Far less than meets the eye

My photo
Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Fr. Z cites lay woman on the putative problem of two Popes.


What an odd post. The good priest, who is not a canonist, cites the canonical claims of Bullets Barnhardt even though she has never studied or practiced Canon Law.

Here is the professional conclusion of this problem by a famous Canon Lawyer, a man Fr. Z. has cited many times in the past.  

What the 1983 Code does say, as did the 1917 Code, is this: “Only those laws must be considered invalidating … which expressly state that an act is null …” (c. 10, olim c. 11).  Because no canon of the 1983 Code, under which Benedict XVI submitted his resignation (c. 332 § 2), addresses the quality of the Latin used in papal documents, let alone does any canon make the Latinity of papal documents go to their validity, I say, odd question answered: bad Latin does not mean that one must remain pope.


Two small but persistent arguments attack the very foundation of Francis’ papacy: first, Benedict XVI’s resignation was invalid (take your pick as to reasons why, but mostly because of pressure allegedly brought on Benedict, as supposedly evidenced by his resignation wording), so there was no vacant Holy See to fill, and so a conclave could not elect a pope; or, second, various irregularities were committed before or during the conclave itself, so the election of Francis was invalid.

Both sets of arguments are offered in inexcusable ignorance of Canon 10 (which sets a high standard indeed for declaring any kind of ecclesiastical acts invalid, etc.), but the arguments alleging the invalidity of Benedict’s resignation are so vacuous that no time will be spent refuting them here. On the other hand, some (okay, basically one) of the claims that irregularities allegedly committed in the conclave itself resulted in an invalid election do have a modicum of plausibility and deserve at least a brief hearing. 


Why didn't Fr. Z.  turn to his Canon Lawyer friend for the answer to this problem rather than to sow discord and confusion?

Pervert announces he is a sodomite and the Commish is ecstatic


Carl Nassib celebrates Pride Month by 

coming out as gay in Instagram post

During Pride Month, Carl Nassib not only 

decided to speak his truth, OK and if a 

Christian player speaks His truth, 

the truth of Jesus Christ that sodomy

 is a sin crying to heaven for vengeance 

that too would make NFL history 

make NFL history in the process.

Carl Nassib took to his personal Instagram 

account to  come out as gay. He also

announced he will be donating $100,000 to 

The Trevor Project, a leading 

national organization providing 

crisis intervention and 

suicide prevention services to lesbian, 

gay, bisexual, 

transgender, queer & 

questioning youth. There is no such 

person as a "transgender." as one

 biologically can 

not go beyond or above 

their sex. There are aught but

two sexes, male and female. 

Transgender, literally, does 

not exist nor does it follow science.

Nassib described himself "as a pretty 

private person" in 

his post, adding that he

 didn't want to draw attention to 

himself with his coming out, however

 he had 

"been meaning to want to do this for awhile."

Yes, private men are always 

making spectacles of

themselves while denying they

 are doing that, especially 

sodomites who know that their

 actions are sinful so they

boast about them to try and shroud

 their guilt.

Dr. E. Michael Jones calls this 

the Dimmesdale Syndrome after 

The Scarlet Letter Minister who simultaneously 

spoke to reveal 

and conceal...


"I really have the best life. I got the

 best family, friends 

and job a guy could ask for," 

said Nassib in his Instagram

 post. "I actually hope one day 

that videos like this and

 the whole coming-out process

 are just not necessary,

but until then I'm going to do 

my best and do my part 

to cultivate a culture that's 

accepting and compassionate."

O, and now just try and let 

Gruock - Jon Gruden Coach 

and Mike Mayock - General Manager

trade or cut me

from the team without

 being vilified as homophobes.

Carl Nassib's announcement made 

NFL history as he's 

seen as the first openly gay

 player to come out while

 active on an NFL roster.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell 

issued a statement 

of support Monday afternoon:

"The NFL family is proud of Carl for 


sharing his truth today. Representation 

matters. We 

share his hope that someday soon

 statements like his

 will no longer be newsworthy as 

we march toward full 

equality for the LGBTQ+ community.

 We wish Carl the

 best of luck this coming season."

I wonder if the multi millionaire 

Goodell would be as 

supportive of a player who 

came out about his truth 

as a white supremacist?

Give Nassib credit for making the 

defensive play of the 

year. He is, at best, a 

marginal talent who is being way over

paid by the Raiders. He just defended

his job and exorbitant paycheck.

Her He should be named NFL Defensive player

of the year

The Sunday Solipsism of the Novus Ordo Presider

Owing to certain circumstances ABS was required to fulfill his Sunday Obligation at the local Novus Ordo Parish - St Rita's in Wellington, Florida.

The liturgical Presider made a point - at least twice - that the Mass is not mine, he said, and it is not yours, he said; the Mass is ours.

Well, no, the Mass is not about either the Presider or the congregation; it is the action of Jesus, who is both Priest and Victim, acting through His priesthood, in the unbloody recapitulation of the Salvific Sacrifice on Calvary. 

But, that is the orientation of the new rite; it is about the Presider and the congregation and Jesus has had to decrease so they could increase.

The presider talked about the readings for the day, the healing of the daughter of Jairus and the women who was healed of her blood issue of a dozen years; There his no connection between these two stories.

Some might have seen a connection existing owing to the two miracles of Jesus in each instance...

The Presider went on to decry how much fear has riven and driven all of us this past year and he recommended that we trust in Jesus and banish fear.

The Presider also talked about how Jesus sweated blood in the garden because He was fearful of death -yes, that is apparently what has been taught in seminaries for who knows how long?

What does the Exegesis of Catena Aurea have to teach about that?

HILARY. These words, He began to be sorrowful and very heavy, are interpreted by heretics that fear of death assailed the Son of God, being (as they allege) neither begotten from eternity, nor existing in the Father’s infinite substance, but produced out of nothing by Him who created all things; and that hence He was liable to anguish of grief, and fear of death. And He who can fear death can also die; and He who can die, though He shall exist after death, yet is not eternal through Him who begot Him in past time. Had these faith to receive the Gospels, they would know that the Word was in the beginning God, and from the beginning with God, and that the eternity of Him who begets and Him who is begotten is one and the same. But if the assumption of flesh infected with its natural infirmity the virtue of that incorruptible substance, so that it became subject to pain, and shrinking from death, it would also become thereby liable to corruption, and thus its immortality being changed into fear, that which is in it is capable of at some time ceasing to be. But God ever is without measure of time, and such as He is, He continues to be eternally. Nothing then in God can die, nor can God have any fear springing out of Himself.

JEROME. (non. occ.) But we say that passible man was so taken by God the Son, that His Deity remained impassible. Indeed the Son of God suffered, not by imputation but actually, all that Scripture testifies, in respect of that part of Him which could suffer, viz. in respect of the substance that He had taken on Him.

HILARY. (de Trin. x. 10.) I suppose that there are some who offer here no other cause of His fear than His passion and death. I ask those who think thus, whether it stands with reason that He should have feared to die, who banished from the Apostles all fear of death, and exhorted them to the glory of martyrdom? How can we suppose Him to have felt pain and grief in the sacrament of death, who rewards with life those who die for Him? And what pangs of death could He fear, who came to death of the free choice of His own power? And if His Passion was to do Him honour, how could the fear of His Passion make Him sorrowful?

HILARY. (in loc.) Since then we read that the Lord was sorrowful, let us discover the causes of His agony. He had forewarned them all that they would be offended, and Peter that he would thrice deny his Lord; and taking him and James and John, He began to be sorrowful. Therefore He was not sorrowful till He took them, but all His fear began after He had taken them; so that His agony was not for Himself, but for them whom He had taken.

JEROME. The Lord therefore sorrowed not from fear of suffering, for for this cause He had come that He should suffer, and had rebuked Peter for his fearfulness; (Matt. 14:31.) but for the wretched Judas, for the offence of the rest of the Apostles, for the rejection and reprobation of the Jewish nation, and the overthrow of unhappy Jerusalem.

DAMASCENE. (Fid. Orth. iii. 23.) Or otherwise; All things which have not yet been brought into existence by their Maker have a natural desire of existence, and naturally shun non-existence. God the Word then, having been made Man, had this desire, through which He desired food, drink, and sleep, by which life is supported, and naturally used them, and contrariwise shunned the things that are destructive of life. Hence in the season of His Passion which He endured voluntarily, He had the natural fear and sorrow for death. For there is a natural fear wherewith the soul shrinks from separation from the body, by reason of that close sympathy implanted from the first by the Maker of all things.

JEROME. Our Lord therefore sorrowed to prove the reality of the Man which He had taken upon Him; but that passion might bear no sway in His mind, He began to be sorrowful by pro-passion;s for it is one thing to be sorrowful, and another to be very sorrowful.

REMIGIUS. By this place are overthrown the Manichæans, who said that He took an unreal body; and those also who said that He had not a real soul, but His Divinity in place of a soul1

AUGUSTINE. (Lib. 83. Quæst. q. 80.) We have the narratives of the Evangelists, by which we know that Christ was both born of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was seized by the Jews, scourged, crucified, put to death, and buried in a tomb, all which cannot be supposed to have taken place without a body, and not even the maddest will say that these things are to be understood figuratively, when they are told by men who wrote what they remembered to have happened. These then are witnesses that He had a body, as those affections which cannot be without mind prove Him to have had a mind, and which we read in the accounts of the same Evangelists, that Jesus wondered, was angry, was sorrowful.

AUGUSTINE. (de. Civ. Dei, xiv. 9.) Since then these things are related in the Evangelists, they are not surely false, but as when He willed He became Man, so likewise when He willed He took into His human soul these passions for the sake of adding assurance to the dispensation. We indeed have these passions by reason of the weakness of our human nature; not so the Lord Jesus, whose weakness was of power.

DAMASCENE. (Fid. Orth. iii. 20.) Wherefore the passions of our nature were in Christ both by nature and beyond nature. By nature, because He left His flesh to suffer the things incidental to it; beyond nature, because these natural emotions did not in Him precede the will. For in Christ nothing befel of compulsion, but all was voluntary; with His will He hungered, with His will He feared, or was sorrowful. Here His sorrow is declared, Then saith he unto them, My soul is sorrowful even unto death.

AMBROSE. (ill. Luc. 22:43.) He is sorrowful, yet not Himself, but His soul; not His Wisdom, not His divine Substance, but His soul, for He took upon Him my soul, and my body.

JEROME. He is sorrowful not because of death, but unto death, until He has set the Apostles free by His Passion. Let those who imagine Jesus to have taken an irrational soul, say how it is that He is thus sorrowful, and knows the season of His sorrow, for though the brute animals have sorrow, yet they know neither the causes of it, nor the time for which it must endure.

ORIGEN. Or otherwise; My soul is sorrowful even unto death; as much as to say, Sorrow is begun in me, but not to endure for ever, but only till the hour of death; that when I shall die for sin, I shall die also to all sorrow, whose beginnings only are in me. Tarry ye here, and watch with me; as much as to say, The rest I bade sit yonder as weak, removing them from this struggle; but you I have brought hither as being stronger, that ye may toil with me in watching and prayer. But abide you here, that every man may stay in his own rank and station; since all grace, however great, has its superior.

The poor Presider was prolly taught this in a modern seminary and he is just repeating what he was taught.

Sadly, he did not have the intellectual curiosity, or the sensus catholicus, to search out the exegesis of Tradition.

He then went on to caution those who had taken the jab twice to be very cautious because there are no guarantees...and then he put on a mask to consecrate the sacred species because, O, who knows, maybe Jesus has covid?

The music was, as anticipated, lifted from some peppy evangelical sources prolly the sort of stuff one could hear on the local "christian radio" networks.

Lord have mercy, the Lil' Licit Liturgy results in an entirely here and now atmosphere.

There was very loud talking prior to the liturgy and there was applause after the celebrant's homily....

ABS reveals the results of his clinical study of Biden's Brain

Raymond Chandler, "The Big Sleep:'  

“Under the thinning fog the surf curled and creamed, almost without sound, like a thought trying to form inself on the edge of consciousness.”

ABS has watched over 10,000 hours of his videos and  read over 10,000 pages of Biden's speeches in The Congressional Record and he is willing to go on record with the results of all of his careful study:

If one were to provide to the American public an idea of how Biden's Brain works, how it is he slowly begins to think and tries to generate one idea or thought, one would be hard pressed to arrive at a better explanation of that process than to simply watch this time lapse video of a Lava Lamp warming up:

A craft of cursed carcasses on Cocytus

There is always the temptation to be irked unto sin over the seeming injustice of wicked men prospering on earth. But, resist that temptation, pray for the conversion of the wicked and wait on The Lord. He has all of this in His hands.

Remember that Our Blessed Lord is Infinite Mercy and Infinite Justice.

Job shews that the wicked often prosper in this world, even to the end of their life: but that their judgment is in another world.

[1] Then Job answered, and said: [2] Hear, I beseech you, my words, and do penance. [3] Suffer me, and I will speak, and after, if you please, laugh at my words. [4] Is my debate against man, that I should not have just reason to be troubled? [5] Hearken to me and be astonished, and lay your finger on your mouth. 

[6] As for me, when I remember, I am afraid, and trembling taketh hold on my flesh. [7] Why then do the wicked live, are they advanced, and strengthened with riches? [8] Their seed continueth before them, a multitude of kinsmen, and of children's children in their sight. [9] Their houses are secure and peaceable, and the rod of God is not upon them. [10] Their cattle have conceived, and failed not: their cow has calved, and is not deprived of her fruit. 

[11] Their little ones go out like a flock, and their children dance and play. [12]They take the timbrel, and the harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. [13] They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment they go down to hell. [14] Who have said to God: Depart from us, we desire not the knowledge of thy ways. [15] Who is the Almighty, that we should serve him? and what doth it profit us if we pray to him? 

[16] Yet because their good things are not in their hand, may the counsel of the wicked be far from me. [17] How often shall the lamp of the wicked be put out, and a deluge come upon them, and he shall distribute the sorrows of his wrath? [18] They shall be as chaff before the face of the wind, and as ashes which the whirlwind scattereth. [19] God shall lay up the sorrow of the father for his children: and when he shall repay, then shall he know. [20] His eyes shall see his own destruction, and he shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty. 

[21] For what is it to him what befalleth his house after him: and if the number of his months be diminished by one half? [22] Shall any one teach God knowledge, who judgeth those that are high? [23] One man dieth strong, and hale, rich and happy. [24] His bowels are full of fat, and his bones are moistened with marrow. [25] But another dieth in bitterness of soul without any riches: 

[26] And yet they shall sleep together in the dust, and worms shall cover them. [27] Surely I know your thoughts, and your unjust judgments against me. [28] For you say: Where is the house of the prince? and where are the dwelling places of the wicked? [29] Ask any one of them that go by the way, and you shall perceive that he knoweth these same things. [30] Because the wicked man is reserved to the day of destruction, and he shall be brought to the day of wrath. 

[31] Who shall reprove his way to his face? and who shall repay him what he hath done? [32] He shall be brought to the graves, and shall watch in the heap of the dead. [33] He hath been acceptable to the gravel of Cocytus, and he shall draw every man after him, and there are innumerable before him. [34] How then do ye comfort me in vain, whereas your answer is shewn to be repugnant to truth? 

[33] "Acceptable to the gravel of Cocytus": The Hebrew word, which St. Jerome has here rendered by the name Cocytus, (which the poets represent as a river in hell,) signifies a valley or a torrent: and in this place, is taken for the low region of death and hell: which willingly, as it were, receives the wicked at their death: who are ushered in by innumerable others that have gone before them; and are followed by multitudes above number.

Friday Fun

Of course The Pope has directed a message be sent to the polytheistic people of Asia because The Great Commission and God has been replaced by Ecumenism and the worship of GED - Great Ecumenical Dialogue - and praise of people who do not worship the One True God because that is the way to world peace.

No seriously, that is what The Pope and Prelates in Rome believe and promote


ABS will help to put all of this Buddhism and Christianity cross-cultural cooperation into context:

ABS is sure few of you understand the Tibet - China difficulties the way he does. That's understandable.

So, Amateur Brain Surgeon, The Founder and Chairman of ABE Ministry (Against Basically Everything)  is going to analyse, explicate, summarise, and otherwise set right all of the confusing and nettlesome details which constitute the very seas of confusion upon which your personal opinions are tossed.

First things first. China and Tibet. ABS is prolly one of the few men philosophically and philologically sophisticated enough to realise that China is but an anagram of A Chin and Tibet is but an anagram of Bite T. 

You didn't even realise that, did you? It's all so easy when ABS begins to break it down for you.

OK. Here is the major problem twixt China and Tibet. As you well know, China wants to maintain its virtual monopoly on Tea. Consider: "I wouldn't trade thus and such for all of the tea in China."

China has got tons of tea. A crap load. And yet, and yet...what is China? That's right. It is one huge land mass swarming with Commie Totalitarians. China is wagging its A Chin at Tibet and demanding that crummy little country turn over its "T's." Or else.

What is poor Tibet to do? If it does surrender its T's to China what would be the result?

Well, obviously, for one thing, China would then be TT China (which sounds like the name of a Peking Stripper smothered in Duck Sauce).  Also, just as obvious, TT China would become the anagram - Tin Chat. Just imagine the crap them Commie Bastids could get away with at the UN if every proposal they submitted was signed "Tin Chat."

Over one half of the assembled U. N. delegates (goat-riding, dog-eating, inbred lunatics) would prolly just laugh and vote "yes." The free world would be screwed.

But the possibility China will ever become TT China and get to use that clever anagram is smaller than the chance an Eskimo woman will be elected the next Pope. 

Just consider. If you were the President (or whatever the hell it is they call the "leader" of that frozen mud hole) of Tibet, would YOU surrender the "T's?"

Of course not. If you did, just imagine your embarrassment when you went to the U.N. and the Under-Secretary-for-Announcing-the-Arrival-of-Worthless-Bastids grabbed the International Mr. Microphone and intoned - "Ladies, and Gentleman,  now entering the  General Assembly, here is what's-his-face from I BE."

I BE? 

T'hell is that? It sounds like the name of text a Black College would use for "Introduction to Ebonics Existentialism." Tibet is already the laughing stock of the entire civilised world;(Well, next to Burkina Fasso. A country whose Capital, Ouagadougou, if you say it out loud will cause the man standing next to you to say, "excuse me?") There is no way Tibet surrenders its "T's."

But that background information merely sets the stage for this question to come bursting out from the wings and nearly trip and fall into the Orchestra Pit -  "T'Hell 's the deal with the Dalai Lama?

ABS is going to explain this one more time. If he has written about this once, he has written about this twice.

The Dalai Lama gets to become the Dalai Lama only if he is the seventh son of Mama Lama. The Dalai Lama has six older brothers:

Peyton Lama
Jerry Jeff Lama
George "Meadowlark" Lama
Conway Lama
Narvel Lama
and the sixth born male child was Obama Lama. (Phew. That was close)

So, while The Dalai Lama gets to run around the globe bitching and moaning about this that and the other thing, all of the older Lama men are running used goat lots back in Yak City, Tibet. They are sweating their asses off in  dead-end careers while, by the luck of birth order, their lil' brother gets to hang-out at the U.N. eating Roast Beef, Creamed Onions, and Garlic Smashed Taters and playing grab-ass with the Chicks in the Taiwanese Delegation which REALLY pisses-off the Commie Chinks because they think they own Taiwan - which, ABS ought not have to remind you, has a prominent T in its name.

Anyways. China used to be run by the so-called Gang of Four whose first names really were "Yao, Jiang, Zhang, and Wang. (ABS used to love to get stoned and listen to Led Zeppelin and when anybody asked him the name of the group members he would tell them "Yao, Jiang, Zhnag, and Wang." That response never failed to get a laugh).

So, eventually, the Gang of Four forgot where they lived and they drank some of the local water and they died and went to Hell and they were replaced by the -  DOSE  MFN SEA BEES - well, at least that is what their nickname sounds like in English. In their dialect, it really means -  The Dozen of so Melon-Faced Commie Bastids.

Interesting Facts about Tibet:

 The average Yakker (Resident of Yak City, Capital of Tibet), when he is 16 yo, is able to walk under a Shetland Pony without doing the Limbo or crouching down.  

Very few Yakkers have more than one pair of shoes. Those shoes (you've prolly seen them) are little wooden platforms - or, at least that is what most foreigners think they are. In actuality, they are the very baby cradles they used to lie in when they were newborn (the Tibetan word for "newborn," it is claimed by natives, does not mean "cursed").

Because China has so many restrictions on imports, Yakkers must brush their teeth with frozen mud and lichen. This results in very sharp teeth and causes much embarrassment which is why one sees so few  smiles or hears public laughter in the Capital of Tibet.

Most Native Tibetan (Yakkers) men are employed by those English Poofters who hike-up Everest. The Natives carry their salami and cheese sammiches, potato chips, and Snickers and they trudge along dutifully behind the English idiots who, occasionally, just keel over dead from lack of oxygen and fall into a crevasse where they just become human litter.


In any event, that is what ABS knows about all this China-Tibet B.S. and he hopes the explanation has been helpful and contributed to a deeper understanding and appreciation of Buddhism.

Tucker Carlson asking the tough question


The Canonical hour of Prima today is about Joe Biden, nominal Catholic

Biden, who is an adulterer and the most pro-abortion POTUS in history nevertheless receives Holy Communion as he openly challenges the Bishops to discipline him using Canon Law.


In today's Breviary, Prima, is about him:

 1] Unto the end, understanding for David, [2] When Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul David went to the house of Achimelech. [1 Kings 22] [3] Why dost thou glory in malice, thou that art mighty in iniquity? [4] All the day long thy tongue hath devised injustice: as a sharp razor, thou hast wrought deceit. [5] Thou hast loved malice more than goodness: and iniquity rather than to speak righteousness. 

[6] Thou hast loved all the words of ruin, O deceitful tongue. [7] Therefore will God destroy thee for ever: he will pluck thee out, and remove thee from thy dwelling place: and thy root out of the land of the living. [8] The just shall see and fear, and shall laugh at him, and say: [9] Behold the man that made not God his helper: But trusted in the abundance of his riches: and prevailed in his vanity. [10] But I, as a fruitful olive tree in the house of God, have hoped in the mercy of God for ever, yea for ever and ever. 

[11] I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name, for it is good in the sight of thy saints.

Is it wrong to desire a disease?


ABS has the stone cold lock on the next World Cup Soccer Championship Winner.

Italian Soccer Coach Roberto Mancini

ABS has the stone cold lock on the next World Cup Soccer Championship Winner.

It will be Italy.

Ok, ABS, how do you know this? You are a fan of The PGA Golf Tour and American Football and you have never even watched soccer. Why are you watching it now and why are you picking Italy to win the World Cup?

Thanks you for the question pretend interlocutor.

ABS is watching the European Soccer * Championship because it is the sport for old men to watch. ABS is an old man and when he is watching soccer, it is so endless and boring that he often falls asleep and if he dozes off in the 23rd minute and does not wake-up until the 72th minute the chances are quite high that the score will be Nil-Nil.

ABS happened to be watching Italy the other day and so he, naturally, chose to root for Italy because that is where Rome is and Rome is the Capitol for all Catholics worldwide as the first Pope taught: 1st Peter 2: 9 But you are a chosen generation, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased people: that you may declare his virtues, who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: 

Ok, ABS, I guess I can see your point about your Capitol being Rome because every nation does have a Capitol why do you think Italy will win the World Cup?

Thanks for the question pretend interlocutor. Italy will win The World Cup because Rome is timeless in a sense.

For heaven's sake, the Coach of The Italian Team Mancini is so timeless that were he alive back in the day he could have been a stand in for Marcello Mastroianni in La Dolce Vita:

Mancini also looks like a guy whose relatives prolly own an Italian Restaurant in the North End of Boston. 

* Soccer is better than The PGA Golf Tour which still has Vern Lundquist doing commentary. 

Vern has been doing commentary on golf since TV used to broadcast the U.S. Open Golf Championship in black and white.

Sometimes when he is speaking one can hear the faint sound of fizzling freeps in the background as poor ol' Vern, rolling up onto one cheek in his chair in the broadcast booth, tries to silently fire a bean bullet but at his advanced aged his anal leakage can no longer be silenced and it is becoming more noticeable and the listener is aware that Ol' Vern is slowly filling up his Depends.

Pernicious progressive political propaganda

The progressive and their fallacy of presentism:

  1. uncritical adherence to present-day attitudes, especially the tendency to interpret past events in terms of modern values and concepts.

    They bitch, moan and condemn the actions of men who have been dead for 200 years but their own actions do not bear even casual scrutiny but the Commie bastids don't care because they know who controls the past controls the future. 

They -  Progressives, Leftists, Marxists, Commies - want you to hate America as much as they do and so there is now an almost endless assault on the history of America.

Ford Corp: "You bought our cars and now we are using some of that cash to attack America."


As noted by Kevin Phillips, "Wealth and Democracy," by 1918, Henry Ford was the eighth wealthiest America. That white man was worth $100,000,000. (Page 56 Chart 2-3; "The Thirty Top Wealth-Holders of 1918).

Not too shabby; and Mr. Phillips, in his book,  traces the wealth of The Ford Family through the generations.

Phillips notes The automobile billionaire Henry Ford, not to be outdone, in early 1929 published a book entitled "Machinery and the New Messiah." Religion, he wrote would soon be overshadowed.

Just imagine if ABS were to cite other publications by Mr. Ford, 

Ok, let's stop for a second and catch our breath. Why is the Ford corporation using its wealth to attack the country in which it made so many billions of dollars by building, marketing and selling automobiles?

Is that the purpose of a corporation?

MMM, guess it is now. Now, a major historical American Corporation has as its mission the trashing of the very country in which it came into existence and made so many billions of dollars.

ABS is too lazy to do the research but he'd like to know the racial composition of the Ford Corp.  as of today and throughout its history.

ABS would like to know the number of negroes hired as automobile engineers, financial experts, marketing experts, advertising executives and how many negroes have sat on its various boards and foundations over the years.

ABS would like to know just how much Ford Corp paid its negroes and whether it strove to prevent them forming unions so as to keep them as wage slaves.

ABS would like to know (He is pretty sure already) whether or not Ford Corp financially supported Margaret Sanger and her Eugenics League (Hitler used its existence and praxis as the basis of his plan to solve The Jewish Question, see Mein Kampf).

One of Sanger’s most cherished initiatives was the Negro Project, which targeted predominantly black neighborhoods for birth control programs.

ABS would like to know how much money Ford Corp has shoveled to Planned Parenthood which places its abortion abattoirs in inner city black neighborhoods so as to kill as many of the unborn blacks as is possible.

ABS would like to know how many negroes were thrown out of work when Ford moved its plants out of America?

ABS could go on but he won't.

It is obvious why Ford Corp is pulling this crap.

Ford Corp knows (Hell, it has LONG been part of the Commie left via its Ford Foundation activities) that if it wishes to survive relatively unscathed in the coming political purges it must be "woke" and condemn America so it will, it imagines, be one of the last historical corporations to be eaten by the Lions of Leninism. 

Joe Biden meets the press after a long weekend doing 'shrooms in an Indian Sweat Tent


Joe Biden appears at a press conference after apparently spending the long weekend * (May 29th, 30th and 31st) inside an Indian Sweat Tent gooned on psilocybin mushrooms.

'Enjoy the long weekend': Kamala Harris is slammed for smiling tone deaf Memorial Day tweet that doesn't acknowledge fallen soldiers

  • Kamala Harris' post included a candid photo of herself smiling with the caption: 'Enjoy the long weekend'
  • The tweet came ahead of Memorial Day without mentioning fallen soldiers

Friday Fun


Bathed in the Blood of Bambi's Bullet-Riddled Body. American Engagement Rituals.

At ABE Ministry (Against Basically Everything), us amateur cultural anthropologists are always keenly aware of any pustules suddenly erupting on the face of American Tradition that might disfigure our collective visage in the eyes of the world but nothing says American Tradition like sex and violence and so when we discovered the renewal of this Traditional Hunter-and-Shooter-Doe-Killer-Marriage-Proposal Ritual we felt obliged to post it as perhaps the pluperfect example of the quintessential American Engagement Ritual in all of its puissant beauty as Bambi's butcher becomes betrothed in a baptism of bullets and blood.

Let not the world turn its face away from America's solemn rituals which exemplify the very best this easily irked country has to offer.

The United Nations is a universal farce for , good Lord, they are serious.


UN pushes for an end to HIV/AIDS by 2030

77.5 million people have been infected with HIV since the first case was reported 40 years ago. Nearly 35 million have died from AIDS. There is neither a vaccine against HIV nor a cure for AIDS as yet.

By Robin Gomes

The United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted a declaration on Tuesday calling for urgent action to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.  It however expressed alarm that the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated inequalities and pushed access to AIDS medicines, treatments and diagnosis further off track.

One can be innocent and still contract Covid. One can not be innocent and get HIV/AIDS and so the attempted comparison fails but not as large a failure as the United Nations itself.

Entitled, “Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: Ending Inequalities and Getting on Track to End AIDS by 2030”, the 18-page declaration urged the assembly’s 193 member nations to implement the 18-page document, including reducing annual new HIV infections to under 370,000 and annual AIDS-related deaths to under 250,000 by 2025. It also called for the elimination all forms of HIV-related stigma and discrimination and for urgent work toward an HIV vaccine and a cure for AIDS.

Hey, how about a public education program warning of the dangers of sodomitic activity?  How about public service announcement that encourages men to maintain social distance between their penis and the anus or mouth of another man? 

The high-level General Assembly meeting on HIV/AIDS,  8 to 10 June, voted 165 in favour and four against to adopt the non-binding declaration - the fifth such text on AIDS in the past 20 years.  Russia’s bid to remove language it said pushed countries to decriminalize prostitution and drug use, was voted down.

O, instead of educating sodomites about the deadly consequences of their actions, the UN wants to legalise prostitution and IV drug use?  Has the color of their helmets leaked into their brains? 


Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS, was first clinically reported on June 5, 1981, with five cases in the United States. It is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV, which damages the cells in the immune system and weakens the person’s ability to fight everyday infections and disease. While AIDS cannot be transmitted from a person to another, HIV can.

Currently, there is no vaccine or cure for HIV, but there are very effective drug treatments that enable most people with the virus to live a long and healthy life. With an early diagnosis and effective treatments, most people with HIV will not develop any AIDS-related illnesses and will live a near-normal lifespan.

If living an active sodomitic life can be said to be near-normal, which it ain't 

One of the deadliest pandemics

Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS, the joint UN agency leading the global effort to end the AIDS pandemic, welcomed the declaration's adoption and told the assembly it “will be the basis of our work to end this pandemic that has ravaged communities for 40 years.” Describing AIDS as “one of the deadliest pandemics of modern times,” she said 77.5 million people have been infected with HIV since the first case was reported in 1981 and nearly 35 million have died from AIDS.

When did sodomites become a community?  The Band of Butt Brothers perhaps?

She pointed out "HIV rates are not following the trajectory that we together promised.” “Indeed, amidst the fall-out from the Covid crisis,” she warned, “we could even see a resurgent pandemic." The UNAIDS chief said Covid-19 showed that science moves “at the speed of political will,” and urged speeded up spending on innovations for AIDS treatment, prevention, care and vaccines “as global public goods.”

The UN is not in the least bit interested in preventing HIV. If they were they would have long ago developed a sensible Whatever'n'hell you do don't do this or you could get the HIV posters featuring what it is sodomites do. *


The declaration warned that without a huge increase in resources and coverage for those vulnerable and infected, “we will not end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.” It said the coronavirus pandemic has created setbacks in combating AIDS, “widening fault lines within a deeply unequal world and exposing the dangers of under-investment in public health, health systems and other essential public services for all and pandemic preparedness.”

The response to the coronavirus by many nations has demonstrated “the potential and urgency for greater investment” in responding to pandemics, underscoring “the imperative of increasing investments for public health systems, including responses to HIV and other diseases moving forward,” it said.

On the brighter side, the General Assembly declaration pointed out that since 2001 there has been a 54% reduction in AIDS-related deaths and a 37% reduction in HIV infections globally.  However, it warned that “overall progress has slowed dangerously since 2016.” The assembly expressed “deep concern” that in 2019 there were 1.7 million new infections compared to the 2020 global target of fewer than 500,000 infections and that new HIV infections have increased in at least 33 countries since 2016.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa, has demonstrated the most progress in tackling the AIDS epidemic but it also remains the worst-affected region, the declaration said. It called for “urgent and exceptional action” to curb the infection's devastating effects, especially on women, adolescent girls and children.

Volkan Bozkir, president of the 75th Session of the General Assembly pointed out that last year, women and girls accounted for half of those newly infected with HIV globally. And six out of every seven new HIV infections among those between the ages of 15-19 in sub-Saharan Africa, were girls.  “This is unacceptable”, he stated, stressing that every female must be free to exercise her human rights, make her own decisions and be treated with dignity and respect. 

Huh, that is not what the dog-eating dictators, pagans, rapists, communists, and animists of the UN recommend when it comes to Covid, is it? 

Rest of the world

Assembly members welcomed progress in reducing HIV-infections and AIDS-related deaths in Asia and the Pacific, the Caribbean, Western and Central Europe and North America. But they noted that despite progress, “the Caribbean continues to have the highest prevalence outside sub-Saharan Africa," while the number of new HIV infections is increasing in eastern Europe, Central Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa.

Ending inequalities

“Put simply: AIDS is an epidemic of inequalities. If we are to end AIDS by 2030, we must end inequalities,” Bozkir stressed. Byanyima agreed, stressing the importance of ending inequalities in the availability of drugs, and ensuring that medicines that can prevent deaths of people living with HIV are manufactured by multiple producers at affordable prices, “especially in the global south, where the disease is concentrated.”

“Keep the fight on,” she urged. “Pressure of the power of people is key to ending inequalities and ending AIDS”, she said, pointing out that justice comes primarily through the “tireless efforts” of those who insist on it. 

Byanyima urged all to “work together across sectors, across countries”. “Populism’s false promises are proving no match to biology: As Covid reminds us, we’re not just interconnected, we’re inseparable.” “We cannot end AIDS in one country or one continent. We can only end AIDS everywhere,” she added.