies and have started to sell "Keep Christ in Christmas" bumper stickers in the local Palm Beach County Franchise of Dead Diocese Inc, America and they registered puzzlement when ABS suggested to them that they ought consider selling, "Keep Christ and the Mass in Christmas" but AmCatholics won't initiate, only imitate.

O, and they were flummoxed when ABS suggestion they consider creating a bumper sticker that ABS currently has on his car:

"Don't rush the Holy Day season
Advent exists for a specific reason."

In a few days, that sticker comes off and the Christmas one goes on for if a Trad does not do it his own self it does not get done.

O, btw, these magnetised bumper stickers are affordable (google for various companies) and are endlessly reusable season after Holy season as ABS can attest.