Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Pope Benedict XVI and the anti-homeopathy defense of the cuckservative Catholic

How man times have you read a putative Catholic Traditionalist claim the Pope Benedict XVI couldn't do anything because so many Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests opposed him?
And didn't he, it is routinely claimed, say to Bishop Fellay that his authority ended at his door?
So, the claim is that he who occupies the most powerful Divinely-Constituted Office was actually not powerful but, in reality, prohibited from acting by those who had no power.
Well, if this is true, then aren't those making that claim obliged to pray and work for a semipeternal future where a Trad never becomes Pope (because he wouldnt be permitted to actualise his authority by some shadowy men with no power) and, instead, pray and work so that a Traditionalist works his way silently and quietly through the ranks where he can become a shadowy man with no authority who can then prevent a revolutionary Pope from acting?
Wait, what?
You say there were such Catholic Traditionalists  in Rome during the heady days of Pope Paul VI?
Well, then, why didn't they prohibit him from acting?

Well, because he was, um, Pope.
Whether such defenders of the inaction of Pope Benedict XVI know it or not, they are engaging in a defense, the subtext of which is what was defined by the Catholic Traditionalist Twins, Tom and Dick Verbo, as Anti-Homeopathy. *

Now, the Homeopath knows (no, really, the following is what is believed by such a man) that the greater the dilution of a substance the greater its effect.
So, the Anti-Homeopathic Traditionalist believes the greater the amount of authority possessed by a putative Traditional Pope (Papacy), the lesser is his effect on Doctrine, The Mass, Discipline, Tradition etc etc.

And if that does not illustrate just how blind and weak we traditionalists are - and how out of touch with reality we are - then nothing much else will likely show it.

*  ABS, you just made-up those twins and that word, didn't you?



Just for fun, man.