Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Friday Fun


Bathed in the Blood of Bambi's Bullet-Riddled Body. American Engagement Rituals.

At ABE Ministry (Against Basically Everything), us amateur cultural anthropologists are always keenly aware of any pustules suddenly erupting on the face of American Tradition that might disfigure our collective visage in the eyes of the world but nothing says American Tradition like sex and violence and so when we discovered the renewal of this Traditional Hunter-and-Shooter-Doe-Killer-Marriage-Proposal Ritual we felt obliged to post it as perhaps the pluperfect example of the quintessential American Engagement Ritual in all of its puissant beauty as Bambi's butcher becomes betrothed in a baptism of bullets and blood.

Let not the world turn its face away from America's solemn rituals which exemplify the very best this easily irked country has to offer.