Far less than meets the eye

My photo
Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Wellington, Florida

Amateur Brain Surgeon is blessed to live in this town and so we at ABE Ministry decided to post a few photos of the town where, after Daily Mass, ABS goes for a 15 mile bike ride and in the course of his ride, ABS passes through this sub-division...

where, instead of the usual two car garage many of the wealthy have, in this community the members have a garage and a hanger, and sometimes a helicopter and a plane is in their driveway.

There all manner of planes here, from the spanking new to favored old school ones...

and every once in a while, ABS has fortunate timing and he gets to pull his bike over, drink some water, and watch a plane take off

Today, as Amateur Brain Surgeon peddled away after the take off, his memory punched up D 9 on the jukebox in his mind....