Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Washington Witch or Gadarene Gargoyle?

Mrs. Bill Clinton * is not only the first female to run for POTUS, she is the first candidate for POTUS to be married to an impeached POTUS and ABS thinks that is a unique qualification that ought to be taken into consideration.

* Remember when Bill continually ran around talking about how he was Building a bridge to the twenty first century?

Even the New Yorker, in 1996, recognized just how redolent of empty rhetorical bullshit that claim was: 

SHOUTS & MURMURS on President Clinton's motto that his administration is building "a bridge to the twenty-first century."

DESIGN CONSULTANT: Was it supposed to carry cars and trucks and buses and so forth, or be just a footbridge, and if it was a footbridge did you build in wheelchair access for the seniors? Not word one about that in any of the descriptions. You'd try pinning down Clinton or Dole's people and they'd just shrug: "You know. A bridge. Whatever."

But, that aside, if Billy Jeff had been building such a bridge you just know he had in his mind the idea to use Hillary as a model if he decided to erect a gargolye or two on that bridge.

Hillary supporter

Clinton's San Francisco campaign coordinator