Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

All the ends of the Church

Jesus established His One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church for two ends;


John 10: 9 I am the door. If any one enter by me, he shall be saved: and he shall go in, and go out, and shall find pastures.

Ist Thess 4:3 3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification

All else, the sacraments, mass, religious orders, physical and spiritual works of mercy, the liturgical hours, different devotions, pilgrimages, prayers, purgatory, etc etc are the Holy means to achieve those two ultimate ends.

Blessed as we are to live during this most execrable of ecclesiastical epochs, we witness that the Catholic Church is now to truth what NPR humor is to laughter for one will never hear the truth about Salvation and Sanctification from Pope, Prince, Prelate, or Priest anymore than one will laugh at NPR humor.

Not one sane man will purchase an NPR humor collection.

Not one sane man will chose to flee his false faith and join the One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church when he hears its hierarchy forever claiming that we are essentially the same as they are and that we must all work together to feed the poor, pound nails for Habitat for Humanity, and volunteer to pick up litter in the local lagoon, or to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony...

We have gone from existing as a Perfect Society to one now floundering as the Perplexed Society as our epicene ecclesiastics have descended into an amorphous anthropocentrism with an agenda indistinguishable from the Masonic Order.

Amateur Brain Surgeon was born into a Perfect Society in 1948 but he now lives in a Purloined Society; one in which modernist and new theology experts have stolen Tradition and replaced it with a revolutionary ecumenical program and those modernists and new theologians have virtually complete control of all of the authoritative levers in the One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church.

And, dear reader, you can not do one blessed thing about this situation except to keep before you at all times a mental image of you and The Queen of Mercy, Mary, kneeling at the foot of the Cross while you, prayerfully and patiently, wait on the Lord for Him to resurrect His One True Church.