Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Panem et Circenses (The Empire Strikes Back against football with the baseball playoffs)

Now that America has defeated The Soviet Union, we are the Evil Empire and our Empire is world-wide and far more intrusive and insane than was the Ol' Roman Empire and, taking advantage of our technological brilliance, we can place before the people Bread and Circuses like no other.

Just look at this old clip from Shindig which co-opted the "American Pastime" and combined it with the satanic sexual circus that is Rock n' Roll.

Eat your hearts out in Hell, Caesars, you ain't got nothing on America...

O, all of this is, of course, small potatoes, as these minor moveable sports feasts are just to keep we Americans semi-spiritually sated until the blow-out of all blow-outs, our High Holy Day, The Super Bowl.