Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Prayers for men as Father's Day approaches (3)

The single most important action happening at any moment on Earth is The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and men must prepare themselves prior to the Mass because men have a clear idea of what they are doing;  men have a plan to actualise their ideas. and it must be a plan that is relatively easy for all men to follow for The Mass is the way the Pluperfect man, Jesus, desires all men worship Him.

1. I go to Mass because it is a mortal sin if I don't.

2. I go to Mass on Saturday to get it out of the way so I can sleep-in Sunday.

3. I take the wife and the kids to Mass because if I don't the wife will brain me.

Those are not the motivations of a real man. Those are the motivations of the epicene whose minds have been successfully cultivated by the enemy.

The Mass is the action of Jesus, as Priest and Victim, offering Himself to God as an act of propitiation on our behalf and our Mass intentions/offerings/sacrifices become acceptable to God because they are gathered-up into/with the Pluperfect Sacrifice of Jesus and the angels bring that Sacrifice to the Altar in Heaven and, having received the acceptable offering, God rains down Graces upon us, His chosen people, and then we consume the Sacred Host, The Eucharist, and Jesus becomes one with us and that is the way we men strive for Salvation and Sanctification.

Salvation and Sanctification is the essence and purpose of Catholicism. Period. When was the last time men heard that from our epicene ecclesiastics?

The Priest IS the focus of attention in the Real Mass for he is an alter Christus and his actions must be solemn, serious, and sacred and completely divorced from the world and the extraneous actions of the laity which must play its part OUTSIDE OF THE SANCTUARY.


As one who is the same age as Israel, Raider Fan was learnt the truth in the Piemonte region of Vermont; the Mass has four PARTs:  Petition, Adoration, Reparation, Thanksgiving.

At Mass Jesus is the Pluperfect Man-God whom we worship and, even in the Lil' Licit Liturgy, it would be a valid Mass - and of infinite value - even if the epicene person present for Mass did not do his part; but if he did not do his part, he would not receive the Grace God desires he receive for he would not be properly disposed to receive it.

Real men know who they are; real men know what The Mass is; real men know they have a part to play when they assist at Mass; and real men have a permanent structure within which they routinely worship and real men reject any novelty in worship - even if they are constrained to assist at the Lil' Licit Liturgy as their liturgical way of the cross.

               PRAYER BEFORE MASS

ETERNAL FATHER, I unite myself with the intentions and affections of Our Lady of Sorrows on Calvary, and I offer Thee the sacrifice which Thy beloved Son, Jesus, made of Himself on the Cross, and now renews on this holy altar:

To adore Thee and give Thee the honor which is due to Thee, confessing Thy supreme dominion over all things, and the absolute dependence of everything upon Thee, who art our one and last end.

To thank Thee for innumerable benefits received.

To appease Thy justice, irritated against us by so many sins, and to make satisfaction for them.

To implore grace and mercy for myself, for....for all afflicted and sorrowing, for poor sinners, for all the world, and for the holy souls in purgatory.

O, and real men know that there is one, and only one, Holocaust and that one Holocaust is the self-sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary where His burning charity substituted for the material fire that were part of all of the Old Testament holocausts (types) that presaged Jesus and prepared His chosen people (previously the Jews, now we Catholics, the New Israel) for the one true Holocaust.

Men do not let anyone, friends or foe, substitute for the One True Holocaust, any other historical event or action; men speak of Holocaust only in reference to this one true Holocaust.

The Holocaust of Jesus saved the world for those who accept Him as Messias and follow all of His commandments and we must pray that the Messias-Deniers come to accept Jesus as their Messias and Savior for if they don't, He has told us what will happen to them. 

The Great Commentary of Cornelius a Lapide:

Luke 19:27  But as for those my enemies, who would not have me reign over them, bring them hither; and kill them before me.

Ver. 27.—But those mine enemies (the Jews, His citizens, who would not have Him to reign over them) bring them hither—to my Tribunal, in the valley of Jehosaphat and Jerusalem—and kill them before Me.” In the Greek, “Kill them before my face.” Our Lord alludes to those victorious kings who slew and destroyed their conquered rebels. By this destruction Christ signifies the extreme judgment of the Jews and His other enemies, and their own condemnation to eternal death in Gehenna, and that a living and vital death, where they will be perpetually tormented by death-dealing flames, and yet will never die. Our Lord alludes to Titus, who slaughtered the conquered Jews. He describes precisely to the letter the condemnation of the Jews, and the Gehenna which He has appointed for them when He shall return from heaven to judge and condemn them and the reprobate.