Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

The extent to which the CIA successfully changed the One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church

Amateur Brain Surgeon has been a long time subscriber to "Culture Wars" and so he has been both informed as to the back story (Mr. Wemhoff's articles there are eye-opening and spiritually striking) of the Americanist perps and anxious to have the entire story told to a wider audience.

This is one book worth buying if one wants to know how we got from orthodoxy to the revolutionary praxis paraded daily before our shocked eyes and ears.

John Courtney Murray, Time/Life, and the American Proposition: How the CIA's Doctrinal Warfare Program Changed the Catholic Church, by David A. Wemhoff. In 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his famous "Four Freedoms" speech. In that speech, FDR set forth a vision for the reengineering of societies around the globe. The means was psychological warfare, involving the manipulation of ideas, words and symbols to divide target societies and convince these societies of the ideology that formed America. The most important society America targeted was the Roman Catholic Church. Media mogul Henry R. Luce, founder and publisher of enormously influential magazines like Time and Life, used the CIA's doctrinal warfare program to turn the Catholic Church into a promoter of American ideas. This struggle reached its culmination at the Second Vatican Council with the promulgation of the document Declaration on Religious Liberty. Catholic doctrine did not change, but, defeated at the Council, the Americanists used their media power to win the battle over who got to interpret the Council with disastrous consequences for both the Church and the world. 990 Pages, Hardcover. $59 +S&H. (Price will appear higher when ordering for international delivery to offset increased S&H costs.)