Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Homeopathy and racism

The “Law of infinitesimals” in Homeopathy claims the fewer the number of atoms of some substance in water used to treat a targeted disease renders the virtually substance free water puissant
There is a similar effect existing amongst blacks and their “Law of infinitesimals” in that the absence of systemic racism means that racism today is more puissant than ever
Blacks will not be satisfied no matter how much of white wealth and property is transferred to them.
Even if all white wealth and property was transferred to blacks they would not be satisfied.
Blacks have been taught that their problems were caused by whites and if all whites died and blacks inherited all of their wealth and property blacks would still not be happy because whites would no be alive, creating the wealth they would lust after.
How this insane situation came to be is, of course, the fault of whites