Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

Grave and Great warning repeatedly ignored by Progressive Prelates and Popes

Uncountable are the revolutionaries who consider themselves holier and more intelligent than the ancient and wise greats of our faith and so we who hold the Faith once delivered are continually confronted by progressive Prelates and even progressive Popes who strive sedulously to resow demonic darnel in the fields of our faithful and wise wheat.

We must resist every such effort and offer up to Our Lord our suffering under these reprehensible and rebarbative revolutionaries. 

ST. GELASIUS I 492-496

Errors Once Condemned, not to be Discussed Again *

[From the epistle "Licet inter varias" to Honorius, Bishop of Dalmatia, July 28, 493 (?)]

“What pray permits us to abrogate what has been condemned by the venerable Fathers, and to reconsider the impious dogmas that have been demolished by them? Why is it, therefore, that we take such great precautions lest any dangerous heresy, once driven out, strive anew to come up for examination, if we argue that what has been known, discussed, and refuted of old by our elders ought to be restored? Are we not ourselves offering, which God forbid, to all the enemies of the truth an example of rising again against ourselves, which the Church will never permit….Or are we wiser than they, or shall we be able to stand constant with firm stability, if we should undermine those [dogmas] which have been established by them?”

 (Denzinger, 161)