Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Irish Algonquin Trad at Lil' Licit Liturgy

ABS was born into the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church in 1948 and he is the same age as Israel but the new Israel, the Catholic Church, has been blowed-up and the Real Mass has been destroyed and so when poor ABS seeks for Salvation and Sanctification in the new new Israel, he must seek the Salvific Sacraments within the Lil' Licit Liturgy, a happy meal for women, children, and sodomites and he meets aught but rank strangers in the new rite; strangers who have no idea or memory of Catholic Tradition.

However, even acknowledging that ABS is always amongst rank strangers in the Lil' Licit Liturgy, there is no just cause for him to descend into this state

for, like all men, ABS was created to be a warrior and the very idea of a self-pitying christian warrior  is sickening.

While there is no just cause to deny the reality that ABS has been abandoned by his shepherds, the ultimate Shepherd has not abandoned him and Jesus, the ultimate Shepherd, one imagines, doesn't cotton to self-pity so, ABS will actualise his duties as a Christian Catholic warrior in a cheerful masculine manner.

O, and never forget that the revolutionaries/new theologians hate to be laughed at.