Far less than meets the eye

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Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition .

How the Faith is blowed-up

It could be argued that those most faithful are they who go to daily mass - even if it is the Lil' Licit Liturgy because there is no Real Mass available - and so one marvels at the level of hatred the Liturgical experts have for those faithful.

Just look at how these modernists attack the Faith of the daily communicant by describing the authors of Holy Writ - THE WORD OF GOD - as humans (they hate the word man or men) who are aught but some dopes who not only had no clue about science but prolly were biased against women even though such an inane accusation lacks any textural evidence at all.

No the charge of bias against women is really the psychological projection of the modernists who hate men.

Since the V2 Rocket was launched and then landed in the midst of the Catholic Church and blowed-up Tradition, this sort of satanic saturation bombing has been the one constant in an ever-changing deracinated Catholic Church which is aught but a Shadow Church (one lacing substance.)