Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Monkey Jarvis and his son. Monkey Jr.

When ABS was young and still living in the Piemonte region of Vermont (Springfield) our town had one taxi and it was owned by a man whose simian appearance caused the townsfolk to give him the nickanme of, Monkey Jarvis.

But that is mean...

Yeah, but it is also the way of life in a small town in a rural state; and even though everyone knew him as, Monkey Jarvis, nobody called him that to his face and everybody - elderly, teens, children - was polite when in his company.

So, years ago The Bride found a big Monkey Jarvis table in a store in Florida and, recently, ABS's Daughter found a Monkey Jarvis Jr. table in Maine and she bought it for him.

Is it possible that, somewhere, there exists a 
tiny Monkey Jarvis III Table?

One can dream...