Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Zmirak, the Americanist, Grand Marshall of the Perfidy Parade.

Nothing Infallible to See Here

We must admit that the Church’s stand at Vatican II, and by every pope and reigning bishop since then, is substantively different than what popes taught in the 13th and 19th centuries.
We must therefore conclude that neither the old teaching nor the new one was ever offered infallibly. Or else the Church has solemnly contradicted Herself. So we needn’t bother what She says on this or anything else. Instead of saying that, we must prune back our notion of how far the Church’s Magisterium extends. Consider that maybe it doesn’t reach to detailed issues of economics and politics. So I’ve been saying since 2014.

The Barry Lynn of nominal Catholics has been making the same false claim since 2014 but that does not mean there is something to be said in favor of pertinacity in perfidy.

H/T to Mr. James Larson, whose excellent presentation on modern errors is of supreme value, informs us all about the perfidy of Americanists...


Further, Pius X, in his Motu Proprio Praestantia Scripturae, issued Nov 18, 1907, declared ipso facto excommunication upon any who would contradict or “endeavor to destroy the force and the efficacy” of these documents:
“In addition to this, intending to repress the daily increasing boldness of spirit of many Modernists, who by sophisms and artifices of every kind endeavor to destroy the force and the efficacy not only of the Decree, “Lamentabili sane exitu,” which was published at Our command by the Sacred Roman and Universal Inquisition on the third of July of the current year, but also of Our Encyclical Letter “Pascendi Dominici gregis,” given on the eighth of September of this same year by Our Apostolic authority, We repeat and confirm not only that Decree of the Sacred Supreme congregation, but also that Encyclical Letter of Ours, adding the penalty of excommunication against all who contradict them; and We declare and decree this: if anyone, which may God forbid, proceeds to such a point of boldness that he defends any of the propositions, opinions, and doctrines disproved in either document mentioned above, he is ipso facto afflicted by the censure imposed in the chapter Docentes of the Constitution Apostolicae Sedis of the Apostolic See, first among those excommunications latae sententiae which are reserved simply to the Roman Pontiff. This excommunication, however, is to be understood with no change in the punishments, which those who have committed anything against the above mentioned documents may incur, if at anytime their propositions, opinions, or doctrines are heretical; which indeed has happened more than once in the case of the adversaries of both these documents, but especially when they defend the errors of modernism, that is, the refuge of all heresies.”
Of course the entire post is well worth reading in its entirety as is the entire War Against Being Thesis because what Mr. Larson describes is the very war being waged inside The One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church.

O, as for our friend, JZ, there was a post submitted to The Stream correcting his claim but, for some reason, it was not approved :)

Let's leave this third post about The Barry Lynn of nominal catholics with a song.

This song is a classic by J and The Americanists in which the singer, with the operatic range, confesses his love for The Bride before he run oft to intellectually fornicate with the enlightenment, producing numerous bastid orphans we are expected to adopt and raise as our own.

A Trad has to become an autodidact and discover these truths on his own because the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church refuses to teach these truths anymore (O, they still exist, make no mistake about that) because the revolution with the form of Catholicism replaced Tradition with a masonic anthropocentrism and so we have The Shadow Church (one that has no substance) and we will have it for as long as Our Lord and Savior decides to justly punish His Bride (talking about its Hierarchy not His Immaculate Spouse) for whoring around with the putative enlightenment.