Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

ABS explains the Enlightenment and its consequences

CDC - Center for Deceptive Communication

FDA - Federal Department of Artifice

NIH - National Institute of Harassment

If you believe anything these scientific progressive Big Pharma run agencies say you are a fool and have only your own self to blame.

American popular culture as mediated by "conservatives" like Tucker Carlson, Victor Davis Hanson and Glenn Beck, all of whom are the children of The Enlightenment, routinely invoke the name of Galileo in their attempt to try to subvert the authority and reputation of the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church and denigrate that putative benighted institution in comparison to the putative authority of science.

Of coursed, that is rank scientism, a heresy


What can one say in defense on The Catholic Church against the constant invoking of Galileo to "prove" The Catholic Church is anti-science?

Well, the first thing to note is that the only Catholic scientist they can identify as one the bad ol' Church opposed.

Let's start with Galileo Galilei. Was he opposed by Catholic authorities because of his scientific theories or because he acted like a protestant and explained scripture according to his personal opinion which has always been condemned by the Church?

O, and had he the proof of his theory?


No and No in answer to the questions.

What is amusing is to see Tucker, Victor, Glenn and others express shock that science has been "politicised" and can no longer be trusted.

But that is just what one expects to hear from the children of The Enlightenment which was, in essence, a rebellion against the authority of the Catholic Church.

The men mentioned above do not recognise the authority of The Catholic Church established by Jesus; their Faith is in science.

Here is a link to the dispassionate explication of The Enlightenment by Stanford U. but be forewarned it is almost as boring as it is prolix;


OK, ABS, is that is so long and boring, why don't you come up with a better explanation of The Enlightenment and its consequences?


ABS is of the opinion that during The Enlightenment science successfully sued for divorce from Sacred Theology and began to intellectually fornicate with all manner of shady and sinister secular sluts producing innumerable and ignoble progeny; belligerent and bellicose bastids; in a word, monsters.

The Enlightenment then abandoned many of those otiose orphans that the simple folk were then commanded by the enlightenment establishment to adopt, feed, clothe, shelter and help them to propagate physically and philosophically. 

Whenever you hear Tucker and other children of the Enlightenment invoke Galileo and sneer, remember the name Doctor Semmelweis.

The "scientific" authorities did not believe in his discoveries because it indicted them as responsible for contagions, but unlike Galileo who was "imprisoned" in essentially a mansion and treated quite well,  Ol'Doctor S. was truly imprisoned in an insane asylum, beaten, put in a straight jacket and died.


Do you ever expect to hear Tucker, Victor or Glen speak about Dr. S. or many of the others doctors victimized, imprisoned and/or killed by the scientific establishment?
