Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

We can put a man on the moon but we can't cure sodomy? Not so fast...

There are Four Sins crying to heaven for vengeance: Murder, Oppression of the poor, Defrauding workers of their just wages, and Sodomy; all of these moral sins, unrepented of, will end the perps in Hell.

That is the truthful case on the spiritual level but because it is also the case that Americans hate spiritual truth but loves them some science, what if science could help these men take the initial steps towards salvation by helping them stop their perverse desires that always precedes the actions of these perps?

What if science could cure murderers of their impulses?  Who would complain if the perp willingly underwent what was necessary to stop his impulses?

What if science could cure oppression of the poor?
Who would complain if the perps willingly underwent treatment to cure their desire for the tyrannical control of others?

What if science could cure businessman of their propensity to screw their workers out of their wages? Who would complain if the perps willingly underwent treatment to cure them of their greedy wage and labor theft?

What if science could cure sodomites of their lustful perversity? Who would complain if sodomites willingly underwent treatment that resulted in them being physically attracted to women?

Well, the enlightened establishment, for starters.

But first, can science cure a sodomite and lead him to act like a man?

Apparently so: and as you read this, note the condemnation of the cure but not the condemnation of sodomy.

Who do these scientists think they are curing sodomy? In this new new age of enlightenment, sodomy is not an evil desire to be cured but a blessing to be celebrated.

Perhaps the most egregious example was reported in a paper entitled "Septal stimulation for the initiation of heterosexual behavior in a homosexual male," published in 1972. The rationale behind this experiment was that because stimulation of the septal area evoked pleasure, if it was combined with heterosexual imagery it could "bring about heterosexual behavior in a fixed, overt homosexual male." 

And so Patient B-19, a 24-year-old male homosexual of average intelligence who suffered from depression and obsessive-compulsive tendencies, was wheeled into the operating room. Electrodes were implanted at nine different sites in deep regions of his brain, and three months were allowed to pass after the surgery to allow for healing. Initially stimulation was delivered to all nine electrodes in turn. However, only the electrode implanted in the septum produced pleasurable sensations. When Patient B-19 was finally allowed free access to the stimulator, he quickly began mashing the button like an 8-year-old playing Donkey Kong. According to the paper,
"During these sessions, B-19 stimulated himself to a point that, both behaviorally and introspectively, he was experiencing an almost overwhelming euphoria and elation and had to be disconnected despite his vigorous protests."

Back to patient B-19: Before his brain stimulation began, he was shown a "15 min long 'stag' film featuring sexual intercourse and related activities between a male and female." Not surprisingly, he was sexually indifferent to this material and even a bit angry about being made to view it. Following pleasure circuit self-stimulation, however, he readily agreed to re-view the film," ... "and during its showing became sexually aroused, had an erection and masturbated to orgasm." All this in the decidedly unsexy environment of the lab. 
So, with the patient starting to exhibit heterosexual tendencies, what were the experimenters to do? Would he ever have an actual sexual relationship with a woman? After careful consideration of all the options and with the well-being of the patient foremost in their minds, the investigators, whose names were Drs. Moan and Heath ( I know. Too bad the name wasn 't groan) made a sober medical and scientific decision: Upon getting approval from the attorney general of the state of Louisiana, they hired a hooker to come to the lab at Tulane and attempt to seduce him. She succeeded -- they had sexual intercourse. The concluding sentence to the lengthy, overly descriptive paragraph describing their 2-hour long sexual encounter reads, "Then, despite the milieu and the encumbrance of the electrode wires [poor B-19 was attached to an EEG machine the whole time], he successfully ejaculated [in her vagina]."

So, yeah, scientists can prolly cure sodomy but they will not be allowed to do so; they can kill innocent babies and contribute to the construction of weapons to be delivered by rockets and drones and they can develop drugs and mutilate the reproductive organs of a man so that he can pretend he is a woman etc etc  but Sodomy is sacred and it must not be cured.

C'est la vie.