Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Trads, tired of the slowly gaining of support? Try this...

There is nothing like just jumping into the deep end of the rhetorical ex cess pool and so let's begin with a quote from a putative traditionalist blog:

However, in doing so, this good priest felt the wrath of the local Bishop, Gerald Barbarito. It seems the bishop was not at all happy that Fr. Gallagher had had this vile sodomite arrested. Apparently, the Diocese had preferred to spirit the sodomite out of the country, back to India.

(ABS responded)

The reputations of soi disant traditionalists are ruined when such vile tactics are not only engaged in by some but repeated by others and defended.

There is not one - not one -fact involved in this captious controversy that warrants such a mean-spirited and execrable imputing of malign motives of a Bishop who did everything right in this particular matter and it was not Fr. Gallagher who reported the priest perp to the police. It was the family of the innocent youth targeted by this perv and yet the initial fake news has not been corrected at either blog.

It is worth noting that it was Fr. Gallagher who invited the perv priest to minister at Holy Name, not Bishop Barbarito, but it was Bishop Barbarito who did his due diligence by contacting the India authorities who gave this priest a clean bill of health despite the fact he had been in the slammer there. Is there any evidence that Fr Gallagher did likewise?

This sickening activity is mephitic and because so many continue to tolerate it and because neither Blog has taken the time to correct the record and apologise to Bishop Barbarito for their actions, ABS will not waste any more of his time on either blog.

The facts are easily accessible by any man of good will and yet the assassins of character refuse to stop their deadly fire.

The operators of each Blog will have to answer for this vile attack when they stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ so both had better repent while they still have time.

++++++++++++ end comments quote++++++++

So, what is this nasty business all about?  

Essentially, it is about an insane Priest who is spreading mendacious and malicious falsehoods about Bishop Barbarito of The Palm Beach County Diocese of Florida.

ABS has had contact (and even an honorable  disagreement) with his Excellency and his Secretary over the years and ABS finds hm to be 100% orthodox and faithful in his praxis and while we do disagree vis a vis the Lil' Licit Liturgy vs the Real Mass, the good Bishop is fully deserving of his good name and reputation (how many Bishops do you know who present Catholic Natural Family Planning as part of the Cana Process?) and what transpired during this captious controversy bids well to unjustly deprive him of his right to a good name and those who are at war against him are clearly riven with uncontrollable anger over what others - NOT BISHOP BARBARITO - have done or allowed to be done to adolescent males and they are conflating other events with what happened at Holy Name Parish where one of my friends is a communicant and who (along with many others there) routinely describe Fr. Gallagher as "insane."

There are several ways ABS could go about this but it seems one easy way is to simply summarise the events and then post the links to these blogs ABS refuses to read anymore and then the interested reader can go there and see just how easy it is to get a clear picture of what happened and, after having done so, it will likely make the reader wonder why these two blogs continue to try and assassinate the character of this good Bishop.

Fr. Gallagher was ministering at Holy Name and he antagonised, angered, and alienated many parishioners with his odd behavior and it was he, Fr Gallagher, who invited a perv priest to minister at Holy Name and it was his invitee who showed porn to a young man at Holy Name and Fr Gallagher was made aware of this but it was a family member who called the police, and not Fr Gallagher as these blogs claim was the case