Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Friday Fun


The more one considers medical schools and what is taught there the less surprising it is to learn that even though he was awarded a Degree in Surgery, Amateur Brain Surgeon was allowed to maintain his amateur status.

Although as an amateur it made it more difficult for him to get permission from Lion Country Safari to do exploratory surgery on Spider Monkeys, he persisted because, as he explained in his interview, even if he made some major surgical error that resulted in weird behavior, that would made it more likely than not that weird behavior would increase the popularity of that exhibit and citing his profession as an Amateur Brain Surgeon on his IRS Forms is less problematic than had he called his own self a Professional Amateur Brain Surgeon which would likely trigger an audit.


OK, What'n'Hell is it with putatively professional talk show hosts who can not even pronounce names that appear on the screen as they are mocking them?