Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Holocaust (18)

(H/T Mr. Herron. Culture Wars *)

The Jews hate we Christian Catholics and you can bet your shiniest shekel that there will be no Pope, Prince, Prelate, or Priest who demands the Jews excise this prayer from their services even though we have changed the words of our sacred service so as to not offend the Messias-Deniers.

In any event, there was a complete and total rupture twixt Judaism and Catholicism and it was the faithful Jews who became Catholic and ceased the ceremonial rites of the Mosaic Law ( notice the number of Seders rising during this time of Judaised Indifference and Apostasy) and it was the Faithless Jews who, following he who might have been considered a faux Messias (The Jews have had not a few of these with the latest being Rebbe  Schneerson *)who was smuggled out of a doomed Jerusalem, became the sworn enemies of Jesus Christ and His Church and that hatred was formalised in their sacred services which continue up until this very day.

WE were kicked out of the Synagogues owing to our Faith in Jesus as the Messias so how could there possibly exist the claim that there is a Judeo-Christian tradition?  

It is because many of the Jews who were kicked-out of Spain (and other European countries) settled in the low countries and they Judaised/corrupted the protestants who had fled there from England because English Protestantism was not pure enough for those Old Testament loving insane men and they - those who established our crummy government - have propagated this nutty thesis (contrary to history and simple logic) and have successfully cultivated the minds of our Hierarchy  to such an extent that they tell us that this fiction is a fact. 

So, go ahead, let's keeping telling ourselves they are our elder brothers and that we and they share a Judeo-Christian tradition - neither of which is true for  they are not for our elder brothers for our elder brothers are the faithful Jews who became Catholic not the faithless Jews who hate us, oppose us, seek our destruction, and daily pray their malediction, - because, apparently, the truth does not matter when it comes to those who hate us and those who teach us.

Now, get a load of these prayers - especially prayer number twelve - which is an imprecation against Jesus and His Church and then try to convince your own self that some Pope, Prince, Prelate, or Priest will ever have the courage to confront the Messias-Deniers and demand they change the words of their prayers because it offends Our Lord and Saviour and we His disciples.

You know it won't happen because fear of the Jews is is as alive and paralysing as it was during the first  days of the nascent Catholic Church.

The Eighteen Benedictions

The eighteen benedictions (Shemoneh Ezreh) are also called "The Amidah" or the prayer that is said while standing facing toward Jerusalem, most of which is said silently. The Amidah is used during Sabbath services and holy days as well in the the daily service. You can find a copy in most any traditional prayer book called Siddur and is available from multiple sources.As to the number of blessings, there are actually nineteen blessings rather than Shemoneh Esreh (eighteen). To understand this discrepancy see prayer #12. Against  Slanderers

The first three benedictions state the fundamental beliefs of Judaism in the one true creator G-d;
1. G-d of History
2. G-d of nature
3. The G-d who sanctifies
The intermediate benedictions 4-15 are petitions. 4-9 are personal in nature;
4. For understanding
5. Repentance
6. Forgiveness
7. Deliverance from affliction
8. Healing
9. Deliverance from want.
The 10th -15th benedictions are national petitions;
10. For the reunion of Israel
11. The righteous reign of G-d
12. Against slanderers, informers and traitors
13. For the righteous
14. The rebuilding of Jerusalem
15. The Messianic King.
Benedictions 16-18 are regarding service to HaShem:
16. The Hearing of Prayer
17. The Temple Service
18. Thanksgiving for G-d's mercies.
19. Grant Peace
The following is an approximate translation of the Amidah with some paraphrasing by myself.

This version ©2004 Zion CS 

All rights reserved.

1. G-d of History
O L-rd, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise.

Blessed art thou, O lord our G-d and G-d of our fathers, G-d of Abraham, G-d of Isaac, and G-d of Jacob, the great mighty and revered G-d, the most high G-d, who bestows lovingkindness, and the Master of all things; who remembers the pious deeds of the patriarchs, and in love will bring a redeemer to their children's children for your Name's sake.
2. G-d of Nature
[During the Ten Days of Repentance say: Remember us unto life, O king, who delights in life, and inscribe us in the book of life, for your own sake, O living G-d.]

O King, Helper, Savior and Shield. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, the Shield of Abraham.
You, O L-rd, are mighty for ever, you revive the dead, You are mighty to save.

[From the day after Simchat Torah until the Eve of Passover, say: You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall.]

You sustain the living with loving kindness, revive the dead with great mercy, support the falling, heal the sick, free the bound, and keep Your faith to them that sleep in the dust. who is like You, L-rd of the mighty acts, and who resembles You, O King, who orders death and restores life, and causes salvation (Yeshua) to spring forth?
[During the Ten days of Repentance say: Who is like You, Father of mercy, who in mercy remembers your creatures unto life?]

Yes, You are faithful to revive the dead. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, who revives the dead.
3. G-d who sanctifies.
Responsive reading:

We will sanctify Your Name in the world even as they sanctify it in the highest heavens, as it is written by the hand of Your prophet:

And they call to one another and said,
Holy, holy, holy, is the L-rd of Hosts:   The whole earth is full of His glory.
Those over against them say, Blessed...
Blessed be the glory of the L-rd from His place.
And in Your Holy Words it is written, saying
The L-rd shall reign for ever, Your God O Zion, unto all generations. Praise Ye the L-rd.
Unto all generations we will declare Your greatness, and to all eternity we will proclaim Your holiness, and Your praise, O our G-d, shall no depart from our mouth for ever, for Your are a great and holy G-d and King. Blessed art thou, O L-rd the holy G-d. [During  the days of Repentance conclude the Blessing: ---the holy King.]
4. Prayer for understanding.
You favor man with knowledge, and teach mortals understanding. Favor us with knowledge, understanding and discernment from You. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, gracious Giver of knowledge.
5. Prayer for repentance
Cause us to return, our Father, unto Your Torah; draw us near, our King, unto Your service, and bring us back in perfect repentance unto Your presence. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, who delights in repentance.
6. Prayer for forgiveness
Forgive us, our Father, for we have sinned; pardon us, our King, for we have transgressed;[On Fast Days, Selichoth are inserted here.]
for You do pardon and forgive. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, who is gracious, and does abundantly forgive.
7. Prayer for deliverance from affliction
Look upon our affliction and plead our cause, and redeem us speedily for Your name's sake; for You are a mighty Redeemer. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, the Redeemer of Israel. [On fast days the Reader says "Answer us, O L-rd, answer us on this day of the fast of our humiliation, for we are in great trouble. Turn not to our wickedness; conceal not your face from us, and hide not Yourself from our supplication. Be near, we beseach You, unto our cry; let Your lovingkindness be a comfort to us; even before we call unto You answer us, according as it is said, And it shall come to pass that, before they call, I will answer; while they are yet speaking, I will hear; for You, O L-rd, are He who answers in time of trouble, who delivers and rescues in all times of trouble and distress; the holy King."]
8. Prayer for Healing
Heal us, O L-rd, and we shall be healed; save us and we shall be saved; for You are our praise. Grant a perfect healing to all our wounds; [You may add a prayer for the sick here]  for You, almighty King, are a faithful and merciful Physician. Blessed art thou O L-rd, who heals the sick of Your people Israel.
9. Prayer for Deliverance from want
Bless this year unto us, O L-rd our G-d, together with every kind of the produce, for our welfare; give [From December 4th until Passover: Dew and rain for] a blessing upon the face of the earth. O satisfy us with your goodness, and bless our year like other good years. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, who blesses the years.
10. Prayer for reunion of Israel
Sound the great horn for our freedom; raise the ensign to gather our exiles, and gather us from the four corners of the earth. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, who gathers the dispersed of Your people Israel.
11. Prayer for the righteous reign of G-d
Restore our judges as in former times, and our counselors as at the beginning; remove from us sorrow and sighing; reign over us, O L-rd, You alone, in lovingkindness and tender mercy, and clear us in judgment. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, the King who loves righteousness and judgment. [During the Ten Days of Repentance say: the King of Judgment.]
12.  Prayer against slanderers (added later at Yavneh **)
And for slanderers let there be no hope, and let all wickedness perish as in a moment; let all Your enemies be speedily cut off, and the dominion of arrogance uproot and crush, cast down and humble speedily in our days. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, who breaks the enemies and humbles the arrogant.
This addition to the Shemoneh Ezreh brings the count of blessings to 19 instead of the 18, as indicated by its name. The prayer against slanderers was added at Yavneh placing it during the time of the beyt midrash at Babylon, (See Barachoth 33a) This prayer was aimed at "Christians"  according to Rabbi Jeffery Cohen, author of Blessed Are You.
13. Prayer for the righteous and proselytes
Toward the righteous and the pious, toward the elders of Your people the house of Israel, toward the remnant of their scribes, toward true proselytes, and toward us also may Your tender mercies be stirred, O L-rd our G-d; grant a good reward unto all who faithfully trust in Your Name; set our portion with them for ever, so that we may not be put to shame; for we have trusted in You. Blessed art thou, O L-rd the stay and trust of the righteous.
14. Prayer for the rebuilding of Jerusalem.
And Jerusalem, Your city, return in mercy, and dwell therein as You have spoken; rebuild it soon in our days as an everlasting building, and speedily set up therein the throne of David. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, who rebuilds Jerusalem.
15. Prayer for the Messianic King
Speedily cause the offspring of David, Your servant, to flourish, and lift up his glory by Your divine help because we wait for Your salvation all the day. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, who causes the strength of salvation (Yeshua) to flourish.
16. Prayer for the hearing of prayer.
Hear our voice, O L-rd our G-d; spare us and have mercy upon us, and accept our prayer in mercy and favor; for You are a G-d who hears and answers prayers and supplications; from Your presence, O our King, turn us not away empty; [On fast days the Reader says "Answer us, O L-rd, answer us on this day of the fast of our humiliation, for we are in great trouble. Turn not to our wickedness; conceal not your face from us, and hide not Yourself from our supplication. Be near, we beseach You, unto our cry; let Your lovingkindness be a comfort to us; even before we call unto You answer us, according as it is said, And it shall come to pass that, before they call, I will answer; while they are yet speaking, I will hear; for You, O L-rd, are He who answers in time of trouble, who delivers and rescues in all times of trouble and distress; the holy King."]
for You hear and answer in mercy to the prayers of Your people Israel. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, who hears and answers prayer.
17. Prayer for the restoration of Temple service. (Abattoir of the Messias-Deniers)
Accept, O L-rd our G-d, Your people Israel and their prayer; restore the service to the inner sanctuary of Your house; receive in love and favor both the offerings of Israel and their prayer; and may the worship of Your people Israel be ever acceptable unto You.[Add on the New Moon, Feast of unleavened Bread, and Feast of Tabernacles add: Our god and G-d of our fathers! May our remembrance ascend, come and be accepted before You, with the remembrance of our fathers, of Messiah the son of David Your servant, of Jerusalem Your holy city, and of all Your people the house of Israel, bringing deliverance and well being, grace, lovingkindness and mercy, life and peace on this day of
(On the following days say: The New Moon.
The feast of Unleavened Bread.
the Feast of Tabernacles.)
Remember us, O L-rd our G-d, thereon for our well-being; be mindful of us for blessing, and save us unto live: by Your promise of salvation and mercy, spare us and be gracious to us; have mercy upon us and save us; for our eyes are bent upon You, because You are a gracious and merciful G-d and King.]

And let our eyes behold Your return in mercy to Zion. Blessed art thou, O L-rd, who restores Your divine presence to Zion.
18. Thanksgiving for G-d's unfailing mercies.
[While the reader says the following paragraph the congregation recites in an undertone: We give thanks unto You for You are the L-rd our G-d, and the G-d of our fathers, the G-d of all flesh, our Creator and the Creator of all things in the beginning. Blessings and thanksgiving be to Your great and holy Name, because You have kept us in life and have preserved us' so may You continue to keep us in life and preserve us. Gather our exiles to Your holy courts to observe Your statutes, to do Your will, and to serve You with a perfect heart; seeing that we give thanks unto You. Blessed be the god to whom thanksgiving is due.]We give thanks unto You for You are the L-rd our god and god of our fathers for ever and ever; You are the rock of our lives, the Shield of our salvation through every generation. We will give thanks unto You and declare Your praise for our lives which are committed unto Your hand, and for our souls which are in Your charge, and ro Your miracles, which are daily with us, and for Your miracles, which are daily with us, and for Your wonders and Your benefits, which are wrought at all times, evening, morning and noon. You are all good, whose mercies fail not; You are the merciful Being, whose lovingkindness never ceases, we have ever hoped in You. [On Chanukah and Purim the following is added: We thank You also for the miracles, for the redemption, for the mighty deeds and saving acts, wrought by You, as well as for the wars which You waged for our fathers in days of old, at this season.]
[19]Grant Peace.
There are actually 19 benedictions in the Shemoneh Esrey. for clarification see blessing number twelve Prayer Against Slanderers
Grant peace, welfare, blessing, grace, lovingkindness and mercy unto us and unto all Israel, Your  people. Bless us, O our Father, even all of us together, with the light of Your countenance; for by the light of Your countenance You have given us, O L-rd our G-d, the Torah of life, lovingkindness and righteousness, blessing, mercy, life and peace; and my it be good in Your sight to bless Your people Israel at all times and in every hour with thy peace.
Blessed are You, O L-rd, who blesses Your people Israel with peace.

*  Ben Zakkai was one of the Pharisees who foresaw the destruction of the Temple during the 70 A.D. revolt and whom Jewish tradition has it was smuggled out of encircled Jerusalem in a coffin.  From his new base at the Palestinian town of Yavneh, ben Zakkai created what we today would know as Orthodox Judaism centered on worship services in the local synagogue with study of the written and oral law as paramount.  While there were daily prayers for the coming of the Messiah who would restore the Temple cult (it was after all one vast slaughterhouse when it was in operation), the essence of modern Judaism was study.  This study was codified by the intellectual descendants of ben Zakkai into the two Talmuds (Babylonian and Palestinian, the first having precedence) containing the oral law (Mishnah) and rabbinic commentary (Gemara) with the latter having ultimate normative authority in the Jewish religion.  As for these early rabbis, the openness to any type of “Judeo-Christian tradition” was slammed shut when, true to the words of Christ, his followers were expelled from the synagogue with the adoption in these first decades of the Eighteen Benedictions, a prototype Jewish creed still recited in synagogue morning prayer services, whose Twelfth Benediction was actually a curse against “slanderers,” historically interpreted as the Jewish Christians:

And for those who slander us, let there be no hope, and let all wickedness vanish in an instant. May all your enemies, the enemies of your people, be quickly cut off, and as for the insolent may you quickly trouble, shatter, overthrow and humiliate them in our time. Blessed are you, Adonai, who shatters the enemies and humiliates the insolent.

*  http://jewishroots.net/library/messianic/false_messiahs.html

** Link to his article upcoming in a post about the show, Dig.