Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Turn the spotlight on "Spotlight" and it hisses and slithers.

The Boston Globe and Hollywood ,reliable, trustworthy sources of questionable Anti-Christic propaganda since, well, for quite a while 

"Boston College public affairs director Jack Dunn, former Globe reporter Stephen Kurkjian, former Globe publisher Richard Gilman, and victim lawyer Eric MacLeish all say their actions were misrepresented in a way that casts them in a negative light, apparently in an effort to add drama to the film.

"'All I want to do is to clear my name, and for the film producers to admit that they fabricated the dialogue to accommodate the narrative of the movie,' Dunn said. 'They manufactured dialogue because they needed a villain, and they chose apparently to make me a villain'."

"Dunn's lawyers have sent 'Spotlight's' distributors a demand letter calling for them to remove an offending scene from the film.

"Asked if he plans to sue, Dunn said, 'We're taking one step at a time'."

Blockbuster: Veteran Journalist Wypijewski Slams ‘Spotlight’ As Factually Inaccurate, Born of Shoddy Journalism and Witch Hunt Mentality Against the Church

++++++++++ end of quotes +++++++++

The Boston Globe and Hollywood are tenacious twins of terror who plotted to blow-up the Catholic Church; and when the attack came, who owned the NY Times which owned the Boston Globe? 

The same racial supremacists who own Hollywood.

Can you just feel the love and respect that has resulted from the Catholic Church's dialogue with our enemies?

"Spotlight" is riven with lies...No wonder Hollywood gave it an award
