Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

When the going gets tough the tough get rustic

Baking a loaf of rustic style bread is often the sole answer to an anthropocentric half-baked Hierarchy. 

Admittedly, the bread won't taste as good as the fresh bread and butter in Paris Amateur Brain Surgeon recently had, but any art in the midst of decay is a sign of hope.

ABS will have to scroll the recipe down so it can be read. This is so easy that ABS can do it and it tastes really great.

Dear One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, we real Catholics will be waiting on ya while you bitch and moan about being bridled by Divine Revelation, the Commandments of Christ, Tradition, and a multi-millennial year long history of orthodox praxis but we really find it irksome how you pitch a fit because ya can't get over the enthusiasm of Vatican Two.

Speaking for just his own self, ABS is one Pharisee who'd like to get hold of your inner Rahner * and kick his gnostic ass...

* The World Church of Karl Rahner being actualised by Franciscus 
