Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Great opportunity to increase your knowledge of the threat Judaism poses to The Catholic Church

“One hundred years after the French Revolution, the editors of Civiltà Cattolica, the official voice of the Vatican on political affairs, came to a startling conclusion: any country which turns away from laws based on the teaching of the Catholic Church and God’s eternal law will end up being ruled by Jews. These three articles, originally published over the fall of 1890, explain in detail why this is so, for both France in 1890 and America today.

E. Michael Jones

South Bend, Indiana

February 2012”

Excerpt From: E. Michael Jones. “La Civiltà Cattolica: The Jewish Question In Europe.” iBooks. 


The link will take you to Jones' Bitchute account and on the top left you can view the vid about The Revolution and take advantage of his free offer to get information the Shadow Church does not want you to know about - the danger the Jews present to the Catholic Church.

Remember, what was true in the past of Catholic-Jewish relations is true today despite the Fiddy plus years of The Vatican's political accommodation with our enemies.

The modern Shadow Church will not speak this truth and so you will have to learn the information you own self.

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