Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Diversity + Proximity = War

Diversity does not make us stronger. Diversity makes us weaker.

St. Augustine. City of God:

Chapter 7.— Of the Diversity of Languages, by Which the Intercourse of Men is Prevented; And of the Misery of Wars, Even of Those Called Just.

After the state or city comes the world, the third circle of human society,— the first being the house, and the second the city. And the world, as it is larger, so it is fuller of dangers, as the greater sea is the more dangerous. And here, in the first place, man is separated from man by the difference of languages. For if two men, each ignorant of the other's language, meet, and are not compelled to pass, but, on the contrary, to remain in company, dumb animals, though of different species, would more easily hold intercourse than they, human beings though they be. For their common nature is no help to friendliness when they are prevented by diversity of language from conveying their sentiments to one another; so that a man would more readily hold intercourse with his dog than with a foreigner.

Well, what did he know?  He is just a Doctor of The Church and not an open-borders politician like the vast majority of our Overlords in Washington.

We are constantly being told that Diversity is our strength when the exact opposite is the truth; Diversity, at some point , becomes a grave weakness while Unity is our strength.

How can a nation* be said to even exist, say nothing about being be unified and strong, if it is comprised of men who don't share a common language, culture, or religion?

Please understand that America, long ago, ceased to exist as a nation.

But, back to the diversity that strengthens us...

Let's say a neighbor moves into the house next door and he is a Somalian Mahometan who does not speak English and whose religion teaches him that you, a Christian, are a literal animal worthy of death if you do not convert to his crummy fake religion; how does his diversity strengthen your neighborhood and make you safer?

Quotes from the Crummy Koran:

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

And had We willed, We would surely have elevated him therewith but he clung to the earth and followed his own vain desire. So his description is the description of a dog: if you drive him away, he lolls his tongue out, or if you leave him alone, he (still) lolls his tongue out. Such is the description of the people who reject Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.). So relate the stories, perhaps they may reflect.

When the new Somalian Mahometan neighbor sees you and your friends gathered around the barbecue, slow-roasting pork ribs, laughing, and drinking ice cold beer while your beautiful long-legged wives are wearing shorts and shirts and sipping Cosmopolitans will you have been so deluded by empty sloganeering that you will not really understand that he is seething with rebarbative rage over what you are eating and drinking while allowing your women to behave like whores?

Diversity is not our strength, it is an opening to madness, mayhem, and murder once it reaches a certain point.

When ABS was born in Vermont and up until 1960, America was a Christian nation with a common culture (The West is Christian culture) and in1960, roughly 90% of the population was still white.  It was  nation where everybody felt safe and where, for instance, in Vermont, nobody locked their doors and everybody left their keys in the ignition of their cars.

Vermont was a state where the Idlenot milkman walked into the house while all were asleep and delivered milk and butter directly into your refrigerator or left it in a metal box on your doorstep.

Since 1965, our Overlords have turned us in a multi-ethnic, multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-religious state because liberalism.

Once United America has become not unlike Yugoslavia was with its multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-religious status.

How'd that work out for Yugoslavia?  Was that country strengthened by diversity or did diversity lead to war?

ABS knows it is rayciss to notice patterns; nonetheless....

Voxiversity 001: IMMIGRATION AND WAR



* Nation: A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory.

Subverting the subversives.

There are not a few blogs that are aghast at the immodest and immoral performances chosen for the Pope's entertainment.

Here is an excellent example...

(The posture does seem to take the balls of her feet too literally, but, she is a woman...)


But, as it is the case there are always at least two sides to every story, perhaps we ought to consider a side that might be a defense of this performance.

When thinking about sodomites it is useful to keep in mind that they are naturally subversive and will strive to undermine any and all rules and doctrines which correctly condemn  their perversions.

Any organisation rash enough to accept subversives - especially if that organisation is the Perfect Society of Divine Institution - and allows those subversives to invite or recruit other sodomites into its hierarchy are quite aware (But do not care) that the sodomites are a clear and present danger to that Perfect Society because they will (at first silently and then publicly as their power grows) act as pernicious perverts diligently striving to mortally strike at the Faith once delivered.

Sodomites desire The Perfect Society undergo a bottom's up revolution in which the perverted are the most powerful who will silence or punish those who refuse their demonic agenda.

It is simply the case that sodomites must be removed from all positions of authority if The Faith once delivered is to be restored and, once more, to thrive as the triumphal society it is created by Jesus to be - as THE sacred and sole Church wherein man may find salvation and sanctification.

Consider that it is rather an open secret that the Vatican is riven with revolutionary sodomites who are subversive of Truth and Tradition.

However, what if those who chose the entertainment for the Pope were heterosexuals (yes, Virginia, there are such men in that tiny country, Vatican State) who wished to entice the sodomites into normal sex as a way to begin reorienting them to the truth of creation - that God created man to be with a woman.

Perhaps the heterosexual men who chose the entertainment were historians familiar with the Republic of Venice (Serenissima) where, it has been said, the men acted like women, the women acted like men, and both acted like monkeys.

Back in the day (as we are now wont to say) there were scads of sodomites all over the place and the Great Council, especially the Council of Ten, comprised of men with normal passions, decided to hire prostitutes to openly parade their nekkid bodies in an effort to entice the perverts into normal sex and begin their reconversion to the Faith.

A famous Bridge in beautiful Venice (Venice is a living and breathing seductive woman far more than a mere place) was where the Republic situated these women and the bridge where the area was can still be seen today (minus the pretty, passionate, and provocative prostitutes).

Ponte delle Tette is a small bridge in VeniceItaly. It takes its name ("Bridge of the Tits") from the use of the bridge by prostitutes, who were encouraged to stand toplessthere to entice and convert suspected homosexuals.[1]
The Carampane di Rialto was one of the red-light districts of Venice in the fifteenth century, by official decree. Prostitutes there would open their legs wide or display their breasts from nearby balconies to attract business. The Serenissima supported this heterosexual sex in order to help stem the tide of a growing wave of homosexuality, which had grown into what was perceived as a social problem. By 1509, one writer estimated that there were some 11,565 courtesans working in Venice. Nearby was the Traghetto Del Buso, where courtesans crossed the Grand Canal to another legal red light district, again per orders of the Serenissima. Taxes on prostitution in 1519 helped finance excavation at the Arsenale.

Maybe it is the case that normal men chose the entertainment for the Pope for a subversive purpose.

Subvert the sodomite subversives - Yes, ABS approves of this striking subtelty.

Our Pope and Our Cross on not judging sodomites is contrary to Scripture and Tradition

The Syllabus Of Errors

Pope BI. Pius IX - 1864

11. The Church not only ought never to pass judgment on philosophy, but ought to tolerate the errors of philosophy, leaving it to correct itself. — Ibid., Dec. 21, 1863

It is said that Milano's Abp. Montini helped draft the opening speech of Vatican Two which bear-hugged this error with grave intensity and it is not uninteresting to observe that Our Pope and Our Cross considers his own self a devotee of Montini (Soon to be Canonised, of course) and yet he, like all modern Popes, seem uninterested in the teachings of Saint Paul - 2 Cor 10:4,5,6

Is there any senitent being who has not heard of Franciscus saying, Who am I to judge?

Well, he is the authority and as the Shepherd and Vicar of Christ on Earth, he has the authority and the duty to punish the disobedient and the heretics but he refuses to do so (because mercy?) and so the sheep and the lambs are set upon by these wolves who tear them into spiritual shreds and devour their souls.

The Great Commentary of Cornelius a Lapide
2 Cor 10:4,5,6For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. 

And every height that exhalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every understanding unto the obedience of Christ;

And having in readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience shall be fulfilled.

Ver. 4.—For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. 

Carnal weapons are such as serve for carnal and bodily warfare and life, as the honours, pleasures, and power of this world. This the Apostles did not use in their task of subduing the world to Christ. Or rather, as said above, carnal weapons are human arts, sciences, reasonings, systems, eloquence, flatteries, boasting, hypocrisies, affected gravity and prudence, all of which are used by men of the world to gain influence and respect; while true and solid authority, such as Paul and the other Apostles had, is the gift of God, and is not to be obtained by external gifts or by assumed gravity, but rather by the display of virtue, wisdom, and holiness. 

But mighty through God.

Or, are the power of God. Through them God works powerfully in the minds of the hearers—converts them to the faith, makes them accept our preaching, brings them under subjection to Christ, so that we gain credence to what we say, and obtain what we want. These weapons are, says Anselm, (1.) Vehement spiritual zeal; (2.) Efficacious preaching, through God seeming to lend weight and force to our words; (3.) Wisdom; (4.) Courtesy; (S.) Holiness; (6.) Miracles; (7.) Frequent prayer; (8.) Purity of intention; (9.) Patience; (10.) Charity. When they see us men of the most blameless life, seeking not their wealth or honours, but their salvation only, and that by many labours, sacrifices, afflictions, daily death and martyrdom, and preaching to them with such zeal and ardour that all acknowledge Christ, and glorify Him and His Father—by all these things, as though by a most powerful dart, they are struck and wounded in their consciences, they yield, and believe our words and our doctrines. By these weapons do we Apostles destroy the vices and storm the kingdom of the devil, even the whole world. Hence apostleship and preaching of the Gospel are rightly called a warfare. Cf. 1 Tim. i. 18. 

To the pulling down of strong holds. 

All reasonings, syllogisms, sophisms, eloquence, philosophic virtues, worldly power, grace, friendship, and all that the Gentiles and devils opposed to the preaching of the Gospel by the Apostles (Chrysostom and Anselm). (Acceptance and promotion of sodomy are obviously apt for inclusion here)

Ver. 5.—Casting down imaginations. Or, with Theophylact reasonings. The Syriac and Erasmus give imaginations; the Latin version, counsels. By our weapons we destroy all the counsels of the prudent of this world, by which they strive to overthrow the Gospel, to strengthen against it their heathenism, and to put their philosophers before Christ and us. 

And every high thing. 

Every height, both of human and philosophic wisdom, as well as of diabolic magic, such as of Simon Magus and others, and of royal and imperial power. Imaginations and heights were the two towers set up by the Gentiles against the Apostles, one of which seemed impregnable through its intricate wiles, and the other by its height and strength. Yet both yielded to the weapons of the Apostles. 

That exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. 

That knowledge of God given to us by Christ, and which we, His Apostles, teach throughout the world; faith, that is, in the Three in One, in the Son of God, in His Incarnation and death, in the Cross and its Redemption.

And bringing into captivity. 

Every thought, every intellect, however full of resources, however exalted in wisdom, must surrender as a conquered foe, and obey the Gospel of Christ. 

When S. Paul says “every thought” or “every intellect” he does not mean to imply that all the philosophers and mighty men of the world who heard the Gospel preached were converted, but that the weapons of the Apostles were so powerful that they were able to subdue to the faith of Christ any thoughts and reasonings of the human intellect, however full of wiles, however highly exalted. As a matter of fact, they did subdue these powers in those who took these weapons, and admitted them into their soul, and so were converted. Many of all classes of philosophers and orators, illustrious for their learning and wisdom, were subdued by the weapons of the Apostles, and brought to believe in Christ. Such were Dionysius the Areopagite, Clement of Rome, Paul the proconsul, Justin the philosopher, Athenagoras, and others.

And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience. 

Paul had said that his weapons were powerful to subdue any Gentiles or heathen wise men. He now goes on to say that this same power is able to punish all disobedience on the part of the faithful, or amongst heretics. I am ready, he says, and it is easy for me, to punish the disobedience of the false Apostles who depreciate me, by excommunicating them. 

When your obedience is fulfilled. 

For I am unwilling to involve you in the same punishment. I would rather that you yourselves correct what needs correction and I am waiting until you fulfil what you have been ordered. Then when you have done that, I will unsheathe the sword of excommunication against those contumacious detractors. From this doctors lay down that this sword should not be drawn except against the disobedient, and those who, after having been warned, are still rebellious and obstinate.

What's that sound?

As Martin van Creveld, the Israeli military historian has noted, the more women enter any professional field, the more men leave it. And as the men depart, so to do the prestige and the economic rewards provided by the field. This creates a vicious cycle that both expels existing men from the field while repelling new men from entering it.

Yep. Think Altar Girls...

The more Trump talks about MAGA the harder it is to hear the release of air that is deflating the American Empire.

But, if you listen closely...

you can hear the Empire's slow but inexorable collapse.


SHHhhhhh. Don't tell anyone that it is when it seems at its most puissant that an Empire is most vulnerable as its haughtiness shrouds reality.

A Ceremony for Sodomites

From 1Peter5

Cardinal Marx Opens the Door to Blessing Homosexual Unions

Today, 3 February, Cardinal Reinhard Marx — the President of the German Bishops’ Conference — suggests a further opening with regard to the idea of establishing a  blessing from the German Catholic Church to be given to homosexual couples. In an interview with the Bavarian radio station Bayerischer Rundfunk BR, Cardinal Marx refers to Pope Francis’ call of accompanying people more closely in their individual lives, and Marx calls for more pastoral care for homosexuals. When asked about the question of a blessing for homosexual couples, Marx thus proposes “that we be pastorally closer to those [such as homosexuals] who are also in need of that pastoral care and who also desire it.” He continues, saying:
There we also have to give encouragement that the priests and pastoral caretakers also give words of encouragement to the people in concrete situations. I really do not see there any problems. Another question is how this would be done publicly, in a liturgical form, that is where one has to be reticent and also reflect upon that in a good way.
When asked whether he could imagine such a blessing for homosexual couples, Cardinal Marx answers: “There are no general solutions; I do not consider it [such a general solution] to be right, because it is about the pastoral care for individuals.” These are cases “where we do not have a rule,” he explains. “And that does not mean that there is nothing happening.”

Liberace, in his fetching pink cape, on top and Quentin Crisp, looking coquettish in his bitch-roguish chapeau on the bottom - although one imagines both were regularly on the bottom.


The emotionally anticipatory atmospherics surrounding the Ceremony for Sodomites is starting to intensify and while it may never reach the rash-producing level of existential vexation then existing prior to the leg-wrestlng finals between Quentin Crisp and Liberace at the 1963 IVC (International Vanity Championship) it, nonetheless, may well prove to be the most spiritually captious event since Assisi One.

The prizes for  the 1963 IVC winner were precious powders,  perfumes, onyx-handled hairbrushes, and two penis poultices developed by scientists at the SIPS Institute (Scientists Investigating Problems in Sodomy) in Providence, Rhode Island.

The prizes for he who drafts the Ceremony for Sodomites will be the praise-labels bestowed upon the revolutionaries by secularists; enlightened, merciful, compassionate, problem-solvers, pastoral pastors, and victors over Pharisaic dark agers.

Secession, yes. Schism and Sedevacantism, no


Donald W. Livingston

Donald Livingston is a professor of philosophy at Emory University with an "expertise in the writings of David Hume." Livingston received his doctorate at Washington University in 1965. He has been a National Endowment for the Humanities fellow and is on the editorial board of Hume Studies and Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. Livingston is a constitutional scholar and an expositor of the compact nature of the Union, with its concomitant doctrines of corporate resistance, nullification, and secession. The doctrine coincides with federalism, states' rights, the principle of subsidiarity. His political philosophy embodies the decentralizing themes echoed by Europeans such as Althusius, David Hume, and Lord Acton and Americans such as Thomas Jefferson, Spencer Roane, Abel Parker Upshur, Robert Hayne and John Calhoun, which holds the community and family as the elemental units of political society. As Livingston affirms, the compact nature of the Union is opposed to the innovative nationalist theory of Joseph Story, Daniel Webster, and Abraham Lincoln which contends for an indivisible sovereignty, an inviolable aggregate people, and that the American Union created the States following the American War for Independence. This theory as articulated by Lincoln has been characterized by Livingston as "Lincoln's Spectacular Lie."

Did Jesus have faith? NO!!!!

ABS clicked on a link at the indispensable Canon 212, at the link about Sean Cardinal O'Malley, and ABS saw this entry by the Cardinal:

Friday, I was visited by Don Giuseppe Comi, who is a priest of the Archdiocese of Catanzaro-Squillace in Calabria, Italy and a professor at La Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale. He was visiting Boston, so wanted to come and present me with a copy of his new book, “La fede di Gesù” (“The faith of Jesus”).

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the life. He always had The Beatific Vision. He was always in full possession of the truth and so, no, Jesus did not have Faith

FAITH. The acceptance of the word of another, trusting that one knows what the other is saying and is honest in telling the truth. The basic motive of all faith is the authority (or right to be believed) of someone who is speaking. This authority is an adequate knowledge of what he or she is talking about, and integrity in not wanting to deceive. It is called divine faith when the one believed is God, and human faith when the persons believed are human beings. (Etym. Latin fides, belief; habit of faith; object of faith.)

Lincoln had no desire to free the slaves

"Honest" Abe Lincoln's first inaugural address, March 4, 1861;

 ... Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States that by the accession of a Republican Administration their property and their peace and personal security are to be endangered. There has never been any reasonable cause for such apprehension. Indeed, the most ample evidence to the contrary has all the while existed and been open to their inspection. It is found in nearly all the published speeches of him who now addresses you. I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that
I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.
The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the Government and to collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere...
The War to prevent Southern Independence was about money and Yankee control of others and "Honest" Abe was, at least this time, quite honest about his intentions and desires. He cared not a whit for the slaves and, in fact, up until the very day he reaped the violence he sowed, he was diligently striving to remove all blacks from America.
On August 14, 1862 Lincoln invited five black ministers to the White House (first ever such meeting) and told them they were to listen to him (no dialogue then) and he went on to detail how the blacks suffered from being amongst whites and how whites suffered because of their presence in American and he tried to sell them on The Chiriqui project, which plan was to have the blacks move to Central America; Colombia region then, Panama now, where they could mine coal and be free.
However, these and many other facts are unpleasant to modern Americans and so we tell each other myths about the 1860s because, if we did not tell these lies to each other, there is simply no way to justify the massive memorial in Washington honoring a tyrannical and racist war criminal.
It is undeniable that uncountable myths have erupted to justify the killing fields of the tyrannical war criminal in the funny hat but the plain and simple truth is that, according to the 1860 census, there were more blacks in the north than in the south and there was no move to free the slaves in the north by the self-righteous Yankees - either the black slaves or the numerous white slaves (the root of which is Slav) - and Lincoln's emancipation proclamation freed how many slaves?
Far be it from me to be publicly provocative but the reason  I always put "Honest" in quotes is that it is my opinion that Abe got the nickname, "Honest," for the same reason a 400 lb mobster gets the nickname, Tiny.
Mr. President, Tear down that Lincoln Memorial in Washington, because the praxis of the war criminal, Lincoln, in dealing with the American Indian was the model Adolph Hitler used to deal with the Jews in Germany.
The factual truth about what the tyrannical war criminal, Lincoln, did is far far worse than what Jefferson Davis or any General of the Confederate States of America did and yet we are denouncing what the courageous defenders of the South did in opposing Northern aggression and invasion and calling them traitors and Nazis, and tearing down their statutes, all of which action begs the question - What are they afraid of?
They are afraid that bred in the bones of southern man is a desire for liberty and the totalitarians can not tolerate even the idea that southern man has a right to either liberty or his history. 
Think of that; southern man is the only man in America who is not allowed to have his own history and sacred memories of his honorable progenitors.
Yes, Virginia, there is grave fear that the desire for liberty in the south is strengthening, that it really never was exterminated, and so that desire for liberty is under a renewed attack and it is an attack based in hatred, ignorance, and fear.