Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Viva Christo Rey out, Ex opere operato in

Catholic Dictionary




A term defined by the Council of Trent to describe how the sacraments confer the grace they signify. Trent condemned the following proposition: "That grace is not conferred 'ex opere operato' by the sacraments of the New Law" (Denzinger 1608). Literally the expression means "from the work performed," stating that grace is always conferred by a sacrament, in virtue of the rite performed and not as a mere sign that grace has already been given, or that the sacrament stimulates the faith of the recipient and thus occasions the obtaining of grace, or that what determines the grace is the virtue of either the minister or recipient of a sacrament. Provided no obstacle (obex) is placed in the way, every sacrament properly administered confers the grace intended by the sacrament. In a true sense the sacraments are instrumental causes of grace.

All that is visible in the life of Christ has passed over into his mysteries (sacraments).  Salvic and Sanctifying truth taught by Pope Leo the Great

Now, ABS is quick to confess that the Mexican Martyrs were far more masculine, courageous, and holy than is ABS but the point that ABS is trying to get at is that there is a growing sedevacantist movement that is convincing more and more Catholic men that the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church has failed, that it no longer has a mass or real sacraments because there so many queers, quislings, and querulous Traditionphobic clowns in the Hierarchy.

There is reason to be alarmed but there is no cause to think that the Sacranents are invalid owing to there being so many sodomites dispensing sacraments.

Do not make the fatal error of letting the enemy cultivate your mind with their anthropocentrism.

Yes, they are man-centered but real Catholic men are Christocentric and we trust that he, Jesus Christ, has passed over into the Sacraments and that the Sacraments are valid despite the dopes, dimwits, and demented clerics dispensing * them for it is not the sinfulness of the Ordained that is crucial, as Trent teaches.

Do not be lead astray by soi distant trads who are making the same anthropocentric error the modernists/new theologians and revolutionaries are when it comes to the question of Sacraments.

* You know ABS, even for you that was too churlish.